Meeting Minutes

4 November 2002


104 Gore Hall                                                                                                                       4:02 PM


Members absent:


Members excused:



I.  Jay Hildebrandt convened the meeting.  The agenda for the meeting was adopted unanimously.


II.  The meeting minutes of October 7, 2002 were approved unanimously.


III.  Presentations.


A.  Dan Rich, Provost, gave a presentation entitled, “Affirming Academic Priorities”.

It is available on the Senate website.  The same presentation will be presented to DUSC and a meeting with the chairs and program directors later in the week.  The presentation and supportive work was done for academic identity, to prioritize in these economic times, to promote consensus and collaboration at UD, and to enhance academic achievement.  The four mission areas are undergraduate education, graduate education, research and scholarship, and public, community, and professional service.  Assessment of these areas is planned in order to direct decision-making.


B.  Avron Abraham, Chair of the Faculty Senate General Education Committee, overviewed and explained the General Education Initiatives from inception to current status.  Questions were raised and discussion was generated from the floor.


IV.  Announcements.  Jay Hildebrandt noted that for 4 to 6 weeks the Faculty Senate office will be on part-time status due to medical leave.


V.  Old business: None.


VI.  New business: None.


VII.  The meeting adjourned at 5:31 PM.


Respectfully submitted,


Dallas Hoover

Faculty Senate Secretary
