Regular Meeting of the University Faculty Senate

Monday, October 5, 2009


 The meeting was called to order at 4:10.

  I.                   Adoption of the Agenda

 A motion to approve was made, seconded and carried.

  II.                Approval of the Minutes: September 14, 2009

 A motion to approve was made, seconded and carried.

  III.             Remarks: Provost Tom Apple

Provost Apple spoke regarding several areas of importance including:

    -Outstanding scholarship

             -Individual faculty

             - Units/departments

-Academic rigor

He then entertained questions and comments from the floor.

Lawrence White, Vice President and General Counsel was introduced next who then explained the functions of his role and office. His office is new (only two months old) to UD.

He then entertained questions from the floor. A discussion of ensued.

IV.              Announcements: Senate President Cihan Cobanoglu

             Cihan speeks to the initiatives that the Faculty Senate is taking such as the suggestion that freshman be able to re-take courses that they’ve failed during Winter Session.  The Graduate and Undergraduate Studies Committees will consider these when the proposal is submitted by the Provost.  

             Another initiative is that new programs will be looked at by the newly established Council of Deans in order to prevent conflicts.  Again, when the proposal is submitted by the Provost it will be considered by Graduate and Undergraduate Studies Committees.


             The Scheduling courses Saturday or Sunday is another initiative that will be considered by the Graduate and Undergraduate Studies Committees when the proposal comes to us.  They will report to the Executive Committee through the Coordinating Committee on Education.


             The Promotions and Tenure Committee will consider the proposal for P & T dossiers to be reviewed by the newly established Council of Deans.  P & T will be  scheduling a meeting in the near future.  If they receive the proposal prior to their next meeting they will consider it and report back to the Executive Committee.


             President Cobanoglu discussed several items that have been sent to various faculty senate committees for review during this academic year.           

 V.             Consent Agenda

   1.                        Announcements for Challenge:  None

VI.              Regular Agenda

    1.      Unfinished Business:  None

2.      New Business:          

a.                 Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Student Life (Mark Parcells, Chair) with the concurrence of the Executive Committee (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) for the approval of the Residence Life Plan (attachment)  (attachment)

Barry Walker, a member of the Student Life Committee spoke to and explained the changes in the committee report.

There was one question from the floor regarding how future changes will be handled. The question was whether all future ResLife plans would come to the Senate not just for
information but for a vote, whether or not there are any changes. The
answer was "yes."

          A motion was made, seconded and approved.

 VIII.                Introduction of New Business

Such items as may come before the Senate. 

(No motion introduced under new business, except a motion to refer to committee, shall be acted upon until the next meeting of the Senate.)

There was no new business.

A motion to adjourn was made, seconded and approved.