-----Original Message-----
From: bakers@UDel.Edu [mailto:bakers@UDel.Edu]
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2012 7:59 PM
To: pmpeter@UDel.Edu; Kniel, Kali
Subject: Re: Fwd: RE: Proposed changes to ANFS


We have not offered NTDT 222 for a few years and it is not in our plan to offer it in the future (it is not a requirement for any of our majors).  We don't have any one-credit nutrition lab courses.  We do have a course BHAN 130 (just getting approved through the inventory process now) that is one credit and will have variable topics including a course taught in our foods lab-Spice Kitchen.  This course is open to all majors.
I hope this helps.

---- Original message ----
>Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2012 16:32:23 -0500
>From: Michael Peterson <pmpeter@UDel.Edu> 
>Subject: Fwd: RE: Proposed changes to ANFS 
>To: Sandra Baker <bakers@UDel.Edu>
>   Sandy,
>   Can you double check and get back with Kali.
>   Thanks,
>   Mike
>   -------- Original Message --------
>   Subject: RE: Proposed changes to ANFS
>      Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 20:47:15 +0000
>      From: Kniel, Kali <kniel@UDel.Edu>
>        To: Michael Peterson <pmpeter@UDel.Edu>
>   Hi Michael,
>   Just to double check with you, I believe the correct
>   course number is NTDT 222.
>   With this correction, could you please let me know
>   if you are ok with these proposed changes. I don't
>   believe this will be a significant number of
>   students, perhaps one or two each year, if that
>   many?
>   Thank you so much,
>   Kali
>   From: Michael Peterson [mailto:pmpeter@UDel.Edu]
>   Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 12:42 PM
>   To: Kniel, Kali
>   Subject: Re: Proposed changes to ANFS
>   Hello Kali,
>   Not a problem at all for NTDT 200, however, we don't
>   have a course with the number NTDT 220.  I had Sandy
>   Baker look through our catalogue and we could not
>   find it on record.   Please contact Sandy if you
>   have questions related to this course (831-0856, and
>   bakers@udel.edu)
>   Michael
>   On 1/23/2012 5:12 PM, Kniel, Kali wrote:
>   Good afternoon Michael,
>   As the undergraduate coordinator for the Department
>   of Animal and Food Sciences I would like to propose
>   some changes to our major in Animal and Food
>   Sciences (ANFS). I don't believe this will effect a
>   lot of students, and will not change our numbers to
>   a significant degree for the NTDT courses, but I
>   need to check with you anyway.  The proposed changes
>   to the Animal and Food Sciences major will allow
>   greater flexibility of this major so that some
>   students interested in Food Science can be an ANFS
>   major to allow some flexibility in their scheduling.
>   One change is that currently the ANFS major does not
>   require NTDT 200 while all of our Food Science major
>   (FOSC) students already take this course. I don't
>   think this will increase the number of students that
>   take this course, just the same number taking it
>   spread over two majors now.  An additional change we
>   would like to make to the ANFS major is to add that
>   NTDT 222 which would be taken by the FOSC students
>   now in the ANFS major and correspond to the
>   laboratory-course for human nutrition. You see the
>   ANFS students take an animal nutrition course, and
>   NTDT 222 will correspond to this.. Again we don't
>   believe this will be additional students, just
>   spread over different majors.
>   Please see the two attachments for additional
>   information or I would be happy to talk to you any
>   time.
>   Thank you for your consideration of this matter.

>   Your time and effort are certainly appreciated.
>   Kali
>   Kalmia E. Kniel, Ph.D.
>   Associate Professor, Microbial Food Safety
>   Assistant Chair, Department of Animal and Food
>   Sciences
>   College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
>   University of Delaware
>   531 S College Ave, 044 Townsend Hall
>   Newark, DE 19716
>   302-831-6513
> --
> Michael Peterson, EdD
> Senior Fellow, Jefferson School of Population Health
> Professor, Chair
> Department of Behavioral Health and Nutrition
> 025 Carpenter Sports Building
> University of Delaware
> Newark, DE 19716
> Email: pmpeter@udel.edu
> Phone: 302-831-1014
>ANFS program change checklist2011.pdf (646k bytes)