University Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies


November 16, 2011


10:00 – 12:00 noon – 207 Willard Hall





I.                   Old Business:      

a.      Review of Admissions Policies here at UD - The Committee voted to use the originally proposed language for bullet 8 that Deni Galileo originally introduced.  Dr. Galileo will revise the document and circulate it to Fred Hofstetter, Chair, and Karren Helsel-Spry of the Faculty Senate.

b.      Review of the “No Saturday Exam” policy – This item has been tabled at this time.


II.                New Business:

a.      UGS 0110 - Revision of the minor in Entrepreneurial Studies (attachment)  (revised attachment) – Approved contingent upon the approval of the challenge list and DLE courses.  This will also be sent to the Breadth Committee for approval of a Breadth Course.

b.      UGS 0111 - Disestablishment of the Southern Delaware Bachelor of Science in Education – Elementary Teacher Education Program (attachment) (attachment) – This proposal did not include the vote of the faculty of the college and department.  Fred Hofstetter will ask for a vote at the College Faculty Meeting this afternoon and report back to the committee at our next meeting.

c.       UGS 0112 – Revise the Middle School Social Studies Concentration within the Elementary Teacher Education (ETE) major (attachment) – This item will be considered at the next UGS meeting.

d.      UGS 0107 – Resolution concerning Drop/Add Policy (attachment) – This item will be considered at the next UGS meeting.

e.      UGS 0113 – Revision to the Economics Minor (attachment) – This item will be considered at the next UGS meeting.


I.                   Other:  Dr. Maggie Andersen announced that today’s meeting would be the last meeting of UGS that she would be attending as her role in the Provost Office was ending.  We applauded Maggie, and her wonderful contributions to the committee, and wished her well in her future endeavors.


II.                Adjournment:  The meeting adjourned at 12:00 noon.