Meeting Minutes

December 1, 2008

104 Gore Hall                                                                                                              4:30 pm


I.       Adoption of the Agenda



II.    Approval of the Minutes: November 3, 2008



III.  Remarks:            Provost Dan Rich. Dr. Rich announced that the First Year Experience (FYE) pilot program is going well. One outcome of the study is the need for additional faculty to manage an effective FYE program. Dr. Rich discussed the University’s fiscal environment. The University has experienced a significant reduction in endowment, however, not as bad as other academic institutions. The State of Delaware asked state institution to expect a15% reduction in support for fiscal year. UD was asked to submit a list of what would be included in 15% state budget cut.  It is anticipated that more students will need financial aid than last year.  UD was not asked by the state to participate in a 5% budget reversion.

Applications for undergraduate enrollment are consistent with last year. There may be a larger number of Delawareans at UD than last year because of the UD Commitment to Delawareans.  This program guarantees acceptance to all Delawareans who have successfully completed specified courses. In addition, UD will meet the full financial need of Delawarean students: tuition, room and board, and books. Each student should have no more than $18,000 in indebtedness after graduation.  Additionally, Delawareans who meet admission requirements will be informed of acceptance on a rolling admission. Announcements of acceptance begin January 1st.  

UD reaction to economic uncertainty is to continue the commitment to students, making sure students have faculty and laboratory instructors. The University will not curtail faculty hiring. However, any hiring that could wait for a few months should wait until the next fiscal year budget. Units will need to justify hiring of nonacademic personnel.  The current economic climate will not change the goals of the Path to Prominence; however, it may be necessary to change the time frame.  There are no restrictions on positions with direct external support. The University receives $129 million of state support plus line items; line items are most easily lost in times of economic uncertainty.  The State will not provide funding for pay raises; UD has a contract agreement with the faculty union for 4% raise. The University will honor that commitment.

UD still has an interest in the Chrysler property. The University will only purchase the property if it does not complicate the current economic condition. Money for purchasing real estate comes from different sources than student support and salaries.

IV.   Announcements: Senate President Amy Johnson. The next Faculty Senate meeting will be February 9th. At the February meeting, Matt Robinson will present a report on Resident Life that includes results of a student survey and open hearings. Also at the February meeting will be a report on Discovery Learning Experience by John Madsen. The internal transfer policy is being reviewed by the Undergraduate Studies (UGS) Committee.

Avron Abraham, chair of the ad hoc committee on breadth requirements gave an initial report.  Currently, there is a lack of uniformity across colleges and departments concerning breadth requirements. The initial report contains a number of proposals including a minimum of 12 credit requirements for the four categories: creative arts; history; social and behavior science; and mathematics, natural science and technology. Breadth requirements must be taken outside the student’s home department/program. ENGL 110 is a separate requirement outside of the breadth requirements. Students are required to earn a minimum grade of C- (still under discussion), and breadth requirements and any prerequisites must be open to all students.  The ad hoc committee also recommends establishing a standing Faculty Senate committee to determine placement of courses; this committee would be coordinated by the UGS committee.

The next steps in the proposal are feedback, open hearings, senate resolution, and catalog revisions. Dr. Abraham’s PowerPoint slides with the committee’s proposals are available online at Email Dr. Abraham your comments.  Anyone wanting to maintain anonymity can send comments to Karren Helsel-Spry ( in the Faculty Senate office. She will forward comments to Dr. Abraham.

V.     Consent Agenda

A.     Announcements for Challenge:  None

VI.   Regular Agenda

A.     Old Business:  Academic Calendar – Religious Holidays. UD is nonsectarian. The Executive committee of the Faculty Senate discussed the inclusion of all religious holidays on the University Calendar.  The committee suggests creating a separate website with all religious holidays that faculty can refer to.  The subject of religious holidays and creating a website will be sent to the Faculty Senate committee on Diversity and Affirmative Action.  Dr. Johnson suggested that the Faculty Senate committee consult with the University’s Diversity Task Force.  Havidán Rodriguez commented that the Diversity Task Force was in the process of finishing its final report and would not be able to review any recommendations from the Faculty Senate Diversity and Affirmative Action committee.  Faculty should send comments to Karren Helsel-Spry.

B.     New Business

C.     Resolutions

1.      Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) with the concurrence of the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the request to change the name of the CHEP College (attachment)


Whereas,       the current name of the college of Human Services, Education and Public Policy is cumbersome, not typical of college names at other universities, and not well understood beyond the campus, and


Whereas,       the “College of Education and Public Policy” is a clear, concise name that identifies well-known domains of inquiry and scholarship, and


Whereas,       that name describes the primary foci of the current College of Human Services, Education and Public Policy, and


Whereas,       the College Council and a full meeting of the College faculty and staff voted to support the change of the College name, and


Whereas,       the change in name is also supported by the Interim Dean and the Provost, be it therefore


Resolved,      that the Faculty Senate recommends the title College of Human Services, Education and Public Policy be changed to College of Education and Public Policy.




VII.         Introduction of New Business

Such items as may come before the Senate.  (No motion introduced under new business, except a motion to refer to committee, shall be acted upon until the next meeting of the Senate.)



A comment was made from the floor that Pearson Hall and other buildings are not easily handicap accessible. Dr. Johnson stated that the Faculty Senate Executive committee will investigate.


Adjourned 5:15.

Submitted by Donald Lehman