Minutes of Meeting #17     


17 FEB 05



Douglas J. Buttrey      John A. Courtright     

Joseph DiMartile        Amy T. Johnson

Tom Johnston            Charles E. Mason       

James L. Morrison       Jeff Jordan



The AGENDA was revised & adopted.


The MINUTES were approved.



OLD BUSINESS (order changed from original Agenda)


UGSC met with Professor Belinda Orzada and discussed various concerns with two CNST proposals, in particular the elimination of CHEM102.


e. Revision to the existing major in Fashion



f. Revision to the existing major in Apparel Design


UGSC members will be polled via email on:


1. Approval of the proposals as presented.  YEA or NAY.


2. Approval of the proposals, minus the provision to 

   eliminate CHEM102.   YEA or NAY.



a.  New Minor in Sexualities and Gender Studies


Approved for a four year provisional status.  The granting of permanent status will be contingent upon the following conditions being met.


1. The Minor is housed in an academic unit below and that reports to the College of Arts and Sciences


2. 75% of the courses offered in the Minor are cross-listed with regularly-offered courses in existing academic units.


3. 75% of the faculty who teach in the Minor have a terminal degree in disciplines that are relevant to the Minor.


b.  Revision to the Concentration in Agricultural Technology and Education / Agricultural and Natural Resource Education 


Consideration of this proposal will be done via e-mail.


c.  Revision to the Concentration in Agricultural Technology  and Education / Technology Education


Consideration of this proposal will be done via e-mail.


d.  Request to change the name of a major: Family and Community Services to Human Services



1.  Request to revise and change the name of a concentration: Human Services to Clinical Services


2.  Request to revise and change the name of a concentration: Family Research to Administration & Family Policy


Consideration of this proposal will be done via e-mail.





a. Discussion on Variable Topic courses


Variable content courses are eligible for M/C certification, but each variable must be specified, and must pass the “three of five” rule.


b. Revision to existing policy on Academic



Approved.  The language of the policy addition will be fine-tuned by John Courtright & Joe DiMartile, and forwarded to Jeff Jordan.