MAY 11, 2009
Adoption of the Agenda
Approval of
the Minutes: April
20, 2009
Election of
Senate Officers and Selected Committee Members – A slate of nominations
prepared by the Committee on Committees and Nominations (Jack Baroudi,
Chairperson) is presented in Attachment
1. Biographies of the nominees are
presented in Attachment
2. Senators are reminded that
additional nominations may be made from the floor, and that senators making
such nominations are responsible for determining that a nominee would serve if
A. President Elect – John Madsen (Statement)
B. Secretary – Jack Baroudi
C. Committee
on Committees Chairperson – Don Lehman
All nominees were unanimously elected.
Remarks: Provost Dan Rich. The
first annual Forum and Reunion will be held June 5-7. The event is sponsored by
the Office Alumni Affairs and hopes to engage alumni and families in the
University. University employees can register online for free. May 1 was the
deposit deadline for incoming freshmen offered admission to the University. The
admissions office goal was to increase the incoming class size to 3750.
Currently, 3838 students have submitted deposits, compared to 3431 last year.
The number of Delawareans offered admission increased to 1200 this year
compared to 950 last year. Those students submitting depostis to the associate
in arts program is up from 264 last year to 356 this year. The incoming class
is more diverse than any previous class. The University has received
approximately 6800 graduate school applications. This is an increase of 25% over last year.
International applicants show the greatest increase. The University expects
about 1200 new graduate students. Tuition rates will be announced after July 1.
The University undergraduate and graduate catalogs should be available online
for review next week, ahead of schedule. Catalogs will formally go live June 1.
During the swine flu outbreak many people rallied together to effectively handle
the situation. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is
evaluating UD’s response as a possible model for future outbreaks. Michael
Gamel-McCormick was recently announced as dean of the College of Education and
Public Policy. Kathleen Matt will be the new dean of the College of Health
Sciences. Both positions will begin July 1.
Senate President Amy Johnson. Scott Douglass, Executive Vice President and
Treasurer. Dr. Douglass introduced himself and answered questions from the
floor. He is responsible for nonacademic areas within the UD organizational
chart. Dr. Douglass’ goal is to be as transparent as possible; to help
accomplish this, he sends emails to all faculty.
Dr. Johnson thanked the Faculty Senate and committee members for their hard
VI. Item for Information
A. Student Life Plan (attachment) (attachment)
A. Old Business
A. New Business
Confirmation of
Appointments (attachment)
Committee Annual Reports (attachment)
for Challenge
Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate
Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee
on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson,
Chair) for the request to add a minor in Exercise Science. (attachment)
Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate
Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee
on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) for the request for a name change for
Leadership Major and Minor (attachment).
This item comes to the Faculty Senate without the support of the Executive
Committee. Provost Rich made a motion to send this back to the College for
further discussion. Motion was seconded. Dr. Gamel-McCormick agreed that the
item should be further discussed at the College level. The motion was
discussed, and the vote to send back to College passed.
A. Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the request to approve Arts and Sciences Breadth Requirements (attachment)
WHEREAS, The University of Delaware Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Faculty Senate requested a revision of the Arts and Sciences breadth requirement for Bachelor of Arts degrees in the College of Arts and Science and
WHEREAS, the Senate agreed to reduce the requirement from 16 courses to 12 with a 3-year provisional period granted to evaluate all current group courses by the faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences, and
WHEREAS, the faculty has developed a process to complete an outcomes-based assessment on all group courses based on the goals of the breadth categories, and
WHEREAS, the breadth requirement would provide exposure to a broad range of disciplines and must be open to majors outside the department or program sponsor, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that beginning with the academic year 2009-2010 group titles will be changed to four defined groups: Creative Arts and Humanities, History and Cultural Change, Social and Behavioral Sciences, and Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Technology, and be it further
RESOLVED, that a list of courses submitted by departments, programs, and centers of the College of Arts and Sciences is designated as meeting the breadth requirements for all Bachelor of Arts degrees within the college, and be it further
RESOLVED, that all Bachelor of Arts students within the college will be required to take a minimum of three courses of at least three credits each from each category, receiving a minimum grade of C- in each course, and be it further
that the faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences will determine
eligibility of courses based on assessment, provide the oversight of the
placement of breadth courses in appropriate categories, and ensure that access
to breadth courses remains inclusive while maintaining a substantial list of
courses that encourage exploration by students in areas outside of their
VII. Introduction
of New Business:
Such items as may come before the Senate. (No motion introduced under new business, except a motion to refer to committee, shall be acted upon until the next meeting of the Senate.)
A motion was made from the floor that students must be earn a minimum of C- in all 100- and 200-level courses counting towards graduation. A request was made from the floor that the Provost and Dr. Gamel-McCormick hold a meeting in May to discuss the name change for Leadership Major and Minor; they agreed to try.
Adjourned: 5:30
Submitted by
Donald Lehman