Meeting Minutes

10 October 2005


104 Gore Hall                                                                                      4:00 pm


Members excused:  I. Davis, T. Hardy


I.                    Adoption of the Agenda

The agenda was approved.

II.                 Approval of the Minutes

The meeting minutes of 12 September 2005 were approved.

III.               Remarks by Provost Dan Rich

Dr. Rich briefly discussed assessment at UD. He announced the establishment of the Office of Education Assessment, Karen Stein director. Also, the University Education Council has been formed, Karen Stein, Chair.


IV.              Announcements by Senate President Avron Abraham


Dr. Abraham announced that the review of standing committees is starting this year with Student Life and Undergraduate Studies. Contact Eric Rise (Criminal Justice and Sociology) with any comments on those two committees.

V.                 Consent Agenda

A.     Announcements for Challenge: none

B.     Resolutions: Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Coordinating Committee on Education (Dallas Hoover, Chair) with the concurrence of the Executive Committee (Avron Abraham, Chair) to transfer the Department of Geology from the College of Arts and Sciences to the College of Marine Studies


Discussion: Nancy Target announced that the proposal was endorsed by the deans of Marine Studies and Arts and Sciences, and Provost Dan Rich. Charles Mason made a motion to refer the proposal to an ad hoc committee appointed by the president of the Faculty Senate, which shall consist of members from a broad range of academic interests to include faculty members from appropriate senate committees and each of the colleges, faculty administrators, and possibly a faculty representative from the Board of Trustees with the charge of this committee to make specific recommendations on the proposed transfer of the Department of Geology. The motion was seconded. After a discussion, a call for vote was made. The motion failed, 5 for, 44 opposed, and 7 abstentions.


The original motion passed, 46 for, 0 opposed, and 8 abstentions.

VI.              Regular Agenda

A.     Old Business: none

B.     New Business: none


VII.            Introduction of New Business: none



Adjourned 5:20


Submitted by Donald Lehman



104 Gore Hall

10 October 2005

3:30 pm


I.      Memorial Tributes

A.     A. Leroy Bennett (Political Science and International Relations) written by James K. Oliver read by James McGee.

B.     Yi-Chun (Patrick) Chang (Political Science and International Relations) written by Yaroslav Bilinsky read by James McGee

C.     Harry D. Hutchinson (Economics) by Eleanor Craig

D.     Ib Svendsen (Civil & Environmental Engineering) by Michael Chajes

E.      Irvine G. Greenfield (Mechanical Engineering) by Jack Vinson


II.      Remarks by Dr. David Roselle


·        Dr. Roselle noted that Mary Hempel, Public Relations, was involved with the Paul Jones Collection. She felt it gave minority students a reason to take pride in UD. Mary recently passed away. The University of Delaware has established a partnership with Spelman College, Montana State University and Delaware State University concerning the Paul Jones Collection. A video tape prepared to highlight the Paul Jones Collection was shown.


·        Construction update

o       George Reed Hall was dedicated; it has about 500 beds. Two other dorms and the bridge connecting north and south campus are under construction. The entire project (razing the old dormitories and building the three new dorms and bridge) will cost about $72 million.

o       Construction of The Center for the Arts is ongoing. The remaining area of the old parking lot not being built-on will become a landscaped area.

o       Remodeling of the north wing and front of Brown Laboratory has begun.

o       Foreign Languages and Literatures buildings construction is ongoing. The two buildings will contain a total of 62 faculty offices. Moving faculty into the new buildings will free space in Smith Hall, which will be remodeled for Computer Science faculty

o       Elbert N. and Ann V. Carvel Research and Education Center in Georgetown is under construction.


·        In 1990, the UD endowment was $326 million; in 2005, it was $1.286 billion. Also, there has been an increase in gifts and research awards. An average of 100,000 sq feet each year for the last 15 years of space is new or remodeled. Scholarship funds have tripled, and among similar universities, faculty salaries are second only to Princeton. In 1990, 25% of the employees paid by the University were faculty, now 33% are faculty. Grant and contract employees are not included in these numbers.