
Undergraduate Studies Committee

Meeting of January 22, 2004



     Present: John Courtright, Joseph Di Martile, Louis Hirsh, Amy Johnson, Thomas Leitch, David Marshall, Charles Pavitt.


     The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m.. After waiving a reading of the minutes from the last meeting, the Committee devoted the entire meeting to a wide-ranging discussion of the General Education Committee report of October 20, 2003. Topics included whether the Committee would endorse the goals set forth for general education, whether it would endorse the specific programs—LIFE, Pathways, departmental capstone courses for majors, and service-based learning—reviewed by the report, and what status it would recommend for the General Education Committee in the immediate future. Committee members agreed to review available evaluations and other supporting documentation for the specific programs before discussing more specific recommendations.

     The Committee adjourned at 4:00 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Thomas Leitch