University Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies


December 10, 2004

105 Hullihen Hall – 4:00 – 5:30 p.m.







Minutes of 12/10 UGSC Meeting

Present: Doug Buttrey, Ted Davis, Lesa Griffiths, Lou Hirsh, Tom Johnston,
David Marshall, Chuck Mason, James Morrison, Jeff Jordan

1. The following dates have been scheduled for Winter Session:

Thursday, 1/6, 3pm.     Tuesday, 1/11, 3pm.

Thursday, 1/13, 3pm.    Thursday, 1/20, 3pm.

Tuesday, 1/25, 3pm.     Tuesday, 2/1,  3pm.

2. The next UGSC meeting is Friday, 12/17, at 9am in Hullihen 105.

3. Disposition of Items of Business:

A. Passed:

1. Revision to Elementary Teacher ED major.

2. Minor in Educational Stds.

B. Passed contingent on specified revisions:

1. Revision to concentration in Engineering
                   Tech., Applied E&C.

2. Revision to the major in Engineering Tech.

3. Revision to concentration in Engineering
                   Tech., CTM.

4. Revision to the major - Entomology.

5. Establishment of Honors BS: Resource Econ.

6. Establishment of Honors BS: F&A Management.

C. Not Passed, seeking clarification:

1. Revision of major in Wildlife Conservation.

2. Establishment of new minor: Nanomaterials S&E.