Graduate Studies Committee
105 Hullihen Hall
February 14, 2006
Members present: Charles Mason, Chair; John Sawyer, Linda Bucher, Robert Opila, Andrew Teplyakov; Ali Poorani; Pablo Huq, Susan Brynteson, Peter Kolchin, Bernard McKenna, Abena Aidoo (Graduate Student), Dewey Caron, and Mary Martin
Old Business: The items Name change for MA in Linguistics and Revision to MA in Linguistics were tabled until the February 16th meeting. Minutes of the previous meetings were approved.
New Business: Charles Mason reported that the Committee was to have received a report on the Permanent Status Review of the M.S. in Health Promotion Program. Linda Bucher was the Committee representative on the review of the program. It was decided that members of the Health Promotion Program would report to the Committee at the February 16th meeting.
The Committee discussed the proposal for a Combined (4+1) BS-MS Option in the Exercise Science major with concentrations in Exercise Physiology, Biomechanics and Motor Control. The program combines the 4-year B.S. degree and the 2-year M.S. degree into an accelerated 5 year program requiring minimum credits of 125 (separate degrees would have required 122 plus 30 credits) by utilizing a portion of the undergraduate electives for graduate coursework and by replacing three required undergraduate courses in Exercise Science with three corresponding graduate courses.
The Committee requested that the Chair follow up with the unit on the course description of HESC 601 as to whether or not the thesis proposal was a requirement in the course for all students enrolled in the course and whether there is a thesis proposal defense requirement. The Committee also requested that specific procedures be identified as to the determination of 50 hour service requirement for admission to the 4+1 program. The Committee unanimously approved the proposal and resolution for the program pending the response of the previous items.
The proposal for the revision of the Motor Control Concentration in the Exercise Program to drop HESC 657 as a requirement and replace it with HESC 808 was unanimously approved by the Committee.
The Committee began discussion on the proposal to revise the MS in Human Nutrition major by adding a Dietetic Internship Certification Option to the existing thesis and non-thesis options. The Committee tabled the proposal and requested that Dr. Fang be invited to attend the next meeting to clarify the Dietetic Internship program and requirements.
The Committee approved the proposal to change the GRE requirement to 1000 for all students entering the MS in Human Nutrition program.