FEBRUARY 9, 2009 – 104 GORE HALL







I.         Adoption of the Agenda

President Johnson announced that items 7 and 8 were removed from the consent agenda, and items 3, 4, and 5 were first year experience courses not discovery learning experience courses. The agenda was then approved.

II.      Approval of the Minutes: December 1, 2008


III.    Remarks: Provost Dan Rich. The state of Delaware estimates a $600 million deficit for fy2010. The University was asked to submit a proposal for a 15% reduction in funding from the state. UD will honor employee raises as agreed upon with the AAUP. The University’s Commitment to Delawareans is continued, and UD will meet the financial needs of these students. The university’s Path to Prominence is still planned; however, the timeframe will change. The pilot study of the new first year experience was well received by students. The design was superior to previous program. The pilot program will be scaled up for next year. The UD undergraduate and graduate catalogs will only be available online next year. The University is considering changes to the academic calendar to see if it can be improved. Criticisms to the calendar include that classes end too late in the spring semester and sometimes start before Labor Day. The lateness of ending spring semester is due to winter session, which has been a big success—particularly with study abroad courses. It is the right of the instructor to give permission to students to record classes, unless a student has a disability or other need. Middle states review for accreditation is spring 2011. The University has identified specific themes to focus on—taken from The UD strategic plan. Working groups were established to evaluate the themes. The next Creating Knowledge-Based Partnerships Conference is March 24; the topic is Stronger Health-Based Partnerships. More information is available at

IV.     Announcements: Monica Taylor, University Development and Alumni Relations. Two goals of the Development and Alumni Relations Office are 1) develop high performing development operation and 2) to build and strengthen our alumni network. The University reports 11% of UD alumni donate to the University. The University held 20 all-alumni events in cities with alumni clubs in 2008 with Dr. Harker. The fund raising goal for this fiscal year is $30 million. The Development and Alumni Relations Office sent endowment reports to those who established endowments. The office plans to increase alumni activities off campus this coming year. The University is testing to see if a $550 million capital campaign is an appropriate goal. Anyone with questions or comments can contact Monica at, 831-0530.

Senate President Amy Johnson. John Madsen, chair Committee on Undergraduate Studies, will report on the status of discovery learning experience program at the March meeting. The Faculty Senate ad hoc committee on Breadth Requirements will give a report or proposal in March. Send comments to Avron Abraham at The question raised by a senator at a previous meeting on holidays and the University calendar has been sent to the Diversity and Affirmative Action Committee for a recommendation. Reapportionment of faculty senators has been completed, as required every two years.


IV.              Items For Information


A.     Restricted Majors at University of Delaware (attachment). Recommendations for changes.

B.     Report on Student Life Assessment, Matt Robinson summarized the results of open forums, surveys, and focus groups. Dr. Robinson’s PowerPoint slides are available at Dr. Robinson and Michael Gilbert answered questions from the floor.


V.                 Consent Agenda


A.     Announcements for Challenge: 


1.      Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the BS Psychology Major (attachment)


2.      Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the BS Chemistry Major (attachment)


3.      Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the BA Chemistry Major (attachment)


4.      Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the BA Chemistry Major (XCE) (attachment)


5.      Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the BS Biochemistry Major (attachment)


6.      Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the Administration and Family Policy Concentration to the BS in Human Services  (attachment)


7.      Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision\Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision  to the Major in Human Services/Administration and Family Policy BS (attachment). This item was approved last year and inadvertently placed on the agenda; it was removed at the beginning of today’s meeting.


8.      Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the Major in Human Services/Clinical Services BS (attachment). This item was approved last year and inadvertently placed on the agenda; it was removed at the beginning of today’s meeting.


9.      Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the Minor in Strength and Conditioning (attachment)


10.  Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the Major in Exercise Science -  Exercise Science/Exercise Physiology (attachment)


11.  Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the request to add a new minor in Medical Diagnostics (attachment)


12.  Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the Major in Nutritional Sciences (attachment)


13.  Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the degree requirement in Finance (attachment)


14.  Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the request to add an Honors BS in Accounting and MIS (attachment)


15.  Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the BAFL Ancient Greek and Roman Concentration (attachment)


16.  Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the BAFL French Studies Concentration (attachment)


17.  Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the BAFL German Studies Concentration (attachment)


18.  Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the BAFL Italian Studies Concentration (attachment)


19.  Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the BAFL Three Languages Concentration (attachment)


20.  Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the BAFL Russian Studies Concentration (attachment)


21.  Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the Medical Scholars BALS requirements – MATH 221 to MATH 241 (attachment)


22.  Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the Medical Scholars BALS requirements: BISC667 to BISC643 (attachment)


23.  Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the Medical Scholars BALS requirements: CSCC480 482 to ARSC480 (attachment)


24.  Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the Minor to include an option with language: International Business Minor/International Business Minor w/ Language (attachment) (attachment)


25.  Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the Major in Fashion Merchandising ( attachment)


26.  Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the request to add a minor in Fashion History and Culture (attachment)


27.  Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the Apparel Design Major (attachment)


28.  Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the Educational Studies Minor (attachment)


29.  Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the Bachelor of Computer Engineering degree program (attachment)


30.  Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the Bachelor of Electrical Engineering degree program (attachment)




VI.              Regular Agenda


A.     Unfinished Business: None


B.     New Business: None


C.     Resolutions


1.                  Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the request for Permanent Status to the Health Studies Major (attachment) (attachment) (attachment)


Whereas,          the Bachelor of Science in Health Studies was given provisional approval in May 2003, and thus need to gain permanent status, and


Whereas,          this program has been successful in job placement and has a graduation rate above the national average, and


Whereas,          29 students have graduated and 10 are currently pursuing the major, and


Whereas,          it meets several of the goals of General Undergraduate Education at the University of Delaware, and


Whereas,          it received a positive permanent status review, be it therefore,


Resolved,         that the Faculty Senate recommends permanent approval of the Health Studies Major in the college of Health Sciences.           






VII.           Introduction of New Business:


Such items as may come before the Senate.  (No motion introduced under new business, except a motion to refer to committee, shall be acted upon until the next meeting of the Senate.)


Faculty Senator John Morgan submitted a resolution on workload allocated to faculty based on credit hours; e.g., not all three credit courses equal. The resolution proposes the creation of an ad hoc Faculty Senate committee to develop a workload policy recommendation. The Executive Committee will review the proposal and refer it to committee.

Adjourned 5:12.

Submitted by Donald Lehman