University Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies
Members Present: J. Courtright, J. DiMartile, P. Flynn, L. Hirsh, Karren Helsel-Spry, A. Johnson, T. Johnston, C. Mason, C. Pavitt and Doug Buttrey, Chair
Meeting Called to Order: The meeting was called to order at
II. Old Business:
A. Revision to the BS in Finance (8 proposals attachment) – Dr. Paul Laux attended the meeting and explained the changes being made to the Finance proposals. He explained that this was the larges revision to the program in 10 years, and that the APR had prompted these revisions. He told the committee that a task force chaired by Helen Bowers carefully looked into the program and had suggested the changes that were now before the UGS Cte. The UGS Cte. had questions concerning the written and oral communications and were particularly concerned about the reduction of 6 credits in the social sciences. Currently the student must take written AND oral communication and the new proposal will change this to written OR oral communication. The committee was not in favor of dropping important courses because of resources. It was decided that Dean Top Apple, Arts and Sciences would be invited to our next UGS Cte. meeting in order for the committee to inform him of their concerns . It would be left up to the Dean of Arts and Sciences to decide if the Chairperson of Communication should also be invited.
B. Multicultural Review – Dr. Buttrey distributed the printed list of MC courses that need to be recertified. Karren Helsel-Spry will send, to the committee, instructions on how to get to the courses for review and also the five criteria used for the evaluation.
C. Adjournment: Only items A and B of the agenda were
discussed today. The remaining agenda items will be discussed at the next
meeting if possible. The meeting
adjourned at 10:05 a.m.