February 2005



Since 2001, a dialogue has been initiated across the campus about the academic progress of the University of Delaware.  The dialogue has involved deans, chairs, faculty, academic professionals, and students and recognizes that the University of Delaware today embodies a much higher standard of academic quality than in the past. It also embodies a much higher level of expectations about the future.


This process has been successful in affirming academic priorities and measures of success for the University of Delaware’s four mission areas: undergraduate education, graduate education, research and scholarship, and public, community and professional service.  The academic priorities adopted in 2003 include five key ingredients for continued academic progress:


·        excellent faculty

·        successful students

·        high quality, affordable programs

·        superior research and service, and

·        outstanding facilities


This statement has been broadly disseminated on campus and can be found at


The statement on academic priorities is a working document that identifies specific action steps needed for improvement and that stipulates achievable and measurable outcomes.  The path to academic progress that is outlined through the proposed action steps is not self-confirming.  As an academic community, the University needs to hold itself accountable for fulfilling the promise of the University of Delaware by evaluating its performance in achieving the measurable outcomes defined by its priorities.  This report to the Faculty Senate is provided as a means of gauging our continuing progress and of identifying areas that require further attention. 




keys to continuing academic progress

v                Excellent Faculty

Attract, retain, and reward faculty who are diverse in background and accomplishments and who excel in teaching, scholarship, and public service.


The UD faculty is larger and more accomplished than ever before, with excellence demonstrated in all academic areas.  Faculty compensation at all ranks has been sustained above the median for doctoral institutions in the mid-Atlantic region.  This, combined with other factors such as higher levels of start-up support, a research semester for junior faculty, and greatly improved facilities, enables UD to consistently hire its first choice to fill faculty positions. The UD faculty includes winners of Guggenheim and Fulbright Fellowships, and NSF Career and Distinguished Service Awards, as well as members of the National Academy of Engineering and the National Academy of Science. 


Over the next five years, the size of UD faculty will remain essentially the same, but there will be substantial turnover.  As those hired in the 1960s and early and mid 1970s retire, the University has the opportunity to fill hundreds of faculty positions. The University will further raise the level of faculty excellence and concentrate on building faculty strength in areas of instructional and research priority. UD can also greatly enhance the diversity of the faculty.  The effectiveness of this process will shape the character and quality of the faculty for the next 30 to 40 years.


To attract the best, UD needs to recruit aggressively and sustain the comparative advantages of the University of Delaware: highly competitive compensation; growing investments in faculty start-up support; mentoring and professional development support  for tenure-track assistant professors; and sustained investment in facilities and core resources, such as the library and instructional and information technologies.


The overall strength of the University of Delaware should enable the institution to be very successful in attracting faculty who match the mold of UD because they see teaching, scholarship, and service as interrelated and mutually reinforcing facets of their contributions rather than as competing demands on their time.  Most faculty hiring will be at the junior level. Senior hires should be made when there is a need for leadership not available among the current members of a department or when added value may be obtained through the addition of an individual who can help refocus and guide programs.


As faculty excellence grows, UD needs to do more to reward and retain the very best faculty.  Perhaps the most profound and long-lasting impact of the Campaign for Delaware will be the increase in the number of endowed professorships from less than 10 to 104.  That investment in faculty excellence will continue through the growth in size of endowments underpinning these new professorships.


The recent review of workload policies has helped to clarify the faculty contributions expected in each department.  In keeping with the increasing quality of the faculty and the higher expectations that quality entails, promotion and tenure criteria also need to be strengthened.  The University of Delaware will expect faculty to demonstrate excellence across all their areas of responsibility – teaching, research, and service.  Increasingly, contributions will be evaluated on the basis of their impacts on student learning, on the creation of new knowledge, and on the improvement of the communities UD serves.



v                Successful Students

Recruit academically talented and diverse undergraduate and graduate students and support their intellectual, cultural, and ethical development as citizens, scholars, and professionals.

UD students are succeeding at higher levels on all academic indicators than ever before.  The typical undergraduate student today has academic qualifications similar to many students who entered the UD Honors Program fifteen years ago.  Undergraduate applications have increased to 22,000 annually, with more non-resident applications than any other public university.  UD students are now more diverse ethnically, racially, and regionally.  UD students succeed above national standards for retention and graduation at highly selective institutions and UD has among the highest retention and graduation rates in the nation for minorities and for athletes.  At the graduate level, full-time enrollment has increased by nearly 70% since 1990.  With a graduate admission rate of 36%, UD ranks among the most selective graduate institutions in the nation, while also providing exceptional access to Delawareans seeking graduate study in education, nursing, public administration, and other fields of particular importance to the state. 


Over the next five years, UD will maintain its current undergraduate enrollment, focusing on continuing improvements in quality rather than increases in size.  With the expected continued improvement in the qualifications of the applicant pool, UD will be able to better “shape” incoming classes.  One result will be that more students will be admitted to programs with the capacity to effectively support their success, and fewer will be admitted outside the major of their choice.  Another result will be that incoming classes will become increasingly diverse – racially, culturally, ethnically, regionally, and intellectually.


While the overall academic qualifications of both resident and non-resident students will continue to improve, UD will need to address notable deficiencies in the college-readiness of some resident applicants.  Over the next few years, UD will work to help more Delawareans become college-ready, and specifically, college-ready for UD.  Beginning with the entering class in fall 2006, UD will increase the minimum number of required high school academic classes, strengthening the requirements in mathematics, history, and science.  UD will also work with the Delaware schools to help them develop the needed classes for college-bound students.  Delawareans who apply but are not college-ready will have the opportunity to make up for academic deficiencies through the new Associate in Arts program or through coordinated options with Delaware Technical and Community College.  


UD’s 3,400 graduate students now represent about 18% of the student body. Over the next five years, graduate enrollment will grow to 4,000. There will be growth in graduate enrollments in programs that serve special needs, such as nursing, early childhood education, and teacher education, and in programs driven by the growth of faculty research and their increasing success in attracting external contracts and grants; biotechnology and the life sciences are good examples.  While a few new programs may be initiated, the focus will be on enhancing the quality of existing graduate programs. 


UD graduate students succeed at very high levels.  At the same time, the time to degree completion and the rates of completion vary significantly among graduate programs.  While some variation is typical at all universities, specific UD programs with low completion rates and long times to degree completion will be expected to make the changes needed to improve these outcomes.  All program faculties will need to systematically evaluate the number of students they can effectively support to degree completion.


At the university level, more investment will be made in graduate student support services and in areas that strengthen graduate student identity as members of the UD community.  One step planned is the development of a new and more visible location for the Office of Graduate Studies that also would provide space for graduate student organizations and programs.


v                High Quality, Affordable Education

Provide broad access to a comprehensive array of educational programs that reflect high academic standards, exemplify best practices in teaching, and encourage discovery-based lifelong learning.

UD’s 125 undergraduate programs and 148 graduate programs meet the highest standards of accreditation in their fields; many are ranked among the best in the nation.  In recognition of the scope and range of its programs, UD is now classified by the Carnegie Foundation as an Extensive Doctoral/Research University, a designation accorded to less than 4% of colleges and universities.  UD has earned national recognition for undergraduate research, study abroad, problem-based learning, instructional technology, and the Honors Program. 


A UD education remains affordable. No student pays the full cost of a UD education and for Delaware students, UD is an unmatched bargain.  Since 1990, undergraduate financial aid has nearly quadrupled, and graduate student funding has more than doubled.  UD is consistently ranked among the best values among all universities.


The University of Delaware now has a distinctive identity as a teaching/research university that provides an undergraduate education that ranks among the finest offered by any university in America, public or private.  Maintaining and enhancing that identity will require that UD faculty sustain their leadership in instructional innovation and improvement and in student mentoring.  It also requires that the signature features of a Delaware education be made increasingly available to every UD student: freshman entry programs such as LIFE; undergraduate research; study abroad; service learning; global and intercultural education; active, discovery-based/problem-based learning methods; expanded writing and oral communications learning opportunities; expanded use of new instructional technologies in teaching and learning; Honors Program options; and senior capstone experiences (internship or other practical field experience, special senior project or thesis).


The continuing success of the University of Delaware depends upon maintaining the clear identity – and thus the comparative advantage – that sets UD apart from most major universities.  While recognition as a research university will continue to grow, the core strength of the University of Delaware is its identity as an outstanding teaching university that puts its students first, that engages its students in the research and service missions of the institution, and that defines the University’s success by the success of its students. 


A UD education must remain affordable. Cost controls combined with increases in financial aid have helped to keep access open to qualified students independent of their economic means.  To keep that distinction and to attract and support more academically talented and diverse students, UD will need to continue to be cost-effective and to increase financial aid.  A parallel situation exists at the graduate level.  Graduate students in most programs are supported as research and teaching assistants.  Recruitment and support of the best graduate students will require that the University maintain competitive stipends and benefits, some of which have been, and will continue to be, generated from the continuing growth of external contracts and grants.


v                Superior Research and Service

Enhance research and service programs that build on our institutional and interdisciplinary strengths and extend our leadership as a state-assisted land-grant, sea-grant, urban-grant, and space-grant university.

Since 1990, funding generated from external contracts and grants has increased from $31 million to $135 million.  UD faculty now attract major national research support, including support for federally funded national centers of excellence.  To an extent matched by few peer institutions, UD fulfills the Kellogg Commission’s model of an “engaged university:” an institution that makes a comprehensive and sustained contribution to the improvement of the communities that it serves. The University of Delaware provides a broader array of continuing public and community services to Delaware than is provided by public universities in larger states.  UD also is Delaware’s largest provider of trained professionals in education, nursing, and other fields, and UD is the state’s largest provider of professional development training.


The success of the University of Delaware in attracting external contracts and grants to support research is expected to continue. Increased emphasis will be placed on the development of multidisciplinary, “centers of excellence.”  UD will need to continue to improve and expand facilities that support research and scholarship and sustain investments in technology and library resources.  


With increasing pressures on federal funding sources, the need to diversify funding bases and partners will increase. The University has already had some success in partnering as is evident with the Center for Composite Materials and the Delaware Biotechnology Institute.  Moving forward, the number of similar opportunities is likely to increase significantly, and it will be even more important to be selective in supporting only those that fit with and reinforce other University priorities and leverage our comparative advantages.  The growth of sponsored programs also requires that UD continues to implement best practices in grants and contract administration and continues to improve policies and procedures that address issues of intellectual property, equity interest ventures, and commercialization of new ideas and procedures.


New research programs will develop primarily in areas where the University has a distinctive opportunity or advantage relative to other universities, or where the University has a notable responsibility to the community.  Prime candidates are interdisciplinary areas that draw upon faculty expertise from many departments and colleges, such as biotechnology, life sciences, environmental sciences, clean energy research, and research on early learning and early experience.


In many respects, the University of Delaware is a model of the engaged university and much more of a public university in its contributions to the State than the level of State support would suggest.  Because UD is the only comprehensive university in the State, it is unlikely that public service expectations will diminish.  As a result, the University of Delaware needs to establish a new partnership with the State that better reflects mutual expectations and resource requirements.


UD’s public service role will grow through partnerships in areas of University priority and responsibility, such as pre-K to 12 education; professional development for business, education, and health professionals; and improvement in agriculture, coastal management, and environmental practices.  In some cases, UD will need to develop innovative models to support the new and expanding partnerships.


v                Outstanding Facilities

Provide the infrastructure and tools required for sustained academic success, including state-of-the-art libraries, technology, classrooms, laboratories, equipment, and residence halls.

Since 1990, over $700 million has been invested in facilities, including the construction of 34 new buildings and the completion of 1,400 renovation/renewal projects.  UD will soon complete the renovation or replacement of all laboratories, classrooms, and residence halls. Beyond these visible improvements, UD is also nationally recognized as a leader in electronic library resources and in instructional technology.  Investments in all of these improvements have been greatly assisted by the success of the Campaign for Delaware, which helped to raise the UD endowment and invested funds to over $1 billion. 


The University of Delaware is in the advantageous position of essentially having replaced deferred maintenance with scheduled maintenance.  Keeping this advantage will require a minimum recurrent 2% annual investment in a physical plant now valued at about $1.4 billion dollars.  Beyond maintenance, continued academic progress will also require continuing improvements in the living-learning environment.


In the years ahead, the students attracted to the University of Delaware will continue to be more academically qualified than their predecessors; they also will have greater expectations about the environment for learning and somewhat different needs in terms of the types and quality of learning resources available.  As UD attracts more of these better students, the institution will need to increase investments in the living-learning environment.  Two current projects reflect this need.  One is the replacement of the entire Pencader complex with new residential facilities that are much better suited to the University’s character and needs.  An even more compelling example is the new Center for the Arts.  Over the last decade, the number of music and theater majors has doubled and the number of music and theater minors has tripled; in addition, a larger number of non-majors are now participating in music-related activities.  This trend is likely to intensify as the University attracts students of increasing academic quality because better students are more often interested in the arts and seek instruction in music or perform in choral or theater groups.  The Center for the Arts is clearly an important investment in the success of the students of the University of Delaware.


Looking ahead, additional investments will be needed in facilities that support the signature features of a UD education.  One such facility is a dedicated undergraduate laboratory building that would extend UD’s capacity to support undergraduate research.  While providing state-of-the-art laboratories designed for instruction in the sciences and engineering, such a facility also would relieve pressure on laboratories in a half dozen current buildings.


A parallel situation exists in regard to the growth of research programs.  The growth of sponsored programs generates the need for expanded modern research space and continuous upgrades in equipment and core research facilities; it also increases the opportunity for spin-off initiatives that require suitable facilities, such as those now available at DBI and the Delaware Technology Park.


Maintaining the quality of library resources and instructional technology requires continued investment.  While greater reliance on improved electronic library resources has improved access and displaced some costs, overall library costs, particularly for journal acquisitions, continue to grow much faster than the rate of inflation.









The narrative below evaluates progress in achieving the academic priorities adopted in 2003. Unless otherwise noted, the baseline for assessment is 2001. Additions or modifications to priorities made after 2003 are noted in green.


1.   Remain the institution of choice in the mid-Atlantic region with continuing improvement in student academic qualifications and diversity.

·        Retain a freshman admissions target of 3,200-3,400, with an admissions profile for 2007 of 23,000 applications, a 40% admit rate, and a yield rate above 35%.

The fall 2004 entering class of 3,456 freshmen was selected from 22,200 applicants.  Overall, offers of admission were made to 42% of non-resident applicants with an overall yield rate of 35%.  

UD is first choice of 60% of non-resident enrollees and 71% of Delaware enrollees.  Entering freshmen have average SATs of 1189 and high school GPAs of 3.5, and are on average in the top 18% of their graduating class.  Half of new students with SATs over 1300 enter outside the Honors Program.

·        Continue to increase both merit-based and need-based financial aid.

Financial aid has increased from $25 million in 1991 to over $98 million in 2004.

The provost office is developing a plan to ensure the optimal use of financial aid over the next 5 years.


·        Help more Delaware high school students prepare for a UD education.

UD admission standards will increase in fall 2006 to require 18 academic units including 4 years of English, 4 years of history/social sciences, 3 years of science, 3 years of mathematics, 2 years of foreign languages, and 2 years college prep/honors/AP/IB electives.


·        Improve the alignment of undergraduate enrollment distribution and instructional resource distribution, particularly faculty distribution.

Initiated annual enrollment planning with deans and admissions office; included enrollment planning in annual budget planning reviews.  Alignment is still incomplete.

Colleges have made enrollment demand a priority in faculty position planning.

The admission office has increased efforts to recruit qualified applicants for under-enrolled majors and programs.


·        Review and revise undeclared student status through improved matching of students and majors on admission, improved early advisement for new students, creation of  “college” majors, and establishment of a university studies option.

A university studies option was created for entering freshmen in 2003.  The newly created university advisement center improved the orientation process for incoming students, helping to match students and majors upon initial enrollment.

A college major exists in CHEP, an undeclared option is available in business and in engineering, and CHNS has established a health education studies major. This is no longer a priority of colleges because of the success of enhanced advisement initiatives.


·        Maintain a freshman retention rate above the national average for highly selective institutions and seek to achieve a 90% rate.

The retention rate for the fall 2003 cohort was 88.6%.  The national retention rate for highly selective universities was 85%.

The retention rate for African American students was 89.2% compared with a national retention rate of 85.1% for highly selective universities. The retention rate for Hispanic students was 84.8% compared with a national retention rate of 84.3% for highly selective universities.

·        Maintain a graduation rate above the national average for highly selective institutions and seek to achieve a 75% five-year rate.

The 5-year graduation rate for the fall 1999 cohort is 74.5%.  The national rate for highly selective universities is 63.2%.  The graduate rates for African American and Hispanic students are far above the national average for highly selective institutions; UD ranks sixth in the nation among all public universities in the graduation rate of African American students. 


·        Increase minority and international enrollment, with retention and graduation rates consistent with university-wide averages.

Diversity has increased with enrollment of African American students increasing to 5.6% in 2004 and Hispanic enrollment increasing to 3.6%.  

The fall 2004 entering class is the most diverse in UD history with more than 500 students of color comprising 15% of the entering class.

An assistant provost for student diversity and success was appointed to work with a new university council focused on strengthening diversity across campus.

Support has been increased for college and university programs that support the success of underrepresented, low income students. UD’s McNair scholars program is the only one of 161 in the nation with a 100% student success rate; UD has provided funding to supplement federal support for this program. 

International undergraduate enrollment remains low at less than 1%.  The Center for International Studies is working with the Office of Admissions to develop a proposal to recruit international students.  The English Language Institute is working with the Admissions Office to improve the processing of international student applications. The Office of the Foreign Student and Scholar Services works with an immigration lawyer to assist students and faculty on technical immigration matters.



2.   Provide undergraduate education that ranks among the finest provided by any public university in America.

·        Fully implement all recommended general education reforms by 2005.

The Faculty Senate (May 2004) and Board of Trustees (November 2004) approved recommendations for campus-wide implementation of general education reforms aligned to the 10 goals for general education adopted by the Faculty Senate in 2001.


·        Expedite entry into LIFE courses and similar opportunities for all students.

A freshmen experience such as LIFE is required for all entering students effective fall 2005; there will be a fourfold increase in the number of LIFE clusters in 2005 to serve 1,800 freshmen. The new Associate in Arts program also has a LIFE cluster built into the curriculum for entering freshmen. 


Some colleges and departments already offer a freshmen seminar or other freshman experience, while others are planning to introduce these options. 


·        Expand the Undergraduate Research program with extended college and program collaborations so that all students have the opportunity to participate.

New collaborations have been facilitated by the Undergraduate Research Program with the Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Engineering, Agriculture, Health and Nursing Sciences, and Marine Studies.  Undergraduate Research Programs now operate at the Delaware Biotechnology Institute, Delaware Water Resources Agency, several other research centers, and through the new UDRF Undergraduate Scholars Program.

Some colleges provide additional funding for students engaged in undergraduate research.

Some university centers provide research opportunities to undergraduates.

To expand the models of undergraduate research and to recognize registration for undergraduate research credit in any field, a new “UNIV” course number sequence has been introduced and approved.

UD is the site for a National Science Foundation-supported Research Experiences for Undergraduate site in bridge engineering.

·        Make a study abroad experience available to every student and expand study abroad options.

In 2002, the University established the Center For International Studies (CFIS) to enhance the international dimensions of teaching, research, and service at the University by encouraging and supporting the active participation of University faculty and students in the process of integrating international and global themes into their individual and collaborative scholarship. 


Since 2001, there have been 80 new faculty directors of 38 new study abroad programs involving 14 formerly unrepresented academic disciplines.  In 2001-2002, 923 students participated in study abroad and by 2003-2004 the number increased to 1,300.  The 2004-2005 number is expected to reach 1,400.   During winter session 2005, about 150 freshmen will participate in study abroad.


Approximately 775 students have been awarded study abroad scholarships during the last three years.  A Unidel grant will double scholarship funding over the next three years, after which the provost office will provide recurrent resources to maintain the increased scholarship level. 



·        Expand programs of international/intercultural education, such as America and the Global Community, The Global Agenda, discovery abroad research, visiting scholars and speakers.  

Since 2002, CFIS has supported visiting scholars from Japan, Australia, Greece, Bulgaria, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Qatar, Mexico, Norway, Italy, Austria, Russia, Costa Rica, Nunavut, and Brazil.


A faculty fellows program has been established through which faculty focus on internationalizing the curriculum. 


The Global Agenda series annually brings to the campus at least seven internationally prominent practitioners in global politics and media.  The University expanded the scope of the Global Agenda program in 2002 by adding major speaker events under the Unidel-supported “America and the Global Community” initiative.  In the future, this initiative will be integrated with the LIFE program to help increase the international awareness of new students.


Undergraduate research exchange programs and service learning abroad programs have been established.   UD international awards and grants are increasing as exemplified by UD hosting the State Department’s Fulbright Institute and the USAID project in Bosnia.


·        Strengthen the University Advisement Center, improve web-based advisement resources, and increase faculty participation in undergraduate student mentoring.

The University Advisement Center has been provided with additional resources to implement a new process for senior checkout of students in the College of Arts and Sciences.  Faculty advisors in eight units are now participating, representing just over 50% of the total Arts and Sciences total checkout workload.   Web-based advisement tools have been enhanced and made more accessible.  An online placement test for entering students has been implemented.  A faculty-led graduate student advisement certificate program has been developed to train graduate students to assist in undergraduate student orientation and advisement.



·        Expand and integrate written and oral communications learning opportunities throughout the curriculum.

A Unidel grant has provided support for new initiatives that will strengthen written and oral communications in ways that correspond to the goals of general education reform.


An expanded oral and written communications center is being planned by the College of Arts and Sciences working with the departments of English and Communications.


Some colleges and departments are providing specialized instruction in written and oral communications.


The Honors Program encourages the inclusion of oral communication components in Honors ENGL 110 sections and colloquia and the writing fellows program has been expanded.


The 2004-2005 instructional grant program targeted oral and written communication as a goal. Four grant proposals from three different colleges were selected for funding in the area of written and oral communication. 


·        Actively promote university-wide service learning programs, and make a service learning opportunity available to all students.

An Office of Service Learning (OSL) was established in fall 2004.  OSL maintains an updated university-wide database of departments and courses incorporating service learning in undergraduate course instruction. Mini-grants are being awarded to faculty to assist with service learning course instruction.  The 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 instructional grant program targeted service learning as a goal.  Study abroad service learning programs are now underway.  A Unidel grant has provided funding for a service learning summer scholars program, starting in 2005. 


Some colleges, departments and centers sponsor service learning programs for undergraduates.


·        Selectively expand support for interdisciplinary study options.

New interdisciplinary programs include new majors jointly offered by the Math and Economics departments and the Computer and Information Sciences and Accounting/Management Information Systems departments, and a new minor in Disabilities Studies. New programs have been supported in Food Science, Food and Resource Economics, Cognitive Science, and Marine Studies.   


The College of Arts and Sciences has made support for interdisciplinary programs one of its priorities for faculty position planning.


The feasibility of creating additional interdisciplinary cross college programs will be explored in such fields as biotechnology and environmental sciences. 


·        Provide a capstone experience for all students that may include internships and other practical field experiences as well as special courses and projects.

Capstone experiences are now recommended by the faculty senate for all departments under approved general education reforms. Capstone experiences exist in pre-professional programs, such as Teacher Education, Nursing and Engineering, and through the Honors Program.  


·        Strengthen the Honors Program; pursue a new model that exemplifies leadership in the development and adoption of best practices for UD undergraduate education and that signals a new partnership between the Honors Program and the contributing Departments.

The transition in the model of the Honors Program has been accomplished. 

In fall 2004, the Honors Program enrolled 440 freshmen with average SATs of 1362, average high school GPAs of 3.94 and high school ranks in the top 5.5%.

Four new honors degrees were established for the 2004-05 academic year.   The establishment of the two year General Honors Award (GHA) and the establishment of the non-thesis honors degree option have been successful.   Since the fall of 2002, approximately 75% of the entering Honors Program classes have earned the GHA.   In 2005, approximately 184 students are slated to earn an enriched degree, which represents 42% of the Honors Program senior class.   


·        Expand Winter Session options and enrollment; better incorporate Winter Session in departmental academic planning.

Since 2003, departments have been given subvention payments and they have offered more winter session courses.  Enrollment in winter session 2004 was over 8,100, a level reached for only the second time in 10 years. 


·        Review and improve the overall design and delivery of the Parallel Program; pursue expanded articulation agreements with Delaware Technical and Community College.

In fall 2004, the Associate in Arts (AA) program replaced the Parallel Program.   In F04, there were 323 first-time AA students, 187 returning parallel students, 13 transfer students, and 2 readmitted students.  In addition to the Associate in Arts program, 11 connected degree options are now in place with Delaware Technical and Community College.


·        Support services that improve employment and professional career opportunities for UD graduates.

A new course UNIV 364: experiential internship is administered and taught by professional staff of the MBNA career services center.



·        Evaluate and strengthen academic programs in Southern Delaware. 

An academic council on Southern Delaware has been established by the provost to improve the coordination and delivery of programs.


3.   Extend national leadership in instructional innovation and improvement.

·        Establish and institutionalize the Office of Undergraduate Studies as the focal point for continuous improvement in undergraduate education.

The Office of Undergraduate Studies was established and consists of nine programs:  Associate in Arts program; Academic Enrichment Center; Center for Teaching Effectiveness; General Education Initiative; Office of Service Learning; McNair Scholars Program; Undergraduate Research Program; University Advisement Center; and the University Honors Program.


·        Extend UD international leadership in active/discovery learning (e.g., PBL). 

The Institute for Transforming Undergraduate Education (ITUE) continues to provide leadership in the use of PBL both at UD and abroad.  The institute sponsors workshops every winter and summer session. In addition, ITUE faculty has presented PBL workshops in Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia, Singapore and other international locations.


·        Extend faculty and student utilization of new instructional technologies; establish WebCT course support sites for most courses by 2007.

The number of UD academic courses using WebCT increased from 218 in 2000-2001 to 1,182 in 2003-2004.


·        Implement continuing outcomes assessment of instructional innovation.

An outcomes assessment program is in development in the office of the provost with the hiring of a newly created outcomes assessment professional position and a faculty director of educational assessment to be appointed. 

Outcomes assessment is well-established in some pre-professional programs such as teacher education and nursing.


·        Extend UD’s leadership roles for programs of undergraduate research, study abroad, and service learning. 

Additional funding has been provided for study abroad and service learning programs and scholarships. A new Office of Service Learning has been established and study abroad and undergraduate research programs have been expanded.

Discovery abroad research expeditions have been established to expand opportunities for faculty to involve undergraduate students in inquiry-based learning in an international setting.  Since 2002, CFIS has supported 19 undergraduate students conducting research in Guatemala, Uganda, Austria, Sri Lanka, Ecuador, Mexico and Panama.


In spring 2004, the University of Delaware hosted an undergraduate research symposium featuring students from the 10 universities that comprise the Colonial Academic Alliance. 


·        Continue to improve facilities that support excellence in undergraduate education, including library renovations to improve access and use, laboratories, classrooms, and performing arts studios that support discovery-based learning.

About $1 million per year has been spent on library improvements since 2001.  For example, the lower level of the Morris Library was renovated and now provides one of the most up-to-date computing sites on campus, a media research room for faculty instructional preparation and multimedia creation capability for students.  The lower level renovation also merged service points to create a new large service area for digital services including digital microform readers and digital copier/scanners.

About $1.5 million per year has been spent on upgrades of instructional laboratories. Classroom improvements continue across campus including special facilities such as two state-of-the-art computer aided classrooms for engineering education.

New and renovated buildings since 2001 include: Art Studio Building, Center for the Arts, Early Learning Center, Brown Lab, DuPont Hall, McKinly Lab, Wolf Hall, Sig Nu/Sig Ep renovation for Foreign Languages and Literatures, and the new hotel.

A new undergraduate laboratory building is planned.



1.   Strengthen graduate programs in areas of demonstrated comparative advantage and areas that address state, regional, and national needs

·        Define explicitly the criteria for success in every graduate program, clarifying the different expectations for research-oriented and professional programs and applying those criteria consistently.

Criteria for success are being established at the college level for each graduate program. 

The Office of Graduate Studies has provided detailed information on graduate student applications, offers and acceptances along with graduation rates, time-to-degree completion, and socio-demographic characteristics of students to assist academic units in establishing benchmarks for success.


·        Review the effectiveness of all graduate programs on a regularly scheduled basis through the Academic Program Review and Accreditation Review processes.

A full schedule of academic program reviews and external accreditation reviews is being implemented.

An average of eight to ten academic units is reviewed annually, selected by the provost and deans.


·        Invest selectively in interdisciplinary graduate programs in areas of demonstrated comparative advantage and community need.

New graduate programs are in development in such fields as Preservation Studies and Disabilities Studies.

The interdisciplinary graduate program in Energy and Environmental Policy was granted permanent status.

New specializations have been added including MBA specializations in museum management, sports management, and a non-thesis marine studies specialization in natural resource management.

UD is the site for the NSF-supported IGERT – Interdisciplinary Graduate Education, Research, and Training in Biotechnology.


·        Explore new graduate program options, including expanded undergraduate/graduate “4 plus 1” options, targeted distance education programs, a 5-year BA/MAT program, coordinated MA/MS-PhD options, and more extensive international collaborations. 

CANR has initiated the integrated training option for students in plant biology which enables students to rotate in laboratories in CMS, at DuPont, and at the Institute for Genome Research.

Some nursing concentrations are being targeted for 4+1 distance options.

UD departments of Biology Sciences and Chemistry and Biochemistry and other science units receive NIH support for interdisciplinary programs of graduate training.

Distance education graduate program options have been expanded in Nursing and HRIM.


2.   Remain an institution of choice for high quality graduate students.

·        Define and meet qualitative and quantitative enrollment targets and student profile objectives for all graduate programs.

Admission, enrollment, and graduation targets are now set for all programs and a planning template has been established that may be updated annually.


·        Sustain a stable university-wide graduate admissions profile with 6,000 annual applications, a 30% admit rate, and a yield rate over 50%. 

For fall 2004, 5,325 applications were received with a 36% admit rate and a yield rate of 59%.


·        Increase the diversity of the graduate student population by implementing program-based plans to enhance diversity.

A graduate council on student diversity and success was appointed.  The council will work with programs to develop and implement diversity plans and receive assistance from a new graduate coordinator position in the graduate office.

A majority of UD graduate students are women, about 25% are international students and about 11% are U.S. minority students.

Some colleges and departments have programs to strengthen diversity and support the success of a more diverse graduate student population.

UD is the site for the NSF ‘Bridges to the Doctorate’ Program.


·        Improve graduation rates, time to degree completion, and job placement of graduates, with specific objectives defined by each program.

A template for regular monitoring and review at the program level has been established and is being used by deans in reviews of departmental performance.

A University dissertation writing awards program has been established to facilitate doctoral student completion. CHEP also provides dissertation writing awards.

Parallel to national rates, less than half of UD doctoral students complete their degrees.  About 75% of master’s students complete their degrees.


3.      Improve University, college, and departmental services that support excellence in graduate education.

·        Maintain national best practices in electronic graduate admissions procedures.

UD remains a national leader in electronic graduate admissions procedures.

·        Improve graduate student recruitment strategies, including web-based recruitment and the identification of feeder schools, for each graduate program.

A new graduate coordinator position was created in the Office of Graduate Studies to strengthen recruitment. Colleges also have invested in strengthening marketing and recruitment.

·        Assist graduate programs in providing improved support for the job placement of graduates.

This responsibility has been taken on by the colleges and graduate programs.

·        Increase graduate stipend rates and floors and then incrementally increase graduate stipends at the same rate as salaries, maintaining graduate stipends at nationally competitive levels.

Minimum graduate stipends increased from $9,000 in 2001 to $12,200 in 2005, with funding provided from the provost’s office for basic budget supported graduate positions.   Graduate stipends will increment annually at least at the level of increases in faculty salaries. 

Most colleges provide additional funds to increase stipends above the minimum level.

The number and value of university competitive graduate student awards has been increased, as has the number of university graduate scholar awards.

Graduate student health benefits have been increased with no additional costs to students.

Graduate student travel awards have been established that enable students to participate in national and international professional meetings.


·        Improve recognition for faculty excellence in graduate supervision and instruction. 

Faculty mentoring and supervision awards have been established for both masters and doctoral advisement.

·        Improve campus-wide coordination of services for graduate students.

Coordination among the Graduate Student Senate, the provost office and graduate coordinators has been improved through regular meetings.

A need remains for a new and visible graduate studies center.



1.   Improve productivity in University’s research and scholarly programs.



·        Continue to increase the level of externally sponsored research, with a target increase of 50% over the FY01 level by 2007.

Sponsored activity increased by 35% from FY2001 to FY2004, reaching $135mm.

Targeted federal funding for UD programs increased to about $18mm in FY2005.

OVPR will offer workshops and expanded services to assist faculty in proposal development and in dealing with appropriate federal and state agencies as well as industry and foundation partners.


·        Improve productivity in departmentally sponsored research; strengthen assessment and support higher levels of performance.  

New workload policies confirm expected outcomes from investment in departmental research.

Departments are expected to benchmark research and scholarly productivity to peer institutions.  This focus must be on quality as well as quantity. 

·        Evaluate and, if necessary, realign currently defined University Research Centers


·        Strengthen start-up and pilot support for scholarship and research in selected areas of priority, such as the international research awards program.

The University spends about $5.5 million each year on faculty start-up support and that amount is increasing.  Faculty in all colleges and disciplines are now eligible for matching start-up support from the Provost’s office.

Colleges provide internal start-up and grants programs and provide matching funds for external awards.

The number of UDRF grants has increased from 13 to 25 through a new matching program with the colleges and the Provost Office.

The University has established a program of international research awards to support international research by UD faculty and enhance opportunities for students, and to serve as seed money for substantive research undertakings that will lead to applications for larger, externally funded support.  Since 2002, faculty members have received awards to support research in Guatemala, China, Morocco, United Kingdom, Japan, Russia, Kazakhstan, New Zealand, France, the Netherlands, and Hong Kong.



2.   Enhance interdisciplinary programs in areas of comparative advantage and state, regional, and national need

Possible examples include the following:

·        Biotechnology and the Life Sciences

·        American Art, African American Art, and Material Culture

·        Information Technology: Science, Technology and Management

·        Early Learning/Early Experience Research

·        Nano-science and Nano-technology

·        Environmental and Marine Sciences and Policy

·        Ocean Observing:  Marine Studies, Engineering, Geography

·        International and Cross-Cultural Research

·        Corporate Governance

·        Clean Energy



Increased investment and notable progress has been made in biotechnology and the life sciences, clean energy research, materials research, environmental and marine research, international and cross-cultural research, and corporate governance.  New initiatives are underway in the field of gerontology and early learning/early experience research, and ocean observing.


3.      Strengthen the support and recognition for excellence in scholarship and research.


·        Increase the number of endowed named professorships to 90 by 2005 and to 100 by 2007.

UD has 104 named professorships funded by endowments totaling nearly $60 million.


·        Fully implement the research/scholarship semester for assistant professors.

The research/scholarship semester is fully implemented.


·        Better recognize and celebrate scholarly achievement through named professor inaugural lectures, University faculty forums, and student research conferences.

All three have been accomplished.


·        Continue to implement national best practices in the area of grants and contracts administration at the University, college, and departmental levels.

UD has invested in new grants software and in professional development training for grants administrators. A new assistant provost for research management was appointed to work through PeopleSoft conversion issues and continue improvement in adoption of best practices.

OVPR will support programs on grants preparation.


·        Improve policy and procedures to address issues of intellectual property, equity interest ventures, and commercialization of new ideas and procedures.

The University of Delaware Technology Corporation (UDTC) was established.  New policies and guidelines on equity interest and intellectual property issues were established.

UDTC and the Delaware Technology Park will help to strengthen the linkage among academic research, the private sector, and commercial adaptations of the products.


·        Sustain UD’s leadership role in the transition to the “electronic” library.

The University of Delaware Library has assumed a leadership role in the development of the electronic library, providing a large array of electronic services and resources including access to over 235 databases and thousands of electronic journals to support the research needs of students, faculty and staff 24/7.  The Library has implemented the development of an Institutional Repository that includes University of Delaware original research in digital form including technical reports, working papers, conference papers and other material, and which will showcase the international prominence of the faculty both individually and collectively to a wider audience.

·        Strengthen the development of the Delaware Biotechnology Institute (DBI) and improve the mutual support between DBI and participating colleges and departments.

Funding and governance have been stabilized and the linkage to colleges and departments has been strengthened with the exception of a still-weak link to Biological Sciences.


·        Create a University Museum to coordinate and expand the development and use of UD art collections and related programs including the Paul Jones Collection, the University Gallery, the Inuit Art Collection, the Museum Studies Program, the Center for American Material Culture, and the Winterthur Program.

This has been accomplished.

Paul R. Jones Collection now housed at newly renovated Mechanical Hall.


·        Better integrate computer and network services into the research and scholarship activities of the University. 

New models of collaboration are being explored. For example, a joint hire has been developed to provide CNS support for ENGR cluster computing needs. More progress is needed.

·        Continue to improve facilities that support increasing research and scholarly productivity, focusing on areas of University-wide priority such as the life sciences, marine sciences, advanced materials science and engineering, and early experience/translational research.

High priority has been placed on funding for research facilities in state budget requests, federal funding requests, and Unidel requests; examples include Wolf Hall and Brown Lab renovations, DuPont Hall, and Smith Lab (Lewes) additions, the new research vessel, the CANR greenhouses, the Carvel Center, a new animal care facility, and the Early Learning Center.

Headed by the Vice Provost for Research, a committee of deans is reviewing how to support infrastructure and services needed for continued productivity in research and scholarship.



1.   Strengthen UD leadership as Delaware’s land-grant, sea-grant, urban-grant, and space-grant institution.

·        Strengthen partnerships in areas of University priority and responsibility such as state and local economic development, pre-K to 16 education, effectiveness of governmental services, delivery of non-profit services, professional development for business, education, and health professionals, and improvement in agricultural and environmental practices.

New or expanded partnerships have been established or are being established in pre-K to 20 education, governmental and non-profit services, health promotion and nursing, business and management, and agricultural practices.  Marine Studies is the coordinating office for the mid-Atlantic coastal ocean observing regional association.


·        Inventory and better coordinate service programs and partnerships on and off campus; improve inter-college collaboration and cooperation in the design and delivery of service programs.

The Academic Council on Service Learning was created and conducted an inventory of UD service programs. Recommendations were made for improvement in campus collaboration and cooperation.


·        Develop new institutional models for service that are responsive to the evolving needs of the constituencies we serve, such as the Early Learning Center, Center for Corporate Governance, new organization for Cooperative Extension, and the Center for Disabilities Studies.

New models are in development through the programs noted.  The Early Learning Center has opened and new space is being renovated for the NCC Cooperative Extension, Early Head Start and the Center for Disabilities Studies. A new professional services center for educators will open in late 2005.  A council on UD programs in southern Delaware has been established.  Cooperative extension programs have been reorganized and revitalized.


2.   Improve the integration of service values in the educational and research missions within and across the colleges.

·        More fully incorporate service learning in undergraduate education; improve the use of service learning as an educational method.

An Office of Service Learning has been created and funded.  A new service learning summer scholars program has been established and funded.

Some colleges, departments and centers provide service learning opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students.


·        Selectively extend life-long learning and distance learning programs in areas of comparative advantage and state, regional, and national need. 

UD on-line has increased enrollments each year since 2001. A financial incentive has been created to enable departments and colleges offering credit and non-credit courses in the evening and through off-campus and distance education to share in the revenue generated.  A new MBA degree program in Bosnia has been initiated in partnership with the University of Sarajevo with funding from USAID.  


·        Increase the number of service-oriented undergraduate and graduate assistantships and internships. 

New service-learning scholarships/assistantships have been created through the Office of Service Learning. Additional support for service-oriented undergraduate and graduate assistantships is being sought from the state.  Some colleges, departments and centers provide service learning assistantships and internships for both undergraduate and graduate students. 


·        Improve the availability and delivery of service-oriented instructional and professional development programs in such areas as education, nursing, human services, business, and agricultural sciences.

A new professional development center for educators will open in 2005.  Funding support for advanced nursing programs has been increased.  The new Carvel Center will improve services to the agricultural communities in southern Delaware.

3.   Enhance the support and recognition for excellence in public, community, and professional service.

·        Establish endowed professorships that recognize excellence in public, community, and professional service and the integration of service with teaching and research.

Some named professorships recognize service, such as the Phelps Director of the College School and the Hammonds Professor of Education.  Some appointments have recognized excellence in service.  However, no endowed professorships have been set up specifically for public service.


·        Establish University Excellence-in-Service Awards.

The Ratledge Award for Public Service was established. The Faculty Senate is creating an award for senate service.  No on-going university-wide award has yet been established.


·        Regularly conduct program reviews of the performance and achievements of service programs. 

A regular schedule of academic program reviews for public service centers has been established; APRs have been completed for the Institute for Public Administration, the Center for Applied Demography and Survey Research and other centers.


·        Continue to improve facilities that support increased service responsibilities.

New and improved facilities for service programs include a new teacher professional development center, the Carvel Center, the Early Learning Center, and newly renovated space planned for NCC Cooperative Extension, Center for Disabilities Studies, and Early Head Start.

[1] Some portions of this report were adapted from the spring 2004 Report of Academic Progress presented to the UD Trustee Committee on Academic Affairs.  Additional assessments were provided by college deans and other senior academic leaders at the end of fall semester, 2004.