These reforms have been fully discussed and deliberated by
the faculty over
the past 2 years. They reflect the expanding faculty and course offerings
at the University and thus make complete sense. I strongly endorse.
From: Shenkle, Cynthia W.
Sent: Friday, November 12, 2010 2:33 PM
To: ''
Cc: Conrad, Catherine M.; Pika, Joseph; Watson, George H.
Subject: FW: curriculum/course change deadlines
Hi Alice,
Thank you. We'll start these on the review process, beginning with Deans
Watson and Pika, copied here (with a request for their review).
Best wishes,
Cynthia Shenkle
Senior Assistant Dean
College of Arts and Sciences
University of Delaware
109 Mitchell Hall
Newark, DE 19716
(ph) 302-831-3020
(fax) 302-831-4358
From: Alice Ba [mailto:aliceba@UDel.Edu]
Sent: Friday, November 12, 2010 2:30 PM
To: Shenkle, Cynthia W.
Subject: RE: curriculum/course change deadlines
Hi Cindi,
Attached are the proposed changes to the Asian Studies major and minor.
Please let me know if I should also route the Senate form to someone else.
I also have emails from contributing departments in support of the changes.
How best should I direct that? Should I just forward them to you?
Please let me know if I have missed anything. I really appreciate your
and patience!
Best wishes,
Alice Ba
From: Shenkle, Cynthia W. []
To: 'Alice Ba'
Subject: RE: curriculum/course change deadlines
changes was formally extended and Ed. Affairs will also accept late
submissions up until 11/15.
I hope this helps!
From: Alice Ba [mailto:aliceba@UDel.Edu]
To: Shenkle, Cynthia W.
Subject: curriculum/course change deadlines
Hi Cindi,
Hope you are well. I was told last week by the chair of another dept that
the deadline for course and curriculum changes has been extended until Nov.
15. Can you confirm?
From: Shenkle, Cynthia W. []
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 2:02 PM
To: 'aliceba@UDel.Edu'
Cc: Conrad, Catherine M.
Subject: RE: 8/30 Academic Orientation classroom assignments
Hi Alice,
The form attached here is the Senate Routing form. It can be submitted to me
or to Cathy Conrad by Oct. 30. We will place the item on the next Ed,
Affairs agenda.
I hope this helps, and you are not being a bother at all. The delay in
information is related to the Course Inventory delay. Hopefully that will be
resolved soon.
Thank you!
From: Alice Ba [mailto:aliceba@UDel.Edu]
To: Shenkle, Cynthia W.
Subject: RE: 8/30 Academic Orientation classroom assignments
Hi Cindi,
Sorry to bother you -- I'm sure you've sent out information on this already.
But I am having a devil of a time figuring deadlines and procedures in terms
of submitting curriculum changes. I've gone to the CAS Ed Affairs site,
well as the university one. I see forms on line form 2004 but no details
about timeline or where I would send changes.
Thanks -- and sorry for the bother!
Alice D. Ba
Director, Asian Studies
Associate Professor,
Dept. of Political Science & International Relations
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716 USA
Phone: 302 831-1937 / Fax: 302 831-4452