University Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies


October 18, 2005


8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.  180 S. College Avenue




I.                    Old Business:         

a.       Follow-up on Major/Minor/Concentration – This item was postponed until our next meeting.  Charlie Pavitt will update the committee at the November 1st meeting

b.      Multicultural review:  Partnership for reviews was discussed.  Amy Johnson will pair up with Rivers Singleton.  The others will remain the same as last year.

c.       Freshman Year Experience criteria update:  Lou and John briefly gave the committee an update on the criteria that is being written by the General Education Committee.  The committee should expect to receive them in the near future.  The goal of the UGS Cte. is to have these guidelines ready to present, as an item of information, to the full Senate in the spring.   Provisional passes will be given for this year.


II.                 New Business:

a.       Revision to the BS in Finance – Two of the eight proposals were discussed.  The committee had questions concerning the course number of Comm312.  Should it be 212 as listed in the catalog?  There were also questions concerning Com 255 and 350.  Is Comm 350 for majors only, and does Comm 255 have 1 – 2 sections a year?  The committee requested the following: clarification concerning group B, credit count clarification and support letters from the Chairs of English and Communication.  It was decided to postpone the review of the remaining six proposals and invite Dr. Paul Laux to the next UGS meeting to answer questions and concerns.

b.      Scheduling of the next UGS meeting – The next UGS meeting will be held Tuesday, November 1st  at 8:00 a.m. in room 310 Gore Hall.    


III.               Adjournment:  The meeting adjourned at 9:15a.m.


Respectfully Submitted,


Karren Helsel-Spry