Members Present:  Brian Ackerman, Thomas Angell, Provost Brickhouse, Martha Buell, Joerg Busch, John Courtright, Leslie Criston, Prasad Dhurjati, Philip Duker, Robert Dyer, Danielle Ford, Megan Gaffney, Norma Gaines-Hankes, Deni Galileo, Nancy Getchell, Michael Gutierrez, President Harker, Steven Hastings, Stephanie Hansen, Gabriella Hermon, Tianjian Hsu, John Jebb, Amy Johnson, Jeff Jordan, Paul Laux, Charles Mason, Dean Matt, Mark McLeod, Doris Miklitz, John Morgan, James Morrison, Jason Mycoff, Dean Okagaki, Michael O’Neal, Michelle Parent, Phill Penix-Tadsen, Senate President Pollack, Ali Poorani, Marcos Portnoi, Darcy Reisman, Mark Rieger, Tom Rocek, Kate Rogers, David Satran, Nicole Seymour, Seth Shabo, Chien-Chung Shen, Anu Sivaraman, Ivan Sun, Herbert Tanner, Dean Targett, Maggie Ussery, Tom Vermeer, Dean Watson, Margaret Werth, Lance Winn, Randall Wisser, Charles Riordan, Michael Gilbert.


Members Excused:  Ann Ardis, Karl Booksh, Vicki Cassman, Joseph Daniel, John Gillespie, Roberta Golinkoff, Linda Gottfredson, Jo Kallal, Andreas Muenchow, Dean Ogunnaike, Matthew Robinson, Andrew Shermeyer, Greg Shriver, Kathleen Turkel, Dean Weber.




September 21, 2012




TO:                  Senators and Executives


FROM:            Katherin Rogers, Vice President

University Faculty Senate


SUBJECT:      Regular Faculty Senate Meeting October 1, 2012


In accordance with Section IV, paragraph 6 of the Constitution, the regular meeting of the University Faculty Senate will be held on Monday, October 1, 2012 at

4:00 p.m. in 104 Gore Hall.  The General Faculty meeting will be held this month as well.  This meeting will begin at 3:30 p.m. just prior to the Faculty Senate meeting, and will also be held in 104 Gore Hall.   Please make every effort to attend this meeting.


I certify that hard copies of the approval page for each undergraduate and graduate studies academic item on the agenda are filed in the Faculty Senate Office with the appropriate signatures of approval up through the Chair of the Faculty Senate Coordinating Committee on Education.  The Agenda will be as follows:






I.           Adoption of the Agenda


II.         Approval of the Minutes: September 10, 2012


Senator Galileo requested that we add information regarding the # of senators in attendance, absence and excused in the Senate meeting minutes. President Pollack requested that Karren make this information available in the minutes in the future.


III.        Remarks:            Provost Nancy Brickhouse – Provost Brickhouse did not provide her remarks since the President provided his remarks on the state of the university to the Senate earlier today.


IV.       Announcements: Senate President Sheldon Pollack

Reports by:

Karen Stein, General Education

Tom Webb, Disability Studies


V.        Consent Agenda:  None


VI.       Regular Agenda: None


VII.     Unfinished Business: Motion to change the procedure for matters raised under Introduction of New Business.


VIII.    New Business: Senator Galileo introduced a motion requesting that the Exec. Comm consider scheduling an open meeting to discuss the current process of Provost Search.  24 senators of those present voted in favor while 7 senators voted against. The Executive council will discuss if such an open hearing should be scheduled.


IX.       Introduction of New Business

Such items as may come before the Senate.  (No motion introduced under new

business, except a motion to refer to committee, shall be acted upon until the next meeting of the Senate.)




