University Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies


January 18,  2008


3:00 – 5:00 p.m. – Senate Conference Room




I.                    Old Business:

a.       DLE reviews:  Discussions concerning the following took place at the meeting:

DLE: 30% of the course

3 – Credit requirement

Depth and Complexity

Outside the class room:  Analisys of what the student did in a report or talk. It should reflect culminating experience.

Pass/Fail – The committee’s view is that this should not be the case, however documentation provides evidence that it is.

Disposition:  John will forward the committee anything that is blatantly not a DLE, he has asked that the committee document their findings for future committees.


b.      Answers to questions from previous meetings:

1.      Revision to the admission requirements in Sport Management BS From January 4th meeting (attachment)  (revised rational 1-17-08) -Approved

2.      Medical Scholars – Doug responded to John’s email, but the committee would still like to see the comparison, what the new program is going to look like. Hold until next week.

3.      Request for revision to the BA in International Relations: Delete Russia/Central Europe Area Specialization (attachment) – Approved

4.      Request to add a Theatre Studies Minor (attachment)- Approval came from English – Approved

5.      Legal Studies Item – Hold Beth drafted email response, John will send this week.

6.      Sport Management Item – Approved



II.                 New Business:


a.       Revise major distribution requirements Economics BA/BS Economics Education (attachment) (attachment) - Approved

b.      Revise major Economics BA/BS Economics Education BA (attachment) (attachment) Hold John will send email.   No justification for dropping ECON302.  Why are they dropping it?  Also, 311 is still on the books. 

c.       Revise major concentration Economics BA/BS-Applied Economics (attachment) (attachment)– Hold John will send email. 800 level courses? 822/823

d.      Request to revise Concentration in Strength and Conditioning (attachment) - Approved

e.       Request to revise major Athletic Training (attachment) – Approved

f.        Request to revise major/concentration: modify breadth requirements – remove HESC250 (attachment) – Approved provided they answer John’s questions (463 or 485 Study Abroad, DLE courses.  They must also separate the form into 5 separate actions on 5 different forms.

g.       Request to revise the undergraduate nursing major requirements (attachment)  - Hold 411 & 412 new course 413 What’s preventing them from doing this now?  Why make it a requirement? Are they deleting a course, if so, then they should indicate this.

h.       Request to revise the undergraduate nursing major requirements 2 (attachment) – Hold. Clarifications needed on this one too.

i.         Revision to the IFST BS major: Human Services/ Administration and Family (attachment) – Hold. John will send email 100 level language courses won’t fly. 200 level to count as a breadth group A.

j.        Revision to the major: Early Childhood Education BS (attachment) Hold. John will send email 100 level language courses won’t fly. 200 level to count as a breadth group A.

k.      Revision to the IFST  BS major: Human Services/ Clinical Services (attachment)- Hold. Same alignment as above- 12 credits group D A & S.

l.         Revision to the IFST BS major: Human Services – Clinical Services, and Administration and Family Policies concentrations (attachment) - Approved

m.     Revision to the minor in Musical Studies (attachment) - Approved


III.               Other: Next meeting will be held Friday, January 25th at 1:00 p.m.


IV.              Adjournment: 5:30 p.m.