MAY 7,
2012 – 104 GORE HALL
April 26, 2012
TO: Senators
and Executives
FROM: Belinda Orzada, Vice President
Faculty Senate
SUBJECT: Regular Faculty Senate Meeting May 7, 2012
accordance with Section IV, paragraph 6 of the Constitution, the regular
meeting of the University Faculty Senate will be held on Monday, May 7, 2012 at
4:00 p.m. in room 104 Gore Hall.
I certify
that hard copies of the approval page for each undergraduate and graduate
studies academic item on the agenda are filed in the Faculty Senate Office with
the appropriate signatures of approval up through the Chair of the Faculty
Senate Coordinating Committee on Education.
The Agenda will be as follows:
Adoption of the Agenda
(as amended) is adopted
of the Minutes: April
2, 2012
of Senate Officers and Selected Committee Members – A slate of nominations prepared by the Committee on
Committees and Nominations (Jack Baroudi, Chairperson) is presented in Attachment 1. Biographies of the nominees are presented in Attachment 2. Senators are reminded that additional
nominations may be made from the floor, and that senators making such
nominations are responsible for determining that a nominee would serve if
A. President
Elect – Deni Galileo (Statement)
B. Vice President – Kate Rogers
C. Committee on Committees Chairperson/Member At Large – Joerg Busch and John Morgan
IV. Presentation of the 2012 Faculty
Senate Excellence Awards: Senate President Jeff Jordan
Excellence in Teaching Winners:
Matthew S. Weinert
Steven T. Mortenson
James S. Atlas
Excellence in Undergraduate Academic Advising Winners:
Ali A. Poorani
H. Hoffman
Excellence in Graduate Student Teaching Winners:
Inci Ruzybayev
W. Ayers
Brett W. Remkus
Remarks: Provost
Tom Apple
More conversation this year about really weighty issues. Provost Apple congratulated
the Senate on a job very well done. He also congratulated the winners of the
faculty senate excellence awards.
Announcements: Senate President Jeff Jordan
Presentation of the Exemplary Faculty Award – John Madsen 2012 winner.
1. Announcements
for Challenge:
Recommendation from the Faculty
Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Sheldon
Pollack, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Jeff Jordan, Chair) for the
request to revise the minor in
Entrepreneurial Studies - UGS 0110 (attachment) (revised
Recommendation from the Faculty
Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Sheldon
Pollack, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Jeff Jordan, Chair) for the
request to revise the Islamic Studies
Minor - UGS0120 (attachment) (revised
attachment 4-19-2012)
Recommendation from the Faculty
Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Sheldon
Pollack, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Jeff Jordan, Chair) for the
request to revise the Food Science major BS - UGS0124 (attachment) (attachment)
Recommendation from the Faculty
Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Sheldon
Pollack, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Jeff Jordan, Chair) for the
request to revise the Animal and Food Science major BS - UGS 0125 (attachment
3-7-12) (attachment
email support) (attachment
email support 2) (Chair
Biology Support)
Recommendation from the Faculty
Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Sheldon
Pollack, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Jeff Jordan, Chair) for the
request to revise the Bachelor of Fine
Arts – Visual Communication (BFA-VC) Major
- UGS 0130 (attachment) (revised
attachment 4-4-2012)
Recommendation from the Faculty
Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Sheldon
Pollack, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Jeff Jordan, Chair) for the
request to revise Major Concentration BA
in Spanish Studies - UGS 0132 (attachment) (revised
attachment 3-7-2012)
Recommendation from the Faculty
Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Sheldon
Pollack, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Jeff Jordan, Chair) for the
request to revise the Legal Studies
Minor – UGS 0136 (attachment) (attachment
3-16-2012) (attachment
Recommendation from the Faculty
Senate Committee on Graduate Studies (Andrew Teplyakov,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Sheldon
Pollack, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Jeff Jordan, Chair) for the
request to revise the program policy for
the Doctorate in Physical Therapy Program--PHYT APA and New Handbook (attachment) (attachment)
Recommendation from the Faculty
Senate Committee on Graduate Studies (Andrew Teplyakov,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Sheldon
Pollack, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Jeff Jordan, Chair) for the
request to revise the Major: MEd in Reading (attachment)
Recommendation from the Faculty
Senate Committee on Graduate Studies (Andrew Teplyakov,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Sheldon
Pollack, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Jeff Jordan, Chair) for the
request to revise the MS (thesis and
non-thesis) and the PhD in Plant and Soil Sciences (attachment)
1. MS non-thesis (attachment) (attachment) (attachment)
2. MS thesis (attachment) (attachment) (attachment)
3. PhD (attachment) (attachment) (attachment)
Consent Agenda approved.
VIII. Regular
1. Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Faculty Welfare
and Privileges (Evelyn Hayes, Chair) with the concurrence of the Rules
Committee (Anu Sivaraman, Chair) and the Executive
Committee (Jeff Jordan, Chair) for the request to create a policy for Emergency
Involuntary Leave of Absence With Pay (attachment)
WHEREAS, currently,
the faculty have no right to file a grievance and therefore, no right to full due process, access to
information, if put
on leave against their will in an
emergency situation, because the University of Delaware has no policy on
Emergency Involuntary Leave and;
proposed policy only applies to situations where, on the basis of observed conduct, there is credible evidence to believe that the
individual has engaged, is engaging, or
is likely to engage in behavior that represents an imminent danger of harm to
self or others; and
WHEREAS, To protect the safety and security of all students, faculty
and staff, the University must be able to quickly respond to emergency
situations; and
the proposed policy the Vice President has a
maximum of 24 hours after imposition of an involuntary emergency leave to
explain the need for the action and must before the end of each seven day leave period, justify the
need for continuation of the leave through a formal review procedure in which
the faculty has the right to participate; and
WHEREAS, It is in University’s best interest to protect the
reputation of individual faculty members; be it therefore
the Faculty Senate endorses the proposed emergency involuntary leave policy,
and will review the policy if and when changes are proposed by either the FWP
or the Administration.
Call to question – voted down
Call to question – 37 (in favor) vs. 12 (against) 1
abstention. Motion passes
Vote on Resolution – Motion passes – 44(in favor) vs. 14
2. Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Faculty Welfare
and Privileges (Evelyn Hayes, Chair) with the concurrence of the Rules
Committee (Anu Sivaraman, Chair) and the Executive
Committee (Jeff Jordan, Chair) for the request to amend the Mediation and Complaint Procedures and the Charge of the
Faculty Senate Standing Committee on Faculty Welfare and Privileges (attachment 1) (attachment 2) (attachment 3)
WHEREAS, the University Faculty Senate’s Faculty Welfare &
Privileges Committee is charged with jurisdiction over faculty complaints which
are not grievances as defined in the Collective
Bargaining Agreement, and
WHEREAS, the University Faculty Senate’s Executive Committee and Rules
Committee reviewed the composition
of and the procedures to be followed by the Committee on Faculty Welfare &
Privileges in the mediation and hearing of faculty complaints, and
WHEREAS, it is imperative that the actions of the
Faculty Welfare & Privileges Committee in the
mediation and hearing of faculty complaints be fair to both parties
engaged in a
complaint, and
WHEREAS, revisions to
the Faculty Handbook require Faculty Senate approval, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the University Faculty Senate revise
(modifications of existing policy in the Faculty
Handbook are shown in Attachment 1)
the membership of the Committee on Faculty
Welfare & Privileges to include
only tenured faculty and to have a chair designated by
the Committee on Committees and Nominations (COCAN), and be it
RESOLVED, that the University Faculty Senate revise (modifications
of existing procedures are
shown in Attachment 2) the Complaint Procedures of the Committee
on Faculty Welfare
& Privileges such that members
of the Committee may not serve as a mediator in a
Complaint, and that University of Delaware
employees in the Office of the General Counsel may not serve as an
advisor or observer in a hearing involving a Complaint.
Motion Did Not Pass – Sent back to Committee
1. Confirmation
of Appointments:
Call to vote: 44 in favor
Vote on amendment: 6 in favor; majority vote against
Motion passes
2. Standing
Committee Annual Reports Attachment
3. Resolutions:
Recommendation from the Faculty
Senate Executive Committee (Jeff Jordan, Chair) for the request for the Faculty Welfare & Privileges Committee
to review, in the Spring of 2014, the Involuntary Leave with Pay policy
WHEREAS, review of
the Involuntary Leave with Pay policy is important, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the
Faculty Welfare & Privileges Committee review, in the Spring
of 2014, the Involuntary Leave with Pay policy and convey to the Senate any
recommendations concerning it which the committee deems appropriate.
Item Passes
Recommendation from the Faculty
Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Sheldon
Pollack, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Jeff Jordan, Chair) for the
request for a one year extension for
provisional status to the Associate in Arts in Elementary Teacher Education
Program – UGS 0173 (attachment) (attachmentrevised 4-10-12)
WHEREAS, an extension will allow the college time to
examine the program's viability in the context of the Simpson Scarborough
demand analysis, and
WHEREAS, the Faculty Senate Standing Committees agreed
that this was a reasonable request, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Faculty Senate recommends a one-year
extension to the provisional status of the Associate in Arts in Elementary
Teacher Education Program.
Motion Passes
Recommendation from the Faculty
Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Sheldon
Pollack, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Jeff Jordan, Chair) for the request for permanent approval of the Major in International Business Studies –
UGS 0175 (attachment) (attachment)
WHEREAS, the program was given provisional approval on
April 3, 2006, and
WHEREAS, the major is consistent with the University’s
Path to Prominence plan and is meeting the General Education Goals of the
University, and
WHEREAS, the major has demonstrated that it is meeting
its stated goals, and objectives, and is attracting high quality applicants (more
than were proposed), and
WHEREAS, the majors are graduating and getting jobs
(as indicated by the information provided), and
WHEREAS, the major is comparable with similar majors
as highly-ranked schools, and by some measures (number of foreign language
courses required; semester-length study abroad) continues to be the most
rigorous in the region, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Faculty Senate recommend that the
International Business Studies Major be granted permanent status.
Motion Passes
Recommendation from the Faculty
Senate Committee on Graduate Studies (Andrew Teplyakov,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Sheldon
Pollack, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Jeff Jordan, Chair) for the request
for permanent approval of the Ed.S. in School Psychology (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment
support letter) (attachment
support letter) ( attachment
support letter)
Educational Specialist Program in School Psychology was provisionally approved
in April 2005, and
WHEREAS, at the end
of the provisional period an external review team recommended that the
Educational Specialist Program in School Psychology be given permanent status,
Educational Specialist Program in School Psychology is one of a select few nationally
accredited[AS1] programs in the region, and
WHEREAS, the high
quality of matriculated students has been demonstrated by the consistent
receipt of more than 60 applications per year for 8 positions in the program,
Educational Specialist Program in School Psychology is consistent with the Path
to Prominence’s emphasis on becoming a premier graduate and professional
education university that serves the state of Delaware, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the
Faculty Senate recommend that the Educational Specialist Program in School
Psychology be granted permanent status.
Motion Passes
Recommendation from the Faculty
Senate Committee on Graduate Studies (Andrew Teplyakov,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Sheldon
Pollack, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Jeff Jordan, Chair) for the
request to add Operations Research
concentration to Statistics— (attachment) (attachment)
WHEREAS, The M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Operation
Research have been officially disestablished in the Department of Food and
Resource Economics (FREC) in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources,
WHEREAS, FREC expects to see continued interest in
operations research skills in the market, and
Graduate Committee has recommended folding the Operation Resource courses into
a concentration into the AREC or STAT MS degrees., and
RESOLVED, that the Faculty Senate recommends approval of the
Decision Analysis Concentration for the STAT M.S. degree beginning Fall 2012.
Motion Passes
Recommendation from the Faculty
Senate Committee on Graduate Studies (Andrew Teplyakov,
Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Sheldon
Pollack, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Jeff Jordan, Chair) for the
request to add Operations Research
concentration to Agricultural and Resource Economics— (attachment) (attachment)
WHEREAS, The M.S. and
Ph.D. degrees in Operation Research have been officially disestablished in the
Department of Food and Resource Economics (FREC) in the College of Agriculture
and Natural Resources, and
WHEREAS, FREC expects to see continued interest in
operations research skills in the market, and
Graduate Committee has recommended folding the Operation Resource courses into
a concentration into the AREC or STAT MS degrees., be
it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Faculty Senate recommends approval of
the Decision Analysis Concentration for the AREC M.S. degree beginning Fall
Motion Passes
Recommendation from the Faculty
Senate Executive Committee (Jeff
Jordan, Chair) based on the findings of the ad hoc Academic Calendar Committee
(Joerg Busch, Chair) with the concurrence of the
Committee on Rules (Anu Sivaraman, Chair), and the
Coordinating Committee on Education (Sheldon Pollack, Chair) for the approval of a resolution concerning
option C for weekly class meeting schedule (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment
WHEREAS, the scheduling of
classrooms is challenging because of the concentration of classes in the middle
of the day, particularly during prime time 10:10 – 2:15 MWF and 9:30- 3:15 on
TR, and
WHEREAS, the Ad Hoc
Committee on the Academic Calendar has received input from faculty, students,
and administrative staff regarding class scheduling options and potential
impact on certain Departments and programs, and
WHEREAS, there is a plea for
more 75 minute slots, and
WHEREAS, the Committee has
deliberated on the various benefits and drawbacks under different class
scheduling scenarios, be it therefore,
RESOLVED, that the University
of Delaware adopt the following meeting pattern beginning fall 2013:
Monday/Wednesday/Friday Tuesday/Thursday
Period 1 08:00 a.m. ‐
08:50 a.m. 08:00 a.m. ‐
09:15 a.m.
Period 2 09:05 a.m. ‐
09:55 a.m. *
09:30 a.m. ‐
10:45 a.m.
Period 3 * 10:10 a.m. ‐ 11:00 a.m. *
11:00 a.m. ‐
12:15 p.m.
Period 4 * 11:15 a.m. ‐ 12:05 p.m. *
12:30 p.m. ‐
01:45 p.m.
Period 5 * 12:20 p.m. ‐ 01:10 p.m. *
02:00 p.m. ‐
03:15 p.m.
Period 6 * 01:25 p.m. ‐ 02:15 p.m. 03:30 p.m. ‐
04:45 p.m.
Period 7 02:30 p.m. ‐
03:20 p.m.
Period 8 03:35 p.m. ‐
04:25 p.m.
Period 9 04:40 p.m. ‐
05:30 p.m.
75 min. Meeting Pattern M/W, W/F, M/F
Period 1 & 2 08:40 a.m. – 09:55 a.m.
Period 8 & 9 03:35 p.m. – 04:50 p.m.
AND WHEREAS, changes in faculty policy require approval by the Faculty
Senate, be it therefore,
RESOLVED, that the
changes as shown in attachment 1 be made in the Faculty Handbook with reference
to the scheduling of class meeting times.
Motion Passes
Recommendation from the Faculty
Senate Executive Committee (Jeff
Jordan, Chair) based on the findings of the ad hoc Academic Calendar Committee
(Joerg Busch, Chair) with the concurrence of the
Committee on Rules (Anu Sivaraman, Chair), and the
Coordinating Committee on Education (Sheldon Pollack, Chair) for the approval of a resolution concerning
65-68 days of instruction during spring semester (attachment
(rational attachment)
(calendar attachment)
WHEREAS, according to
the current Faculty Handbook, "The University's Academic Calendar in fall
and spring semesters will contain a minimum of 68 instructional days followed
by a final examination period of 6 days.", and
preliminary review of next year's calendars and taking into account all the
parameters within which the Registrar Office must operate, there will not
always be room for 68 days of instruction in the spring semester, and
WHEREAS, the Ad Hoc
Committee on the Academic Calendar received a request from the Registrar's
Office to modify the wording in the handbook, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the wording in the Faculty Handbook be
changed to: "The University's Academic Calendar in fall and spring
semesters will normally contain 68 instructional days followed by a final
examination period of at least 6 days.
In years when the holiday calendar makes this impracticable, the length
of the semester may be reduced to a minimum of 65 days. The Registrar’s Office will make all reasonable
efforts to maximize the number of instructional days.”
Motion Passes
Resolution introduced by Senator
Morrison for a revision to the current Drop/Add policy
WHEREAS, the current
drop/add policy makes it difficult for students who are adding a class to catch
up on class work, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the
drop/add period shall not extend more than 5 business days beyond the first day
of the Fall and Spring Semesters and 3 days beyond the first day of the Winter
and Summer Sessions.
out of agenda
Recommendation from the Faculty
Senate Committee on Academic Appeals (Gary Alison, Chair), with the concurrence
of the Student Life Committee (Mark Parcells, Chair), the Rules Committee (Anu Sivaraman, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Jeff
Jordan, Chair) for the revision to the Grade Grievance Policy at UD (Attachment
WHEREAS, The University of Delaware’s Student Guide to University Policies
and its Faculty Handbook include the University’s policies and procedures
governing grade grievances brought by students against faculty members and
WHEREAS, the University’s policies and procedures governing grade
grievances should be clear and unambiguous and
WHEREAS, the University’s policies and procedures governing grade
grievances should give both parties reasonable time to prepare for each stage
of the grievance process, but should also encourage “finality” -- allowing the
student and the faculty member to return to their careers and teaching and
learning and
WHEREAS, the University’s policies and procedures governing grade
grievances should establish rules and standards that provide fundamental
fairness and due process for all parties involved in a grade dispute and
WHEREAS, the University’s present guidelines for grade grievances fail to
answer two procedural due process questions -- which party has the burden of
proving his or her case and what standard of proof is to be applied by
grade-grievance panelists when deciding a grade-grievance case -- that must be
answered to ensure fundamental fairness in adversarial administration
proceedings and
WHEREAS, hundreds of years of Anglo-American law make it clear that the
burden of proof in adversarial administrative hearings falls upon the
complaining party and
WHEREAS, requiring the complaining student to prove “beyond a reasonable
doubt” that the defending faculty member was biased against the student or
failed to follow established procedures for assigning a grade would be unfair
to the complaining student and
WHEREAS, a standard of mere “preponderance of the evidence” or any lesser
standard would be unfair to the defending faculty member and
WHEREAS, the standard of proof that a University of Delaware faculty member
must meet to prove that a student is guilty of academic dishonesty or any other
disciplinary violation is “clear and convincing evidence” and
WHEREAS, the “clear and convincing evidence” standard is commonly used by
American universities in adversarial administrative hearings involving students
and faculty members, and arguably provides a fair balance between the interests
of the complaining student and the defending faculty member, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Faculty Senate recommends approval of the attached proposed
changes to the University of Delaware Student Guide to University Policies and
the Faculty Handbook.
Pulled out of agenda
Recommendation from the Faculty
Senate Committee on Rules (Anu Sivaraman, Chair) with
the concurrence of the Executive Committee (Jeff Jordan, Chair) for the
revision to the Faculty Handbook concerning
academic leave of absence for one or more semesters: Parental Leave (attachment) (attachment
current edition of the Faculty Handbook, Section 4: Personnel Policies for
Faculty, reads “If the faculty member is the primary caregiver, one such
option is to be granted a one semester administered load that allows a choice
of either partial or full relief from teaching during the semester of the birth
or the adoption of a child under the age of five by the faculty member or
immediately following the birth or adoption,” and,
wording reflects the prior Collective Bargaining Agreement, which has been
replaced in the current current (2010-2013) Collective
Bargaining Agreement, 9.16, with the following wording, “If the faculty member is the primary caregiver, he or
she will be granted a one semester administered load that allows the faculty
member a choice of either partial or full relief from teaching during the
semester of the birth or the adoption of a child under the age of five by the
faculty member or immediately following the birth or adoption,” and,
WHEREAS, reliance
on the current Faculty Handbook’s outdated wording may cause Chairpersons,
Directors, and other persons in authority wrongly to deny contractually
promised benefits to petitioning faculty members based on the mistaken
assumption that provision of such mandated benefits is merely optional, and
because the resulting conflicts may result in legal and other proceedings
deleterious to the good name of the University of Delaware, be it therefore
the Faculty Senate Recommends that the Faculty Handbook be changed so that the
current phrase stating, “If the faculty
member is the primary caregiver, one such option is to be granted a one
semester administered load that allows a choice of either partial or full
relief from teaching during the semester of the birth or the adoption of a
child under the age of five by the faculty member or immediately following the
birth or adoption,” be changed to
state, as does the 2010-2013 Collective Bargaining Agreement, 9.16, “If the faculty
member is the primary caregiver, he or she will be granted a one semester
administered load that allows the faculty member a choice of either partial or
full relief from teaching during the semester of the birth or the adoption of a
child under the age of five by the faculty member or immediately following the
birth or adoption.”
Moved to change highlighting to underline in attachment. Amendment was voted on. Amendment was
approved. Amended Motion Passes
Introduction of New Business:
Senator Morgan introduced an
amendment to the FW&P suspension policy.
Will be emailed to the officer. Vote on
referral of new item to FW&P committee. Item passes.
Amendment caucus interest –
passed with majority vote.
Suggestion (not a motion):
Committees that do not meet – Suggestions from Senator Morgan if committees do
not meet once per year or once per semester, the chair be
replaced. Pres. Jordan recommended that this be written up and sent to the
relevant committees.
Such items
as may come before the Senate. (No
motion introduced under new business, except a motion to refer to committee,
shall be acted upon until the next meeting of the Senate.)
[AS1]Friendly amendment to approved