Graduate Studies Senate Committee Minutes (corrected copy)

October 22, 2007

105 Hullihen Hall


Members present:  Charles Mason, Chair;  Darwin Davis, Matthew Kinservik, Mary Martin, Peter Kolchin, Susan Brynteson (Excused), Richard Fang, Cynthia Paris (Excused), Andrew Teplyakov, Jeffry Fuhrmann, Adam Marsh,  Robert Opila, Graduate Students Rachel Schiavone and Alan Stottlemyer.


Minutes of October 8, 2007 were approved.


Old Business:   A) Discussion took place on the request for permanent status of the M.S. in Information systems and Technology Management Program.  It was noted that the program will be considered for accreditation by the AACSB during the next cycle for AACSB review.  The Committee unanimously approved the recommendation for Permanent Status.  The Committee instructed the Chair to include a summarizing statement as it is forwarded to the Coordinating Committee.


New  Business:  A)  Discussion took place on the request form the School of Urban Affairs & Public Policy to add a specialization in "Disability Services Leadership and Management" to its existing list of specializations in the MPA program.  The Chair of the Committee noted that specializations do not appear on the academic transcripts of students as do official concentrations.  The purpose of the specialization is to offer students interested in community-based disability services for adults the opportunity to acquire specific knowledge and skills in disability services for adults.  The MPA program permits students to pursue specific "advertised" specializations as well as to design individual specializations.  It was noted that this new specialization will depend upon the approval of two courses up for challenge to be offered by IFST:  Disabilities/Human Services, IFST xxx, and Inclusive Services for Adults with Disabilities, IFST xxx.  The Committee approved the proposal. 


Announcements:  The Chair announced that Committee members should attend the Open-Hearing sponsored by the Coordinating Senate Committee on the proposed new M.S. in Bioresources Engineering to be held on October 29th at 3 pm in Gore Hall.


Next meeting:  November 5 at 8:15 in 105 Hullihen Hall


Minutes submitted by Mary Martin, Assistant Provost for Graduate Studies