University Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies


Wednesday, September 21, 2011


10:00 – 12:00 noon – Elliott Hall Conference Room






I.                   Old Business:                  


a.                  Reviewing the list of speakers for the ASL open hearing.


b.                  Discussing Lou's ASL files that he sent us and preparing for him a list of our concerns. Working on the rewording of Lou's proposed ASL policy.


c.                   Grades in prerequisite courses.


d.                  Expiration of old grades for undergraduates. [UD already has a policy for graduate students.]


II.        New Business:          


a.   Improving undergraduate advisement – Information provided by Maggie Andersen


b.      0104- Delete Engineering Technology Major as well as two concentrations in Natural Resources Engineering Technology(NRET) and Construction Technology and Technical Management(CTTM)  (attachment) – Approved with revisions to the documents. 


c.   Resolution from the Calendar Ad Hoc Committee (attachment) – Discussions, but no vote until a decision is made concerning an open hearing.



III.             Other:


IV.              Adjournment: