Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies


December 14, 2006


180 S. College Avenue2:00 – 4:30 p.m.




I.                    Old Business:

a.       Multiculture

b.      Update on tabled items from last week’s meeting


II.                 New Business: 


Dean Tom Apple will join the committee at 2:00 p.m. – Dean Apple and Cindy Shenkle, Assoc. Dean attended the UGS meeting.  Dean Apple indicated that he understood UGS’s position and that he was in agreement with the suggestions of the committee, and made some suggestions of his own.  The committee agreed to write up a memo outlining the new suggestions along with the previous ones and get it out to Arts and Sciences Ed. Affairs Cte.


Curriculum Proposals as follows:


a.       Request to add a minor in Islamic Studies, Political Science (attachment) – Amy will send email (3 courses: University, Department, or group)


b.      Request to add an Islamic Studies minor with Language (attachment) – Amy will email for this one as well


c.       Request to revise the major in Psychology Education (attachment) – Amy will send email asking a few additional questions.


d.      Request to revise the major in Latin American Studies (attachment)Amy will send email concerning number of credits


e.       Request to change the Mathematics requirement in Biological Sciences (attachment) - Approved


f.        Request to add a one-credit course to the History Education Program (attachment) – Approved provided they fix pages 28 and 29 Karren will ask for it


g.       Request to revise the name of a concentration in History (attachment) - Approved


h.       Request to add a major in Linguistics BS in Cognitive Science (attachment)  - Amy will send email, Karren will send to Grad Studies Cte. as well ( 4+1).  


i.        Request to add a major in Quantitative Biology, Math (attachment) – Add this to the December 19th agenda so committee will have more time to review the item and decide if they want to invite Dr. Schleineiger to the following meeting.


j.        Request to revise the BMAS in Music Education: General Choral (attachment) - Approved


k.      Request to add an Honors Track for BA and BM majors: all Concentrations in Applied Music and Music Education (attachment) Approved


l.         Request to revise the Music Education curriculum - addition of Praxis Requirements: Instrumental – Concentration Principal Instrument (attachment) – Approved (Karren will get typo on cover of form corrected)


m.     Request to revise the Music Education curriculum - addition of Praxis Requirements: General Choral – Concentration Piano (attachment) - Approved


n.       Music Management BA Possible combined degree statement (attachment) – Amy will send email, Karren will look for supporting documentation from Business


o.      Request to add a minor in Materials Science and Engineering: Nanoscale Materials Minor (attachment) Karren will ask Joe if courses are on the challenge list and Ismat to clean up document and fix typos  (MSEG 441 and 442)


p.      Request to add a minor in Sustainable Energy Technology (attachment) – Tabled ( Karren will fix format)


q.      Request to revise the major in Early Childhood Education (attachment) - Approved


r.        Request to revise the honors major in Early Childhood Education (attachment) – Approved pending course being on challenge list.  Karren will ask Joe to check this (IFST481)


s.       Request to revise the major in Leadership (attachment) – Approved pending course being on challenge list.  Karren will ask Joe to check this ( LEAD 110)


t.        Request to revise the major and a concentration in Elementary Teacher Education: Middle School English concentration (attachment) – Approved provided they get support from English ( Karren will ask)


u.       Request to add a minor in Entrepreneurial Studies (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) – Invite them to a meeting, Karren fix format of document, Karren ask Joe to check challenge list for ENTR 301, 410 and 411 and ECON 350


v.      Request to delete courses in the catalog for the major and minor in FOSC (attachment) – This document didn’t have the attachment at time of meeting. Put on December 19th agenda


w.     Request to delete courses in the catalog for the major in Animal Science (attachment) – This one didn’t have the attachment at time of meeting. Put on December 19th agenda.


x.       Request to revise the BS in Health Studies: BS in Health Studies for Students with Occupational Therapy interest (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) – Put on December 19th agenda.


y.       Request for Grade Change in Applied Nutrition Majors (attachment) - Approved


z.       Request to revise a concentration in Pediatrics (attachment) - Put on December 19th agenda.


aa.   Request to revise major and concentration: Exercise Science/Exercise Physiology (attachment) - Put on December 19th agenda.


bb.  Request to revise major and concentration: Health Behavior Science/Fitness Management (attachment) - Put on December 19th agenda.


cc.   Request to revise the major in Health and Physical Education (attachment) - Put on December 19th agenda.


dd.  Request to revise the minor in Figure Skating Coaching (attachment) – Approved pending Karren getting total number of credits sent over


II.                 Other:  Multiculture for next week ( December 19th

III.               Adjournment:  5: 30 p.m.