University Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies
105 Hullihen Hall –
Members Present: D. Buttrey, J. Courtright, J. DiMartile, K. Helsel-Spry, A. Johnson, T. Johnston, J. Jordan (chair), C. Mason, D. Marshall, C. Pavitt
Jeff Jordan called the meeting to order at
I. Old Business:
a. Freshman Year Experience – This item was removed from the agenda.
b. New minor in Sexualities and Gender Studies – The committee reviewed all original documentation submitted to the Faculty Senate Office. After much discussion the committee came to the following disposition:
1. The proposal must be revised to reflect that a program will be established as opposed to being housed in the Dean’s Office as was originally proposed.
2. Add another course to bring the proposal in line with the committee’s request that the proposal meet the 75% faculty with terminal degrees in the area that they will teach
3. Have the Chairperson of English sign off on the proposed film course SXGN301
4. Have the Instructor of Women’s Studies sign off on the proposed WOMS 216 and WOMS327 courses (Robin Andreasen).
c. Major, Minor, and Concentration – Doug Buttrey and Charles Pavitt will edit the current document for approval.
Adjournment: The
meeting adjourned at
Karren Helsel-Spry