University of Delaware Faculty Senate Undergraduate Studies Committee


January 31, 2006


3:00 – 5:00 p.m.180 S. College Avenue

(Faculty Senate Conference Room)





I.                    Old Business: Dr. John Sawyer from the College of Business and Economics joined the committee to explain the proposal to change the core requirements for the BS in Management, Marketing and Operations Management

Dr. Sawyer explained that the students need to be better prepared for oral and written presentations in the business world.  The students will be provided three different presentation opportunities, and the use of oral communication fellows will help train the students along with video lectures.  The trained fellows will offer feedback to the students in an effort to help them with their weaknesses.  Dr. Sawyer believes this will be a positive first-year learning experience and will bridge written and oral communication.  Letters supporting the BUAD110 course were obtained from English and Communication – The concept of written and oral communication was approved pending the approval of the BUAD110 course that is now on the challenge list.  


College of Arts and Sciences


a.   Revision to the BA degree, FLL major, concentration in Spanish Studies (attachment) – Approved w/ 1 abstention provided they submit a cleaned up document so that the changes are crystal clear. 


b.      Revision to the undergraduate minor in Legal Studies (attachment) Approved unanimously


c.       Revision to the BA degree in History and BA degree in History Education, including all concentrations  (attachment) – Approved unanimously


d.      Revision of the BA degree, Psychology major (attachment) (12) – Approved unanimously


e.       Revision of the BA degree, Psychology Education major (attachment) (13) – Approved unanimously


f.        Request for a new undergraduate degree: BS in Psychology (attachment) (14) – Tabled.  Karren will contact Dr. Brian Ackerman and invite him to the February 7th UGS meeting.


g.       Revision to all BA secondary Ed. programs in Arts and Sciences (attachment) (15) – Did not get to this item, it will appear on the February 7th UGS agenda


h.       Revision to the undergraduate major and minor in Geography (attachment) (16,17,18) – Did not get to this item, it will appear on the February 7th UGS agenda


i.         Revision to the BA degree in Geography Education – Did not get to this item, it will appear on the February 7th UGS agenda


j.        Revision to the BA Honors degrees in Geography and Geography Education– Did not get to this item, it will appear on the February 7th UGS agenda


k.      Revision to the BS degree , Physics major, concentration in Astronomy/Astrophysics (attachment) (19) – Did not get to this item, it will appear on the February 7th UGS agenda


l.         Revision to the undergraduate minor in Linguistics Cognitive Science (attachment) (20) – Did not get to this item, it will appear on the February 7th UGS agenda


m.     Revision to the Linguistics and Cognitive Science undergraduate program description (attachment) (21) – Did not get to this item, it will appear on the February 7th UGS agenda


n.       Revision to the Linguistics and Cognitive Science undergraduate program description (pre-professional speech pathology and cognitive and linguistic science (attachment) (22) – Did not get to this item, it will appear on the February 7th UGS agenda


o.      Revision to the Linguistics and Cognitive Science undergraduate program description (to delete information relating to defunct “conference interpretation” program) (attachment) (23) – Did not get to this item, it will appear on the February 7th UGS agenda


College of Human Services, Education and Public Policy


p.      Revision to the major in Early Childhood Development and Education  (attachment)  (attachment) – Did not get to this item, it will appear on the February 7th UGS agenda


q.      Add an Associates in Arts in Education degree option for the Southern Delaware Elementary Teacher Education Program  (attachment) – Did not get to this item, it will appear on the February 7th UGS agenda 


r.        Revision to the Educational Studies (EDS) minor (attachment) – Did not get to this item, it will appear on the February 7th UGS agenda