NOVEMBER 7, 2011 – 104 GORE HALL

October 21, 2011

TO:                  Senators and Executives

FROM:            Belinda Orzada, Vice President  

                        University Faculty Senate

SUBJECT:       Regular Faculty Senate Meeting November 7, 2011

            In accordance with Section IV, paragraph 6 of the Constitution, the regular meeting of the University Faculty Senate will be held on Monday, November 7, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. in 104 Gore Hall. 

I certify that hard copies of the approval page for each undergraduate and graduate studies academic item on the agenda are filed in the Faculty Senate Office with the appropriate signatures of approval up through the Chair of the Faculty Senate Coordinating Committee on Education.  The Agenda will be as follows:


 I.                   Adoption of the Agenda


 II.                Approval of the Minutes:  October 3, 2011


 III.             Remarks: Provost Tom Apple


 IV.              Announcements: Senate President Jeff Jordan

Sen. Morrison: Academic analytics report – was it discussed in the senate? Pres. Jordan will check and report back to the Senate.


·        Bernard McKenna, Chair, Committee on Instructional, Computing, & Research Support Services

Any concerns regarding the KACE software can be expressed to the committee and they will address and help answer the concern. Prof. McKenna discussed the university policy and the committee’s findings.  The committee doesn’t see this as problematic as it can’t track key strokes and according to the Responsible Computing policies it is not UD policy to monitor computers.

Prof. Hastings asked to describe KACE. Prof. McKenna described the software and reiterated that if anybody has questions, they can approach IT and they would be glad to help.

·        Joerg Busch, Chair, Ad hoc Committee on Scheduling

Concerns from Student Life, Center for Alcohol and Addiction over Option A.   There was also concerns about common exams and the impact it would have on scheduling labs.

Senator Morrison: Are you going to discuss it in the faculty senate? Pres. Jordan indicated that it would go through the committee structure and will be introduced as a motion.

 V.                 Consent Agenda

    1. Announcements for Challenge

 a.      Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Sheldon Pollack, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Jeff Jordan, Chair) for the request to revise the major in Wildlife Conservation  (UGS0108) (attachment)

The motion carries.

        VI.              Regular Agenda

1.      Unfinished Business: 

a.   Resolutions:

1. Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter, Chairperson) with the

concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education ( Sheldon Pollack,
Chairperson) and the Executive Committee (Jeff Jordan, Chairperson) for the request to have the
University of Delaware accept American Sign Language as a language for admission to the university. (UGS0105)


Whereas,          the State of Delaware passed in Spring 2010 House Bill 345
allowing American Sign Language (
ASL) to fulfill the high school foreign language requirement in Delaware public schools; and

Whereas,          the Linguistic Society of America affirms that sign languages used by deaf communities are full-fledged languages with all the structural characteristics and range of expression of spoken languages; and

Whereas,          our University’s strategic plan affirms the principle that "The University of Delaware will foster a robust educational environment in which all people are welcome and feel welcome—one that supports critical thinking, free inquiry, and respect for diverse views and values;" and

 Whereas,          the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages passed a motion urging that educational institutions recognize ASL as a legitimate fulfillment of a language requirement; and

Whereas,          the UD Path to Prominence states that "Our global initiative will embrace the diverse regions and people of the greater United States as well as countries and cultures around the world;" be it therefore,

 Resolved,         that the University of Delaware accepts American Sign Language as a language for admission to the university.

A motion was introduced by Senator Busch to Amend Resolution 1 . The motion as seconded.

Amendment:      Whereas,          the State of Delaware passed in Spring 2010 House Bill 345 allowing American Sign Language (ASL) to fulfill the high school foreign language requirement in Delaware public schools; and

Whereas,          the University of Delaware’s Admissions website excludes American Sign Language as an acceptable option for meeting the foreign language requirement for freshman admission; now, be it therefore

Resolved,         that the University of Delaware accepts American Sign Language as a language for admission to the University.

Senator Courtright and Senator Bruening: Are the “Whereas” statements incorrect? Senator Hofstetter: They are correct but the amendments have been made with the intention of getting broader support from the university faculty, especially the foreign languages faculty.

Senator Hofstetter also clarified that UGS has not voted on this yet.

Senator Hastings worries that we are worrying more about the process and not enough about the content. Does UD consider ASL a foreign language? Senator Bernstein: Is this language enough to enable us to meet the foreign language requirement for UD? Jeff: No, it is not enough

Senator Hofstetter clarified that UD is not obligated to accept ASL as fulfilling the foreign language requirement  - this is merely for admission. Prof. Hastings asked the Language Dept.’s thoughts on the issue. Senator Joerg pointed out that if a student comes in with ASL, he/she would have to start from scratch in terms of fulfilling the foreign language requirement. That student would not be able to go directly to a higher level course for a foreign language because they have gone through the basic level courses.

Senator Galileo said that a foreign language required for admission need not be one that is taught at the University. There are many other languages that we accept under FL that are not taught at the university.

The amended version was adopted.

The resolution was approved as amended.

2. Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter, Chairperson) with the

concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education ( Sheldon Pollack,
Chairperson) and the Executive Committee (Jeff Jordan, Chairperson) for the request to delete the Engineering Technology Major as well as the two concentrations in Natural Resources Engineering Technology(NRET) and Construction Technology and Technical Management(CTTM).  Also, delete the Engineering Technology minor. (
UGS0104 ) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment)

Whereas,          in the spring of 2011, the Department of Bioresources Engineering and the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources voted to disband the Department of Bioresources Engineering by September 1, 2016, and

Whereas,          disbanding of the Department of Bioresources Engineering will result in no further need to offer the B. S. Degree in Engineering Technology, and

Whereas,          the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the University of Delaware Faculty Senate has approved the discontinuation of the B. S. Degree in Engineering Technology, in a manner that allows all current students to complete their undergraduate degree programs, in a vote take in September of 2011, be it therefore,

Resolved,         that the Faculty Senate recommends the discontinuation of the B. S. Degree in Engineering Technology by September 1, 2016.

The resolution was approved as presented.

3. Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter, Chairperson) with the

concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education ( Sheldon Pollack, Chairperson) and the Executive Committee (Jeff Jordan, Chairperson) for the request to eliminate Saturdays for the regular scheduling of final exams during the Fall or Spring semester, except for extraordinary circumstances.


Whereas,          Saturdays are a day of worship for many, be it therefore

Resolved,         Saturdays will not be used for the regular scheduling of final exams during the Fall or Spring semester, except for extraordinary circumstances.

There was one question about why this is only for Fall /Spring. Pres. Jordan said that it was based on the original resolution that was introduced based on faculty who reported the issue.

Senator Morgan proposed an amendment to the current resolution. Senator Bernstein stated that he did not see the need for the amendment.

The amendment was passed.

 The amended resolution referred back to the UGS committee and the Graduate Committee (25 in favor-8 opposed)

2.      New Business:           None

 VIII.    Introduction of New Business

Such items as may come before the Senate.  (No motion introduced under new business, except a motion to refer to committee, shall be acted upon until the next meeting of the Senate.)

