Graduate Studies Senate Committee Minutes
105 Hullihen Hall
Members present:
Charles Mason, Chair; Darwin
Davis, Matthew Kinservik,
Old Business: A) Chuck Mason reported that the email votes to disestablish the Ph.D. program in Statistics were 10 yes and 1 abstained. The resolution was forwarded to the Coordination Committee of the Faculty Senate.
B) Approval of the revised program policy statement for the Information Systems and Technology Management: The Committee approved the revised policy statement submitted after the Senate approval of the permanent status of the program.
New Business: A) Committee discussion on options for the graduate catalog: Several ideas were presented by the committee with regard to other options for the presentation of the information in the Graduate Catalog section of the University Catalog and the Program Policy Statements of the individual programs. The Committee agreed to continue to survey the options for changes in 2009-2010. A subcommittee was appointed consisting of Richard Fang, Rachel Schiavone, and Andrew Teplyakov to bring to the Committee suggested rationale and recommendations.
Announcements: Chair Chuck Mason reminded the Committee on the procedures for course challenges and that the Committee has been asked to review the PSPR (Senate Instructions) procedures and policy document.
Next Meeting:
105 Hullihen Hall
Minutes submitted by