University Faculty Senate Undergraduate Studies Committee


Tuesday, October 6, 2005 


105 Hullihen Hall – 8:00 a.m. –  9:30 a.m.




Members Present:  J. Courtright, J. DiMartile, P. Flynn, L. Hoursh, T. Johnston, D. Marshall, C. Mason, C. Pavitt, K. Helsel-Spry, D. Buttrey, Chair


I.                    Old Business: None


II.                 New Business:

a.   Update from John Courtright on the First Year Experience course guidelines – John explained to the committee that suggested guidelines were to be written by the General Education Committee and passed along to the UGS Committee for their consideration.  He said that the General Education Committee had been working on them, but they were not complete.  After much discussion it was decided that the committee would give the General Education Committee a deadline in order to get the guidelines by the October 15 deadline for course submission.  If the guidelines are not complete it was decided that provisional status may have to be given for an additional year.


b.      Major / Minor / Concentration definitions - This came to be on the agenda because UD has no real guidelines concerning majors, minors and concentrations.  The committee decided that it would be helpful in their review of proposals if a set of guidelines were available. Charles Pavitt distributed two handouts and gave the committee an explanation of both.  After discussion it was decided that Charles would work on them further and bring them back to the next UGS meeting. 


c.       BS/BA definitions – Again UD has not specific definitions and the committee feels it would help the UGS committee in its role of review and making recommendations of academic proposals if this were defined.  It was decided that this would be discussed at the next meeting.


d.      Multicultural Review ( second round of submissions)  - Douglas Buttrey announced group assignments and asked the committee to keep their same review partner as last year, except in cases where new pairings were needed due to changes in committee members.  Karren Helsel-Spry will distribute via email the instruction link to the committee.


III.               Other: 

a.       Committee Charge – Douglas Buttrey distributed the UGS charge and asked the committee to review it and prepare to make recommendations at the next UGS meeting.  The next meeting will be held October 18th in room 180 S. College Avenue at 8:00 a.m.


IV.              Adjournment:  The meeting adjourned at 9:30a.m.



Respectfully Submitted,


Karren Helsel-Spry