For attachment to Lerner College Proposal for Minor in Entrepreneurial Studies.



-----Original Message-----
From: Gonzalo R. Arce []
Monday, December 04, 2006 11:01 AM
To: Jones, Scott
Subject: RE: Minor in entreprenneurship




The ECE Department endorses the creation of this minor. Yes, please include ELEG 460 as an elective course in the proposed minor.






Gonzalo R. Arce
Charles Black Evans Professor and Chairman
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
312 Evans Hall, University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716       
302 831-1493/ Fax 302 831-4316



From: Jones, Scott []
Monday, December 04, 2006 10:46 AM
To: Gonzalo R. Arce
Subject: Minor in entreprenneurship



The Lerner College is proposing to the faculty senate to offer a minor in entrepreneurship next year.  Your collaboration with the high tech entrepreneurship course over the years has been part of the driving force behind this. 


I want to be able to list the ELEG 460 course as an elective for the new minor, that way a student in your department could use this course to partially fulfill the requirements. 


Would you be able to provide me with an endorsement for the program and permission to list the ELEG course as an approved elective?  I have attached the form we are sending to the faculty senate, it provides background on the proposed minor.



