Appendix B


Conference Presentations and Publications



Dr. Avron Abraham


Faculty Senate Committee on General Education



Dr. Gabriele Bauer

Teaching Consultant

Center for Teaching Effectiveness



Dr. Karen Bauer

Assistant Director

Institutional Research & Planning / Assessment



Meghan Biery, MA


LIFE Program



Dr. William Frawley


Office of Undergraduate Studies



Dr. Conrado Gempesaw

Vice Provost

Academic Program and Planning



Dr. Harry Shipman


Faculty Senate Committee on General Education






Abraham, Avron and Bauer, Karen, “Update 2003: General Education Initiative”, General Education Institute, University of Delaware, June, 2003.

Bauer, Karen, Bennett, Joan, Shahid, A., and Wood, P, “The Impact of Undergraduate Research on Baccalaureate Students’ Academic and Psychosocial Development: A Longitudinal Study”, Research in Higher Education (manuscript submitted), September, 2003.

Bauer, Karen and Cavanaugh, John, ”Maximizing Learning Through The Use of Technology and Classroom Design”, Society for College & University Planning, Miami, FL, July 2003.

Bauer, Karen, Bauer, Gabriele, and Abraham, Avron, “A Model for General Education and Its Assessment at a Research University”, Peer Review (submitted), July, 2003.

Bauer, Karen and Bauer, Gabriele, “A Comprehensive Plan for General Education Assessment: A Case Study at the University of Delaware”, Association of American Colleges & Universities Conference on General Education, Philadelphia, PA, February 2003.

Bauer, Karen and Bennett, Joan, “Alumni Perceptions on the Value of Undergraduate Research”, Journal of Higher Education, 74 (2), 210-230, 2003.

Bauer, Karen, Bauer, Gabriele, and Revelt, J., “Assessment of Problem-Based Learning”,  International Problem-Based Learning Conference, Baltimore, MD, June 2002.

Bauer, Karen, “Two Major Assessment Efforts Under Way at The University of Delaware”, Assessment Update, 14 (6), 5-7, 2002.

Bauer, Karen, Zydney, Andrew, Bennett, Joan, and Shahid, A., “Faculty Perspectives Regarding the Undergraduate Research in Science and Engineering”, Journal of Engineering Education, 91 (3), 291-297, 2002.

Bauer, Karen, Zydney, Andrew, Bennett, Joan, and Shahid, A., “Impact of Undergraduate Research Experience in Engineering”, Journal of Engineering Education, 91(2), 151-157, 2002.

Biery, Meghan, “Peer Mentors Bring LIFE to the Freshman Year Experience.” Learning Communities: Research Informing Practice, Association of American Colleges & Universities, Phoenix, AZ, April 2003.


Biery, Meghan, “Effective Use of Peer Mentors in Living-Learning Communities.” 7th Annual Conference on Living-Learning Programs, American Association of Higher Education, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, November 2002.


Frawley, William, “Advanced and Emerging Technologies in Instructional Context”, Ubiquitous Computing: The Universal Use of Computers on College Campuses, David G. Brown, ed. Williston, VT: Anker, in press.


Frawley, William, “Motivating Faculty: Five Strategies”, Ubiquitous Computing: The Universal Use of Computers on College Campuses, David G. Brown, ed. Williston, VT: Anker, in press.


Frawley, William, “Competencies in Higher Education: Curriculum, Consequence, Employability, and Institutional Structure”, Competencias Profesionales: Demandas a La

Educación Superior, University of Magellan, Punta Arenas, Chile, May 2003.


Frawley, William, “The Role of Linguistics in Experience- and Competency-Based Undergraduate Education”, Linguistic Society of America, Undergraduate Program, Atlanta, GA, January 2003.


Frawley, William, “Ampliando los límites de la educación: Neuvos estudiantes, nuevo currículo”, Seventh International Seminar on Higher Education, Santiago, Chile, October 2002.


Frawley, William and Bauer, Karen, “General Education Curriculum Revisions and Assessment at a Research University”, Association for Institutional Research Forum, Toronto, Canada, May 2002.


Frawley, William, “Kant Meets Gore-Tex: A More Thoroughgoing Engagement?” 10th American Association of Higher Education Conference on Faculty Roles and Rewards, Phoenix, AZ, January 2002.


Frawley, William, “Advanced and Emerging Instructional Technologies at a Research University”, Educause: Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference, Baltimore, MD, November 2001.


Frawley, William, Baurer, Karen, Moneyhun, Clyde, Liang, Tim, and Dougherty, Tom, “LIFE and Pathways: Assessing Two New Freshman Programs at the University of Delaware”, 8th National Conference on Students in Transition, Oak Brook, IL, October 2001.


Frawley, William, “Making Cultures: Dynamic Learning Communities and the LIFE Program”, About Teaching, 55, Fall, 2000,


Gempesaw, Conrado, “Meeting the Challenges of General Education Reform”, Association of American Colleges & Universities Conference on General Education, Philadelphia, PA, February 2003.


Shipman, Harry L., "Using Problem-Based Learning in Large Classes", International Conference on Problem-Based Learning, Baltimore, MD, June 2002.


Shipman, Harry L., "Using Active, Student-Centered Learning Techniques in

Large Classes", University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA, April 2002.


Shipman, Harry L., “Assessment Techniques to Guide Teaching in Courses with Large Enrollments”, editors E.D. Siebert and W. McIntosh, College Pathways to the Science Education Standards, Washington: National Science Teachers Association, pp. 9-11, 2001.


Shipman, Harry L. and Duch, Barbara, “Problem-Based Learning in Large and Very Large Classes”, editors D. Allen, B. Duch, and S. Groh, The Power of Problem-based Learning: A Practical "How To" For Teaching Undergraduate Courses In Any Discipline, Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing. pp. 149-164, 2001.