SEPTEMBER 14, 2009 – 104 GORE HALL




September 3, 2009



TO:                  Senators and Executives


FROM:            Charles E. Mason, Vice President  

                        University Faculty Senate


SUBJECT:       Regular Faculty Senate Meeting September 14, 2009


            In accordance with Section IV, paragraph 6 of the Constitution, the regular meeting of the University Faculty Senate will be held on Monday, September 14th at 4:00 p.m. in room 104 Gore Hall. 


I certify that hard copies of the approval page for each undergraduate and graduate studies academic item on the agenda are filed in the Faculty Senate Office with the appropriate signatures of approval up through the Chair of the Faculty Senate Coordinating Committee on Education.  The Agenda will be as follows:







I.  Adoption of the Agenda

a.  The meeting was called to order at 4pm

b.  Cihan made introductory comments regarding this being his first meeting.

c.  The new executive committee was introduced.

d.  New senators were acknowledged and new and old senators were welcomed.

e.  Senators were reminded to visit the faculty senate website.

f.   Voting procedures were explained

g.  A motion was made, second and passed to approved to the agenda


II.                Approval of the Minutes: May 11, 2009

a. A motion was made, second and passed to approved to the minutes.


II.                        Memorial Tributes: Scott Caplan

a.  Scott Caplan was invited to the stage to give the memorial tributes to those members of the faculty that have passed on. They are as follows:

Anna Janney DeArmond

Mary Anne Early

Barbara Sinquefield Izard

Leo Lemay

William Markell

C. Roy Rylander

Joy Sparks


b.  Following the tributes a moment of silence was observed


III.                     Announcements: Senate President Cihan Cobanoglu

a.  Faculty senate office has moved to 206 Gore Hall

b.  Next meeting will be 10/5/09 in 104 Gore Hall

c.  Funding requests for cultural and public activities are due on 10/15

d.  Honors day has been moved so recognition of faculty teaching, advising and service awards will be held at the last faculty senate meeting

e.  The residential life program report will be amended to include the word optional and will be voted on in the October meeting

f.   Senator Morgan’s resolution regarding grades is in the undergraduate committee for consideration

g.  The diversity committee has approved and passed to the rules committee the proposal regarding adding religious holidays to the university calendar

h.  John Olson the 1st president of the university senate was introduced and provided comments, regarding the history of the senate and its activities, in celebration of this being the 40th year of the senate      

Past presidents:

Jon Olson 1970-1971

Gordon R. Bonner 1971-1972

F. Loren Smith 1972-1974

Ludwig Mosberg 1974-1975

T.E.D. Braun 1975-1976

John J. Pikulski 1976-1978

Ralph E. Kleinman 1978-1979

F. Loren Smith 1979-1980

Ulrich C. Toensmeyer 1980-1981

Carol E. Hoffecker 1981-1983

David W. Smith 1983-1984

D. Michael Kuhlman 1984-1985

James R. Soles 1985-1986

Raymond Callahan 1986-1987

Ulrich C. Toensmeyer 1987-1988

Frank B. Dilley 1988-1990

Leslie Goldstein 1990-1991

Robert Taggart 1991-1992

Kenneth Lomax 1992-1993

Bonnie Scott 1993-1994

John McGlaughlin 1994-1995

Harrison Hall 1995-1996

Marian Palley1996-1997

Robert Carroll 1997-1998

Michael Keefe 1998-1999

Mark Huddleston 1999-2000

Judy VanName 2000-2001

James Richards 2001-2002

Jay Hildebrandt 2002-2003

Karen Stein 2003-2004

Charles Boncelet 2004-2005

Avron Abraham 2005-2006

Dallas Hoover – 2006-2007

Alan Fox 2007-2008

Amy T. Johnson 2008-2009

Cihan Cobanoglu 2009-2010 Current President

John Madsen 2010-2011 President Elect



IV.                   Remarks: Provost Tom Apple

a.  Provost Apple updated the senate on a number of university activities and presented the senate with several items for senate consideration.



1.    Continue to hire faculty

2.    New Institutes- DENIN, IGS

3.    Increase space available for research and teaching-ISEB

4.    Chrysler Site

5.    Budgeting


Senate Consideration:

1.    Academic Calendar - Weekly calendar: M,Th; T,F; W,S ?

*Better utilization of classrooms

*Friday returns as a class day

*Leaves Wednesday for colloquia and all day activities

*Many faculty prefer two day per week teaching

*Winter session for freshmen in trouble?

*Do over for classes with C or worse

*Prevents 7 week hiatus

2.  Decanal review of curricular changes and P&T – up level of dean oversight


                                                              ii.  The provost has asked the senate P&T committee to review changes to the process to now include a full review of P&T cases by a “council of deans”. A similar request was made for all curricular changes to be review by the “council of deans”

b.  Provost Apple took questions from the audience.

                                                                 i.  A request was made for a list of the names and departments of the new faculty hires              

                                                              ii.  Questions were raised regarding the potential changes to the calendar

                                                           iii.  A member of the senate raised a question regarding the spring 2010 reading day. The provost indicated that reading day for Spring 2010 has been changed such that there will be a reading day prior to final exams and exams will be held on Saturday.

                                                            iv.  For those students with religious conflicts on Saturday will be handled by the individual instructor as is currently the policy.



VI.              Consent Agenda:


VII.           Regular Agenda:


a.      Unfinished Business:


Announcements for Challenge


1.    Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (John Madsen, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) for the request for a name change for Leadership Major and Minor from Leadership to Organizational and Community Leadership (attachment)

2.    A vote was called and the name change was approved.


b.      New Business: None


c.       Resolutions:   None



VIII.        Introduction of New Business:


Such items as may come before the Senate.  (No motion introduced under new business, except a motion to refer to committee, shall be acted upon until the next meeting of the Senate.)


A motion to adjourn was made and approved. The meeting was adjourned at 5:05.