Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies


January 17, 2006


3:00 – 5:00 p.m.180 S. College Avenue

(Faculty Senate Conference Room)




I.                    Approval of the Minutes:  January 10, 2006  Approved as written


II.                 Old Business:


College of Health Sciences


a.       Revision to the concentration: Biomechanics and Motor Control Concentration (attachment) - Approved unanimously pending approval letter from Math Department.  Karren will ask for the letter


b.      Revision to the majors in Applied  Nutrition, Dietetics and Nutritional Sciences (attachment) – Approved unanimously


c.       Revise Health and Fitness Concentration for nutrition majors (attachment) – Approved unanimously


d.      Revision to the major in Health and Physical Education (attachment) – Approved unanimously


e.       Revision to the major (BSN) in Nursing (attachment) – Approved unanimously provided the proposal originator is informed that course #411 will not count as Multicultural, but 412 will.  Karren will notify the proposal originator.


III.               New Business:


College of Health Sciences


a.       Revision to the concentration Exercise Physiology w/in Exercise Science major (attachment) – What are the Breadth requirements for this? 



College of Engineering


b.      Revision to the chemistry, computer skill, and biology course requirements: BENE Environmental Engineering BS (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) – Tabled  Steven Dentel, Proposal originator will be invited to our January 24th meeting to provide information and answer questions


c.       Revision to the major : Environmental Engineering – create four formal concentrations for BENE degree  (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) – Tabled  Steven Dentel, proposal originator will be invited to our January 24th meeting to provide information and answer questions

1.      Contaminant Transport and Control Processes

2.      Environmental Facilities Design and Construction

3.      Environmental Biotechnology

4.      Water Resources and Water Quality


IV.              Adjournment:  The next meeting was set for next Tuesday, January 24th at 3:00 p.m. in 180 S. College Avenue (Senate Conference Room).  The meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,


Karren Helsel-Spry