Resolution #1:
WHEREAS, the Department Music has
expressed the intent to revise the major Bachelor of Music with a major in
Music Theory and Composition, and
WHEREAS, the study of Music History and Literature is
closely allied with the academic study of Music Theory, and
WHEREAS, the Department of Music has a growing number
of students who have expressed an interest in the study of Music History and
Literature, and
WHEREAS, many of these students have taken advantage of
courses within the department and programs in Undergraduate Research and have
gone on to successful graduate study in Musicology, and
WHEREAS, the study of Music Theory and Music History
and Literature adds an important element of interdisciplinary study in the area
of music, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Faculty Senate approves
provisionally, for five years, the revised majorentitled Music Theory and Music
History within the degree Bachelor of Music, effective September
1, 2011.
Resolution #2:
WHEREAS, the Department Music has
expressed the intent to create a new degree program, Bachelor of Music with a
major in Music Composition, and
WHEREAS, the composition of music is a vital activity
that maintains our musical culture, and
WHEREAS, the study of music composition has previously
been and integral part of the music program within the degree Bachelor of Music
with a major in Music Theory and Composition, and
WHEREAS, the study of Music Composition
represents an endeavor that blends the academic and artistic in ways that
differ in emphasis from the study of Music Theory and Music History and
Literature, and
WHEREAS, the major in Composition has been a highly
successful program, graduating students that have gone on to prestigious
graduate programs and successful careers, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Faculty Senate approves
provisionally, for five years, the establishment of a new major entitled Music
Composition within the degree Bachelor of Music, effective September 1, 2011.
Resolution #3
WHEREAS, the Department Music has
expressed the intent to create a new minor in Music Composition, and
WHEREAS, the composition of music is
a vital activity that maintains our musical culture, and
WHEREAS, the intensive study of
composition is a useful adjunct to all undergraduate degree programs in music,
WHEREAS, a growing number of students
have expressed interest in adding the study of composition to their
undergraduate training, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Faculty Senate approves
provisionally, for five years, the establishment of a new minor, entitled Music
Composition, within the degrees Bachelor of Music, and Bachelor of Arts with a
Major in Music, effective September 1, 2011.