Revised 10-27-2011

Academic Program Approval


This form is a routing document for the approval of new and revised academic programs.  Proposing department should complete this form.  For more information, call the Faculty Senate Office at 831-2921.



Submitted by: Kim Yackoski              phone number: 831-2508


Department:   CANR Dean’s Office     email address:


Date:   September 13, 2011


Action:  Delete Engineering Technology Major as well as two concentrations in Natural Resources Engineering Technology(NRET) and Construction Technology and Technical Management(CTTM)


Effective term:  Please see attached (11F-Will not admit any additional majors.  Current students have been notified that they have until September 1, 2016 to complete their degree)

                                                (use format 04F, 05W)


Current degree: BS

                                    (Example:  BA, BACH, BACJ, HBA, EDD, MA, MBA, etc.)


Proposed change leads to the degree of:  N/A

                                                                                             (Example:  BA, BACH, BACJ, HBA, EDD, MA, MBA, etc.)

Proposed name:  N/A

                                            Proposed new name for revised or new major / minor / concentration / academic unit

                                                                                (if applicable)

Revising or Deleting: 


Undergraduate major / Concentration:

1) Engineering Technology BS

2) Engineering Technology with a concentration in Natural Resources Engineering   Technology BS

3) Engineering Technology with a concentration in Construction Technology and Technical Management BS


Undergraduate minor:  Engineering Technology

                                   (Example:  African Studies,  Business Administration,  English, Leadership, etc.)            

Graduate Program Policy statement change: N/A (see graduate form submitted)


Graduate Program of Study:  N/A (see graduate form submitted)



Graduate minor / concentration: N/A (see graduate form submitted)


Note: all graduate studies proposals must include an electronic copy of the Graduate Program Policy Document, highlighting the changes made to the original policy document.


List new courses required for the new or revised curriculum. How do they support the overall program objectives of the major/minor/concentrations)?  N/A

 (Be aware that approval of the curriculum is dependent upon these courses successfully passing through the Course Challenge list. If there are no new courses enter “None”)


Explain, when appropriate, how this new/revised curriculum supports the 10 goals of undergraduate education:




Identify other units affected by the proposed changes:

(Attach permission from the affected units.  If no other unit is affected, enter “None”)




Describe the rationale for the proposed program change(s):

(Explain your reasons for creating, revising, or deleting the curriculum or program.)

Undergraduate enrollments in the Bioresources Engineering department have declined to the point that they do not constitute a critical mass for academic programs (average = 6 new freshmen students/year for 2007-2011) and student quality has become an issue as well (Average SAT for 2007-2011 = 1093).  At the same time, faculty research and teaching interests have become more closely linked with other CANR departments, especially Animal & Food Sciences, and Plant & Soil Sciences, and the M.S. degree program has been unsuccessful at recruiting graduate students (1 student enrolled since the program began).  Consequently, after careful review and consideration of the undergraduate academic program in Engineering Technology, their research and teaching interests and future plans, and the mission of UD and the CANR, the faculty in the Bioresources Engineering Department (BREG) have recommended that the BREG department be disbanded and the Engineering Technology majors be discontinued. Current students would have the option of transferring to another department or finishing their degree in BREG.  Thus, the BREG undergraduate program would end in approximately 4-5 years but no later than September 1, 2016.


On March 18, 2011, the faculty of the BREG Department met and voted 7-1, with one abstention, in favor of disbanding the department and therefore the majors. (see attachment #1)

On April 13, 2011, the CANR Courses and Curriculum Committee unanimously approved the motions to discontinue the majors (see attachment #2)

On April 18, 2011, the voting membership of the CANR recommended that the BREG department be disbanded by a vote of 30 Yes, 7 No, and 5 abstentions. (see attachment #3a and #3b)


Program Requirements: 

(Show the new or revised curriculum as it should appear in the Course Catalog.  If this is a revision, be sure to indicate the changes being made to the current curriculum and include a side-by-side comparison of the credit distribution before and after the proposed change.)




ROUTING AND AUTHORIZATION:        (Please do not remove supporting documentation.)


Department Chairperson                                                                                                        Date                                       


Dean of College                                                                                                                       Date                                       


Chairperson, College Curriculum Committee___________________________________Date_____________________


Chairperson, Senate Com. on UG or GR Studies                                                                   Date                                       


Chairperson, Senate Coordinating Com.                                                                 Date                                       


Secretary, Faculty Senate                                                                                                       Date                                       


Date of Senate Resolution                                                                                                      Date to be Effective               


Registrar                                                                  Program Code                                         Date                                       


Vice Provost for Academic Affairs & International Programs                                               Date                                       


Provost                                                                                                                                   Date                                       


Board of Trustee Notification                                                                                                                Date