University Faculty Senate Meeting

Monday, December 6, 2004

104 Gore Hall, 4:00 PM



Members excused: I. Davis, T. Evans, M. Ginzberg, L. Gottfredson, V. Martin, M. Robinson, C. Thoroughgood, I. Vogel.


Members absent: J. Daniel, T. Deliberty, M. Dement, S. Gillian, D. Green, R. Hampel, R. Nichols, I. Okoye, K. Rogers, R. Salomon, R. Sylves, L. Ware



I.                    The meeting was called to order by President Charles Boncelet and the meeting agenda was approved unanimously.


II.                 The minutes of 1 November 2004 were approved unanimously with the correction of a misspelling, Epscor, in the text.


III.               Remarks were made by Provost Dan Rich on Graduate Education at the University of Delaware.  Statistics, trends, immediate history, budgets and future goals were described.  Noted items included the current enrollment of 3,395 graduate students at UD in 107 M.S. programs and 43 Ph.D. programs.  Stated goals for the next five years were: 1.) 4,000 graduate students representing quality ahead of quantity, 2.) maintenance of a 3-to-1 ratio of full-time graduate students to part-time students, and 3.) an increase in diversity.  Also planned is an increase of 4 + 1 BA/MA-type programs.  An ideal ratio of 80% undergraduate students to 20% graduate students was also noted (currently 13% of UD students are graduates).  Provost Rich responded to several questions at the completion of his presentation.


IV.              Announcements: Charles Boncelet.


A.     There will be no Faculty Senate meeting in January.  The next meeting of the Faculty Senate will be in February 2005.  It was noted that Faculty Senate committees are now working on resolutions forthcoming in 2005.

B.     Another ad hoc Committee on Grade Inflation has been formed and its charge is stated on-line.  The first committee determined that grade inflation does exist at UD; the second committee will examine possible ways to curb it.  A preliminary report is due March 7, an open hearing is scheduled for March 14, and a final report and resolution is due to the Senate on March 21.

C.     The Undergraduate Studies Committee chaired by Jeff Jordan has modified the criteria for determining multicultural courses.  The five criteria are posted on-line.  Departments should submit documentation for approximately half their intended multicultural courses by January 4, 2005 with paperwork for remaining courses submitted by September 15, 2005. 

                  Instead of content-based criteria these are outcome-based.

D.     Karen Stein introduced and explained reorganization of her department.                   The Department of Consumer Studies will become the Department of Fashion and Apparel Studies in the College of Human Services, Education & Public Policy.  The Leadership program will transfer to the School of Urban Affairs & Public Policy.


V.                 Consent agenda


A.     Announcements for challenge: None.

B.     Resolutions: None.


VI.              Regular agenda


A.     Old business: None.

B.     New business: None.


VII.            The meeting adjourned at 4:54 PM





Dallas Hoover, secretary