Excellence in All That We Do
Outstanding scholarship (individual faculty)
- Success in peer-reviewed competitive Federal grant and foundation proposals
- Publication in top (by impact factor and % published) peer-reviewed journals
- Invited talks at prestigious universities and at national conferences
- Citations
- Shows/exhibits at prominent locales, books published by prominent university presses
- Thought leadership (asked to speak to Congress, press in NYT etc)
- Membership on invited review panels
Outstanding scholarship (units)
- Training of high quality PhD students (and post-docs) who are placed in academic positions
- Federal funding per faculty member is high
- Attract high-quality students at graduate and undergraduate level
- Successfully win first-choice highest quality hires
- Large multi-PI grants awarded (such as recent EFRC)
- Units receive high-ranking (NRC, USN&WR)
Academic Rigor
- Challenging and engaging curriculum
o Discovery learning
o Capstones
o Interactive
o Problem-based
o Frequent mandatory student performance (tests, talks, papers)
- Good outcomes measures – VSA criteria, critical thinking etc.
- Intensive writing as scholarship (one course per year?)
- Oral and visual communication skills
- Experiential learning
o Research
o Service Learning
o Study away
o Internships co-ops
- Course GPA’s commensurate with student quality
- Students winning prestigious national awards (Rhodes, Marshall etc.)
- Students accepted into top graduate programs
- Students placed in good jobs