University of Delaware Faculty Senate Undergraduate Studies Committee


January 24, 2006


3:00 – 5:00 p.m.180 S. College Avenue

(Faculty Senate Conference Room)





I.                    Old Business:


College of Engineering – Dr. Steven Dentel will join the committee to address questions and concerns for the following two proposals:


a.       Revision to the chemistry, computer skill, and biology course requirements: BENE Environmental Engineering BS (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) – Approved unanimously w/ one abstention


b.      Revision to the major : Environmental Engineering – create four formal concentrations for BENE degree  (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) - Approved unanimously w/ one abstention

1.      Contaminant Transport and Control Processes

2.      Environmental Facilities Design and Construction

3.      Environmental Biotechnology

4.      Water Resources and Water Quality



II.                 New Business:


College of Arts and Sciences


a.       Revision of the BA Degree, FLL major, concentration in Three Languages and Literatures  (attachment) – Tabled, Karren will get a side by side comparison of the old vs. the new program


b.   Revision to the BFA degree in Fine Arts (BFA FA0; all concentrations (attachment) – Tabled Karren will ask the committee to provide a side by side comparison of the old vs. the new program, clarification of the reason why a cross discipline and concentrations can’t be offered together.  Why can’t the student do both and provide an example of the meaning of the “art arena of the future”


c.   Revision to the undergraduate minor in Art and reinstatement of minor (attachment)Tabled, Karren will get a side by side comparison of the old minor vs. the new.  Did they formally disestablish the old minor and is the word “and” a typo next to photography in the first sentence of b.


d.      Revision to the Bachelor of Music concentration in Applied Music – Piano (AMP)  (attachment) Tabled, Karren will ask why they want to do this?


e.       Revision to the Bachelor of Music concentration in Music Theory and Composition (MTC)  (attachment)Tabled, Karren wil ask for the rational for dropping 364


f.        Revision to the BA degree, FLL major, concentration in Spanish Studies (attachment) -  Did not have time to review this proposal, it will appear on the January 31st UGS agenda


g.       Revision to the undergraduate minor in Legal Studies (attachment) - Did not have time to review this proposal, it will appear on the January 31st UGS agenda


h.       Revision to the BA degree in History and BA degree in History Education, including all concentrations  (attachment) - Did not have time to review this proposal, it will appear on the January 31st UGS agenda


i.         Request for a new undergraduate minor in Sexualities and Gender Studies (attachment) (11) – Moved this item to the first item of new business.  Approved unaimously


j.        Revision of the BA degree, Psychology major (attachment) (12) - Did not have time to review this proposal, it will appear on the January 31st UGS agenda


k.      Revision of the BA degree, Psychology Education major (attachment) (13) - Did not have time to review this proposal, it will appear on the January 31st UGS agenda


l.         Request for a new undergraduate degree: BS in Psychology (attachment) (14) - Did not have time to review this proposal, it will appear on the January 31st UGS agenda


m.     Revision to all BA secondary Ed. programs in Arts and Sciences (attachment) (15) - Did not have time to review this proposal, it will appear on the January 31st UGS agenda


n.       Revision to the undergraduate minor in Geography (attachment) (16,17,18) - Did not have time to review this proposal, it will appear on the January 31st UGS agenda


o.      Revision to the BA degree in Geography Education - Did not have time to review this proposal, it will appear on the January 31st UGS agenda


p.      Revision to the BA Honors degrees in Geography and Geography Education - Did not have time to review this proposal, it will appear on the January 31st UGS agenda


q.      Revision to the BS degree , Physics major, concentration in Astronomy/Astrophysics (attachment) (19) - Did not have time to review this proposal, it will appear on the January 31st UGS agenda


r.        Revision to the undergraduate minor in Linguistics Cognitive Science (attachment) (20) - Did not have time to review this proposal, it will appear on the January 31st UGS agenda


s.       Revision to the Linguistics and Cognitive Science undergraduate program description (attachment) (21) - Did not have time to review this proposal, it will appear on the January 31st UGS agenda


t.        Revision to the Linguistics and Cognitive Science undergraduate program description (pre-professional speech pathology and cognitive and linguistic science (attachment) (22) - Did not have time to review this proposal, it will appear on the January 31st UGS agenda


u.       Revision to the Linguistics and Cognitive Science undergraduate program description (to delete information relating to defunct “conference interpretation” program) (attachment) (23) - Did not have time to review this proposal, it will appear on the January 31st UGS agenda





College of Human Services, Education and Public Policy


v.       Revision to the major in Early Childhood Development and Education  (attachment)  (attachment) - Did not have time to review this proposal, it will appear on the January 31st UGS agenda


w.     Add an Associates in Arts in Education degree option for the Southern Delaware Elementary Teacher Education Program  (attachment) - Did not have time to review this proposal, it will appear on the January 31st UGS agenda


x.       Revision to the Educational Studies (EDS) minor (attachment) - Did not have time to review this proposal, it will appear on the January 31st UGS agenda



Respectfully submitted,


Karren Helsel-Spry