Meeting Minutes
104 Gore Hall
Members excused:
Adoption of the Agenda. Approved
Approval of the Minutes: November
6, 2006. Approved
III. Remarks:
Provost Dan Rich announced that Dr. Patrick Harker
was selected as the next president of the
Dr. Rich added that the graduate program review is ongoing. The study will be year long with a follow up next year. Part of the review does involve the central support of graduate study.
Announcements: Senate President Dallas
Consent Agenda
A. Announcements
for Challenge:
1. Recommendation
from the Committee on Graduate Studies (Charles Mason, Chair) with the
concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Alan Fox, Chair) and
the Executive Committee (Dallas Hoover, Chair) for the revision to the MS in
Wildlife Ecology (attachment)
2. Recommendation
from the Committee on Graduate Studies (Charles Mason, Chair) with the
concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Alan Fox, Chair) and the
Executive Committee (Dallas Hoover, Chair) for the proposed Name Change to the
MS in “Entomology and Applied Ecology” to MS in “Entomology” as well as the
revision to the Major and Elimination of the Concentrations (attachment)
3. Recommendation
from the Committee on Graduate Studies (Charles Mason, Chair) with the
concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Alan Fox, Chair) and
the Executive Committee (Dallas Hoover, Chair)for the proposed Name Change to
the PhD in “Entomology and Applied Ecology” to PhD in “Entomology and Wildlife
Ecology” (attachment)
4. Recommendation
from the Committee on Graduate Studies (Charles Mason, Chair) with the
concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Alan Fox, Chair) and
the Executive Committee (Dallas Hoover, Chair) to establish Two New
Concentrations for the PhD in “Entomology and Wildlife Ecology”: One in
Entomology and One in Wildlife Ecology (attachment)
5. Recommendation
from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Amy Johnson, Chair) with the
concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Alan Fox, Chair) and
the Executive Committee (Dallas Hoover, Chair) for the revision to the minor in
Wildlife Conservation (attachment)
6. Recommendation
from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Amy Johnson, Chair) with the
concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Alan Fox, Chair) and
the Executive Committee (Dallas Hoover, Chair) for the revision to the Bachelor
of Mechanical Engineering – BME (attachment)
7. Recommendation
from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Amy Johnson, Chair) with the
concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Alan Fox, Chair) and
the Executive Committee (Dallas Hoover, Chair) for the addition of a Biomedical
Engineering minor and deleting the Biomedical Engineering Concentration within
Mechanical Engineering (attachment)
Announcements for challenge passed.
B. Resolutions:
1. Recommendation from the Committee on Graduate Studies (Charles Mason, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Alan Fox, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Dallas Hoover, Chair) for Permanent approval of the MS in Hospitality Information Management- (attachment 1) (attachment 2) (attachment 3) (attachment 4)
Hospitality Information Management Program was provisionally approved on
WHEREAS, at the end of the provisional period an external review team recommended that the Hospitality Information Management program be given permanent status, and
WHEREAS, student interest in the program has been demonstrated by the actual enrollment as compared to the projected enrollment, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the
Faculty Senate recommends that the Hospitality Information Management program
be granted permanent status.
Resolution Approved.
2. Request for an extension to the provisional status of the MS Program in Health Services Administration (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment)
WHEREAS, both the interim Director of the School of Nursing and the Dean of the College of Health Sciences recommended an extension of this program for one year, and
WHEREAS, the Graduate Studies Committee believes two years is needed for further development of this program and a third year is needed to accomplish updated reviews by the appropriate faculty senate committees, and
WHEREAS, the extension period will give the program director and faculty an opportunity to address the concerns raised in the Permanent Status Program Review report, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Faculty Senate recommends that a three year extension of provisional status of the MS Program in Health Services Administration be granted.
Resolution Approved.
Regular Agenda
A. Old
Business: None
B. New
Business: None
VII. Introduction of New Business
Such items as may come before the Senate. (No motion introduced under new business, except a motion to refer to committee, shall be acted upon until the next meeting of the Senate.)
Submitted by Donald Lehman