From: Lynn Worden []
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 6:01 PM
To: rfs@UDel.Edu; Beth Morling
Cc: Karren Helsel-Spry; morling@UDel.Edu
Subject: RE: Changes for the human services major
UCTE met today and voted to approve the revisions in the proposal for the FCS
Ed concentration for the HS major. The ECE major changes that were included in
the revision you received last week were approved at the last UCTE meeting.
Lynn Worden, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Undergraduate Coordinator
Department of Human Development and Family Studies
107 Alison West
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716
Phone: 302-831-1922
Fax: 302-831-8776
From: rfs@UDel.Edu [mailto:rfs@UDel.Edu]
Sent: Mon 3/22/2010 4:46 PM
To: Beth Morling; rfs@UDel.Edu
Cc: Karren Helsel-Spry; morling@UDel.Edu;
Lynn Worden
Subject: RE: Changes for the human services major
I think UCTE voted positively... But I'm copying Lynn Worden because she
was actually at the meeting...
Dr. Ruth Fleury-Steiner
University of Delaware
Department of Human Development & Family Studies
116 Alison West
Newark, DE 19716
---- Original message ----
>Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2010 12:42:53 -0400
>From: Beth Morling <>
>Subject: RE: Changes for the human services major
>To: <rfs@UDel.Edu>
>Cc: Karren Helsel-Spry <karren@UDel.Edu>,
>Hi Ruth,
>Any update on the UCTE suggestions? WE are meeting Tuesday at
>-----Original Message-----
>From: rfs@UDel.Edu
>To: Beth Morling
>Cc: unger@UDel.Edu
>Subject: RE: Changes for the human services major
>Hi Beth,
>One more thing... The UCTE had some suggestions for the concentration
in Family and Consumer Sciences Education. I'll get you the revised
document in the next day or two.
>Dr. Ruth Fleury-Steiner
>University of Delaware
>Department of Human Development & Family Studies
>116 Alison West
>Newark, DE 19716
>---- Original message ----
>>Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2010 10:52:55 -0400
>>From: Beth Morling <>
>>Subject: RE: Changes for the human services major
>>To: <rfs@UDel.Edu>, <morling@UDel.Edu>, <karren@UDel.Edu>
>>Cc: <worden@UDel.Edu>, <unger@UDel.Edu>
>>Ruth, thanks for taking care of all of those changes so quickly!
>>Beth Morling, Ph.D.
>>Associate Professor of Psychology
>>University of Delaware
>>Newark, DE 19716
>>Office hours Spring 2010: Mondays 1-2, Thursdays 2:00 to 3:30
>>Advisement Home Page for Undergraduates:
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: rfs@UDel.Edu
>>Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 10:44 AM
>>To: morling@UDel.Edu; karren@UDel.Edu
>>Cc: worden@UDel.Edu; unger@UDel.Edu
>>Subject: Changes for the human services major
>>Attached are the revised concentrations in Administration and Family
Policy and in Clinical Services within the Human Services major. The
University and Major requirements are now more clearly stated at the beginning.
Also, the total credit counts are included. The revisions do not change
the total required credits.
>>At the end of the AFP concentration there is an e-mail copied from Dr.
Aristigueta, who is the director of the School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy,
giving us permission to add the course as an option. I apologize for not
attaching it to the first draft. UAPP 225 does currently appear as an
existing course in a search of the online catalog.
>>The Honors GPA, etc. in the proposal are the same as the current honors
requirements listed in the catalog - see
>> The proposed change is dropping H
>>Thank you for your assistance. Please let me know if
anything is unclear or if you require additional information.
>>Dr. Ruth Fleury-Steiner
>>Department of Human Development & Family Studies
>>116 Alison West