University Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies
Monday, December 2, 2013
12:00 Noon Conference
Room (Second Floor) in Visitors Center
AGENDA and Follow-up
UGS Item13 A - University Breadth Issue Approval process and UGS role. Resolution
approved and sent to CCE. Email
sent to A/As and College C and C Chairs. Requests are coming to Steve
UGS Item13 B - Review of the 2015-2016 Academic Calendar (Jeff) - Approved.
UGS Item13 C - Faculty Handbook 3.1.7 Class Meetings/Size (attachment) Jeff will revise and bring back. Revision approved and sent to CCE and EXEC for comments (11/20)
UGS Item13 D - CAS and University Breadth Lists update from Avron No change at current time.
UGS Item13 E - On line Course Policy update from Steve, Karren this was
discussed at the November Faculty Senate Meeting and returned to UGS with
issues (see my attached notes) Steve will discuss with PCS.
UGS Item13 F Catalogue Edits /
Department Web Links / Curriculum Updates Naomi and Steve
memo revision in progress.
Item13 G Request from Dean Morse (CAS) to
Permanent Status Report update from Steve email sent; response back from
Dean Watson and Dr. Byrne. Approved 1 year extension. Dean Morse and Dr. Byrne notified 11/20; Karren to send
official notification.
UGS Item13 H - (Jeff and Naomi) Naomi will distribute samples of each for our
review. Reviewed draft and Naomi will edit for
final review. Revision
approved, sent to CCE for approval.
UGS Item13 I - First Year Seminars Proposal from Avron forthcoming. Avron presented proposed learning outcomes. He will
discuss with A/A Deans and bring back to UGS.
UGS Item13 J - Discussion concerning UD Policy 8 week deadline to change
to P/F/W or L(Audit) (Morling) no change recommended.
UGS Item13 K - Discussion of motion from senate floor concerning undergraduate
credit for MOOCs not constructed by UD faculty. Karren will send out a copy. No action taken.
UGS Item13 J - Requiring UGS signature on the Credit Transfer Form. No action taken.
Item13 L - Email from Allen Carlsen re NURS/THEA
count as a UD Breadth Course for Nursing Students? Current guidelines prevent
this. No action taken; Steve notified A. Carlsen by email on 11/21.
UGS Item13 M - New Math Placement Exam. Steve will ask rep from
MATH Department to meet with UGS.
UGS Item13 N Changes to CAS Breadth
List Each member should bring
this to the attention of their Dean. Perhaps, a resolution
from UGS expressing concern.
UGS Item13 O Request from CHEG to
change curricula in current catalogue. Email sent to Chuck and
Doug requesting clarification.
UGS 0300-14 - Revise major in Chemical Engineering (attachment)
No action taken. Steve will suggest CHEG discuss
new statistics course with APEC to avoid challenge. The course issue is
resolved by APEC and CHEG. Proposal can be voted
on Jan 15th.
UGS/GRD 0301-15 Request to move the Center for Energy and
Environmental Policy (CEEP) from the College of Engineering to the College of
Arts and Sciences (attachment)
Email sent to Dean Morse and Dr. Byrnes asking
for revised ENEP curricula and approval of it by CAS EAC, 11/22/13. The
resolution has been amended to satisfy our concerns. Proposal can be voted on Jan 15th.
UGS0313-16 Request to revise the French Studies BA major (attachment)
UGS0314-17 Request to revise the Italian Studies BA major (attachment)
UGS0315-18 Request to revise the Russian Studies BA major (attachment)
UGS0316-19 Request to revise the German Studies BA major (attachment)
UGS0317-20 Request to revise the Japanese Studies BA major (attachment)
UGS0318-21 Request to revise the Spanish Studies minor (attachment)
UGS0319-22 Request to add a minor in European Studies (attachment)
Steve is drafting email(s) for Items 16-22.