Meeting Minutes

12 September 2005


104 Gore Hall                                                                                     4:00 pm


Members excused:  T. Barnekov, I. Davis, M. Gardner, J. Stoner, C. Thoroughgood


I.                   Adoption of the Agenda

The agenda was unanimously approved.

II.                Approval of the Minutes

The meeting minutes of 2 May 2005 and 16 May 2005 were unanimously approved.

III.             Remarks by Provost Dan Rich

Dr. Rich welcomed and thanked the Faculty Senators for their service, and he announced Tom Apple as the new dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. Dr. Rich announced that 47 new tenure tract and one nontenure tract faculty were hired last year. A total of 3529 freshmen are in this year’s class; it is the most academically qualified and diverse class ever enrolled at the University. Over 5000 graduate applications were received last year, and currently graduate students account for 18% of the total student enrollment.


A total of 16 students have matriculated from areas affected by hurricane Katrina. Not all of these students are freshmen, some may return to Gulf Coast region. A vigil will be held tonight on the North Green for families affected by hurricane Katrina, and the day after the anniversary of 9/11.

A University council on assessment has recently been formed, co-chaired by Karen Stein and Michael Middaugh.  A Periodic Review Report is due this academic year; it is a self study review performed 5 year after full reviews conducted by Middle States. The University of Delaware was last reviewed in 2001 by Middle States. The Report should to be available for review by Faculty Senate late fall semester.

IV.              Announcements by Senate President Avron Abraham


A.     Introduced Executive Committee

B.     Announced that the proposals for multicultural course approval are due to the Undergraduate Studies Committee, chaired by Doug Buttrey, by 1 October. The proposals are submitted online.

C.     The online form for program changes should be available soon. An e-mail will be sent to associate and assistant deans when it is available. Non-web based submissions will also be accepted this year.

D.     Two forums conducted by Peter Schuck and sponsored by Legal Studies and AAUP will be held on 29 September 2005.

E.      Candlelight Ceremony will be held tonight on the Green in memory of the victims of hurricane Katrina and 9/11.

V.                 Consent Agenda

A.     Announcements for Challenge: none

B.     Resolutions: none

VI.              Regular Agenda

A.     Old Business: none

B.     New Business: none


VII.           Introduction of New Business: none


Meetng was adjourned at 4:35 pm.

Donald Lehman

Senate Secretary