Undergraduate Studies Committee
Meeting of
Present: Sarah Acuff, Michael Arenson, John Courtright, Joseph Di Martile, Louis Hirsh, Amy Johnson, Thomas Leitch, David Marshall, James Morrison, Charles Pavitt.
The meeting was
called to order at
Following a presentation by Professor Susan Hall of the Department and Health and Exercise Sciences, the Committee voted 8-0-0 to approve the proposal to convert all independent studies in HESC/NTDT to Pass/Fail status.
In considering New Business, the Committee began by hearing a presentation by Professor Joel Best of the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice, who explained the background of the proposal for a residency requirement of 15 UD credits in the major in Criminal Justice. After discussion, the Committee approved the proposal 8-0-0 with the recommendation that Sociology and Criminal Justice prepare a stronger rationale for presentation to the Faculty Senate.
The Committee next turned to the challenge list of 30 new and revised courses and courses due for reevaluation for multicultural credit. After a brief discussion of the current status of the multicultural requirement, the Committee voted 8-0-0 to approve all the courses submitted for reevaluation—CNST 319, ECON 385, HESC 484, HIST 103, HIST 104, HIST 135, HIST 137, HIST 138, HIST 270, HIST 300, HIST 336, HIST 368, HIST 369, HIST 370, HIST 371, HIST 372, HIST 390, HIST 430, HIST 477, HIST 479, HIST 630, IFST 202, PHIL 208, SOCI 215, and SOCI 415—but to withhold approving one new course (HIST 392) and three revised courses (CNST 213, HIST 393, SOCI 407) pending Faculty Senate review of the multicultural requirement.
In other actions, the Committee voted by identical 8-0-0 votes to approve a change in name from the Center for American Material Culture to the Center for Material Culture; a new Honors major in Information Systems; proposed changes to the B.S. in Computer Science; proposed changes to the B.A. in Criminal Justice; and a new Criminal Justice concentration in Law and Society.
After tentatively
scheduling its next meeting for
Respectfully submitted,
Thomas Leitch