Academic Program Approval


This form is a routing document for the approval of new and revised academic programs.  Proposing department should complete this form.  A checklist is available to assist in the preparation of a proposal.  For more information, call the Faculty Senate Office at 831-2921.



Submitted by: ____Lynn Worden__________________phone number__831-1922_________


Department:  __Human Development and Family Studies_email


Date:   ____10/25/13________________________


Action:  ___Revise Major ______________________________________________________________________

(Example:  add major/minor/concentration, delete major/minor/concentration,  revise major/minor/concentration,  academic unit name change, request for permanent status, policy change, etc.)


Effective term______14F____________________________________________________________________________

                                                (use format 04F, 05W)


Current degree____BS__________________________________________________________

                                    (Example:  BA, BACH, BACJ, HBA, EDD, MA, MBA, etc.)


Proposed change leads to the degree of: _____BS___________________________________

                                                                                             (Example:  BA, BACH, BACJ, HBA, EDD, MA, MBA, etc.)



Proposed name:____NA_________________________________________________

                                            Proposed new name for revised or new major / minor / concentration / academic unit

                                                                                (if applicable)


Revising or Deleting: 


Undergraduate major / Concentration:___Early Childhood Education_________

                                                                                    (Example:  Applied Music – Instrumental  degree BMAS)


Undergraduate minor:____________________________________________________

                                   (Example:  African Studies,  Business Administration,  English, Leadership, etc.)            


Graduate Program Policy statement change:_________________________________

                                                                  (Must attach  your Graduate Program Policy Statement)


            Graduate Program of Study:______________________________________________

                                 (Example:  Animal Science: MS  Animal Science:  PHD  Economics: MA Economics: PHD)



                Graduate minor / concentration:___________________________________________



Note: all graduate studies proposals must include an electronic copy of the Graduate Program Policy Document, highlighting the changes made to the original policy document.



List new courses required for the new or revised curriculum. How do they support the overall program objectives of the major/minor/concentrations)?

 (Be aware that approval of the curriculum is dependent upon these courses successfully passing through the Course Challenge list. If there are no new courses enter “None”)

To support the new model of student teaching that the State of Delaware is requiring (see the rationale below), the following new courses will be required for the revised Early Childhood Education (ECE) major:

1.      HDFS 441   Advanced Inclusive Curriculum in Early Childhood 1

3 credits

Advanced study and application of child outcomes assessment, using assessment to guide curriculum planning, using technology to support curriculum and teaching of English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies and the arts and social and emotional, fine and gross motor development. Co-requisites: EDUC 400 & HDFS 424

HDFS 442
   Advanced Inclusive Curriculum in Early Childhood 2

3 credits

A continuation of HDFS441. Advanced study and application of child outcomes assessment, using assessment to guide curriculum planning, using technology to support curriculum and teaching of English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies and the arts and social and emotional, fine and gross motor development. Co-requisites: EDUC 400 & HDFS 425


2.      HDFS 424  Professional Development Seminar 1

3 credits

Discussion-oriented and problem-centered seminar with emphasis on the role and contributions of the ECE professional; partnering with families in the development, care, and education of young children; building partnerships among families, agencies, schools, and communities; job search strategies; and professional portfolio development. Co-requisites: EDUC400 & HDFS 441

3.      HDFS 425  Professional Development Seminar 2

3 credits

Continuation of HDFS424. Discussion-oriented and problem-centered seminar with emphasis on the role and contributions of the ECE professional; partnering with families in the development, care, and education of young children; building partnerships among families, agencies, schools, and communities; job search strategies; and professional portfolio development. Co-requisites: EDUC 400 & HDFS 442


HDFS 441 and 442 will provide additional depth in ECE pedagogy and assessment while teacher candidates are in the field (i.e. during their two semesters of student teaching). Program evaluation has shown that, while ECE majors are prepared to teach upon completion of the program, they are relatively weak in their understanding of assessment of student learning and in some areas of curriculum. Requiring two curriculum and assessment courses during student teaching will give ECE majors opportunities to practice pedagogical and assessment techniques and strategies while they are learning about these topics and reflecting on them in classes taken concurrently.


HDFS 424 and 425 will replace HDFS 480 Student Teaching Seminar and HDFS 445 Family, Community and School Partnerships. HDFS 424 and 425 will combine the content from both courses to support ECE majors while they are student teaching. Currently, HDFS 480 is taken during student teaching, while HDFS 445 is taken prior to student teaching. The HDFS faculty believes that student teaching will provide a rich opportunity for ECE students to put into practice, the skills and  knowledge they are acquiring in HDFS 424 and 425. This was difficult to do when HDFS 445 was taken earlier in the program, when ECE majors had fewer opportunities to interact with families. In addition, because the student teachers will need support to process what they are learning and to develop professionally, the current HDFS 480 Student Teaching Seminar course will need to be spread out over the entire student teaching experience (i.e. over two semesters).


Supply support letter from the Library, Dean, and/or Department Chair if needed

(all new majors/minors will need a support letter from the appropriate administrator.)




Supply a resolution for all new majors/programs; name changes of colleges, departments, degrees; transfer of departments from one college to another; creation of new departments; requests for permanent status.  See example of resolutions.




Explain, when appropriate, how this new/revised curriculum supports the 10 goals of undergraduate education:


The changes will strengthen how the major supports the General Education Goal #7: Develop the ability to integrate academic knowledge with experiences that extend the boundaries of the classroom. ECE majors will now have an additional two weeks of full-time student teaching, giving them more classroom experience.


Identify other units affected by the proposed changes:

(Attach permission from the affected units.  If no other unit is affected, enter “None”)


The only units impacted will be Linguistics and Cognitive Science and English, because LING 101 Intro to Linguistics will no longer be required and there will be more choices for English. Letters notifying the Chairs of the changes are attached.



Describe the rationale for the proposed program change(s):

(Explain your reasons for creating, revising, or deleting the curriculum or program.)



Currently ECE student teachers are required to complete two nine-week student teaching placements. These placements are completed consecutively and begin before the fall or spring semester to accommodate the full 18 weeks of student teaching during a single semester. The state of Delaware Department of Education is now requiring that teacher candidates complete 10 weeks of full-time student teaching for each certification endorsement. Because ECE majors are eligible for two certification endorsements (Early Childhood Education and Early Childhood Special Education) upon completion of all requirements in the major, they will thus be required to complete two 10-week student teaching placements. It is not possible to add more time onto the current student teaching experience in one semester. Consequently, our teacher candidates will need to complete one ten-week student teaching placement in the fall of their senior year and one in the spring. These placements would be for six credits each, so the teacher candidates would need to complete at least six more credits while student teaching to be considered full time (see the new courses above).

            The ECE committee has decided to take advantage of the changes required for student teaching to review and make major revisions to the ECE major. The most significant change will be reconceptualizing the senior year to one year-long capstone experience. Teacher candidates will complete a ten-week student teaching placement in the fall and one in the spring, while completing two sets of courses. The first set of courses will be two three-credit courses of Professional Development Seminar (HDFS 424 and 425) covering topics currently discussed in the HDFS 480 Student Teaching seminar and in the HDFS 445 Family, Community and School Partnership courses. The two current courses will be revised and combined to make an integrated seminar that supports the teacher candidates’ professional development and their work with families during the student teaching experience.

            The second set of courses, HDFS 441 and 442 Advanced Inclusive Curriculum in Early Childhood 1 and 2, will also be two three-credit courses that will focus on advanced curriculum development and pedagogy in the disciplines, these upper level courses will also integrate technology and child assessment as part of the teaching and learning process. These courses will be taught across both semesters of the senior year in blocks of time built into student teaching. These two courses would replace HDFS 350 Technology and Assistive Technology in ECE and HDFS 452 Assessment of Children.


In addition to the changes related to the senior year, capstone experience, several other changes will be made to the ECE major.






Program Requirements: 

(Show the new or revised curriculum as it should appear in the Course Catalog.  If this is a revision, be sure to indicate the changes being made to the current curriculum and include a side-by-side comparison of the credit distribution before and after the proposed change.) See example of side by side.








ENGL 110 Critical Reading and Writing                          3

(minimum grade C-)


First Year Experience (FYE)                                           0-4


Discovery Learning Experience (DLE)                             3


Multi-Cultural Course                                                        3


Creative Arts and Humanities                                          3


History and Cultural Change                                            3


Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Technology          3


Social and Behavioral Sciences                                        3

Some university requirements may be met by your major requirements.  See your advisor for a planning guide.


English Literature course (see HDFS department for approved list; this requirement may fulfill University Creative Arts and Humanities requirement)                 3


Second Writing Course (3 credits) chosen from courses satisfying the Arts and Sciences Second Writing Requirement.  This requirement may be fulfilled through a course taken to complete other course requirements.


Creative Arts and Humanities

Or Foreign Language (including: CHIN, FREN, GREK, GRMN, HEBR, ITAL, JAPN, LATN, PORT, RUSS, SPAN, if Creative Arts and Humanities requirement is fulfilled by English Literature course)                                                3


LING101 Introduction to Linguistics I                             3


PSYC100 General Psychology or Sociology                    3


History and Cultural Change                                            6

(3 credits of this requirement fulfills the University History and Cultural Change requirement)


Social and Behavioral Sciences                                      3

(Fulfills University Social and Behavioral Sciences requirement)


BISC105 Human Heredity and Development              3

(fulfills University Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Technology requirement)


Additional Two 4 credit courses from Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Technology w/labs                    8


MATH251 Numbers and Operations for K-8 Teachers

 (C- or better required)                                                     3

MATH252 K=8 Math: Rationals and Probability


MATH253 K-8 Math: Geom., Alg., and Measurement   3

EDUC230 Introduction to Exceptional Children              3

Focused Elective                                                                   3

(See HDFS Department for list of approved courses)

HDFS201 Life Span Development                                      3

HDFS202 Diversity and Families                                        3

HDFS220 Child Development I: Prenatal to Age 3          3

HDFS221 Child Development II: 3-8 years                       3

HDFS222 Inclusive Curriculum: Birth to Grade 2            3

HDFS224 Practicum in Inclusive Curriculum: Birth to Grade 2                                                                                  3

HDFS350 Technology & Assistive Technology in Early Childhood Education                                                           3

HDFS355 Professional Issues in ECDE                              3

HDFS406 Supporting Literacy in Early Childhood Education                                                                              3

HDFS411 Inclusive Curriculum: Birth to Preschool         3


HDFS412 Inclusive Curriculum:

Preschool-Kindergarten                                                      3

HDFS413 Inclusive Curriculum: Kindergarten-GR 2        3

HDFS414 Guidance and Behavior Support: Birth to Grade 2                                                                                  3



HDFS431 Field Experience: Birth to Preschool                1

HDFS432 Field Experience: Preschool-Kindergarten      2

HDFS433 Field Experience: Kindergarten-Grade 2         1

HDFS435 Programs for Children with Exceptionalities  3



HDFS445 Family, School, and Community

Partnerships                                                                         3

HDFS452 Assessment of Children                                     3

HDFS470 Families and Children at Risk                            3

HDFS480 Student Teaching Seminar                                3

EDUC400 Student Teaching                                            12



Prerequisites for EDUC400 Student Teaching: a GPA 

2.50 and a major field index of 2.75 (information on courses designated in major field is available from Department Office) and a minimum grade of C- in all HDFS courses, EDUC230, MUED390.


Praxis Test Requirements

ECE students must complete the following Praxis test requirements:


Praxis I: Passing score on the Praxis I test, all three subtests (reading, passing score- 175; writing, passing score- 173; and mathematics, passing score- 174), prior to enrollment in HDFS412.


Praxis II: Proof of having taken an appropriate academic CONTENT area test (e.g. Praxis II in Elementary Content Knowledge or Fundamental Subject Area Test) or a state-designated academic content











ENGL 110 Critical Reading and Writing                           3

(minimum grade C-)


First Year Experience (FYE)                                             0-4


Discovery Learning Experience (DLE)                               3


Multi-Cultural Course                                                          3


Creative Arts and Humanities                                            3


History and Cultural Change                                              3


Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Technology           3


Social and Behavioral Sciences                                          3

Some university requirements may be met by your

major requirements.  See your advisor for a planning guide.


ENGL 200 or higher                                                             3










Creative Arts and Humanities

Or Foreign Language (including: CHIN, FREN, GREK, GRMN, HEBR, ITAL, JAPN, LATN, PORT, RUSS, SPAN, if Creative Arts and Humanities requirement is fulfilled by English Literature course)                                                3






History and Cultural Change                                             6

(3 credits of this requirement fulfills the University History and Cultural Change requirement)


Social and Behavioral Sciences                                        3

(Fulfills University Social and Behavioral Sciences requirement)


BISC105 Human Heredity and Development              3

(Fulfills University Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Technology requirement)


Additional Two 4 credit courses from Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Technology w/labs                     8


MATH251 Numbers and Operations for K-8 Teachers

 (C- or better required)                                                     3

MATH252 K=8 Math: Rationals and Probability


MATH253 K-8 Math: Geom., Alg., and Measurement   3

EDUC230 Introduction to Exceptional Children            3

Focused Elective                                                                 3

(see HDFS Department for list of approved courses)

HDFS201 Life Span Development                                      3

HDFS202 Diversity and Families                                        3

HDFS220 Child Development I: Prenatal to Age 3          3

HDFS221 Child Development II: 3-8 years                       3

HDFS222 Inclusive Curriculum: Birth to Grade 2            3

HDFS224 Practicum in Inclusive Curriculum: Birth to Grade 2                                                                                  3



HDFS355 Professional Issues in ECDE                                3

HDFS406 Supporting Literacy in Early Childhood Education                                                                               3

HDFS411 Inclusive Curriculum and Assessment: Infants and Toddlers                                                                         3  HDFS412 ECE Math Curriculum and Assessment            3


HDFS413 ECE Science Curriculum and Assessment        3

HDFS414 Guidance and Behavior Support: Birth to Grade 2                                                                                  3

HDFS424 Professional Development Seminar 1             3

HDFS425 Professional Development Seminar 2             3

HDFS431 Field Experience: Infants and Toddlers           1

HDFS432 Field Experience: Preschool-K                           2

HDFS433 Field Experience: K- Grade 2                             1

HDFS435 Programs for Children with Exceptionalities 3

HDFS441 Advanced Inclusive Curriculum 1                    3

HDFS442 Advanced Inclusive Curriculum 2                    3




HDFS470 Families and Children at Risk                           3


EDUC400 Student Teaching                                             6

EDUC400 Student Teaching                                             6


Prerequisites for EDUC400 Student Teaching: a GPA 

2.50 and a major field index of 2.75 (information on courses designated in major field is available from Department Office) and a minimum grade of C- in all HDFS courses, EDUC230, and the Focused Elective.


Praxis Test Requirements

ECE students must complete the following Praxis test requirements:


Praxis I: Passing score on the Praxis I test, all three subtests (reading, passing score- 175; writing, passing score- 173; and mathematics, passing score- 174), prior to enrollment in HDFS412.


Praxis II: Proof of having taken an appropriate academic CONTENT area test (e.g. Praxis II in Elementary Content Knowledge or Fundamental Subject Area Test) or a state-designated academic content







 ROUTING AND AUTHORIZATION:        (Please do not remove supporting documentation.)


Department Chairperson                                                                                                         Date                                        


Dean of College                                                                                                                      Date                                        


Chairperson, College Curriculum Committee___________________________________Date_____________________


Chairperson, Senate Com. on UG or GR Studies                                                                   Date                                        


Chairperson, Senate Coordinating Com.                                                                 Date                                        


Secretary, Faculty Senate                                                                                                        Date                                        


Date of Senate Resolution                                                                                                       Date to be Effective


Registrar                                                                  Program Code                                         Date                                        


Vice Provost for Academic Affairs & International Programs                                                Date                                        


Provost                                                                                                                                    Date                                        


Board of Trustee Notification                                                                                                  Date                                        


Revised 02/09/2009   /khs

Email to the Chair of Linguistics and Cognitive Science:


From: Hall, Susan J.
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2013 10:04 AM
To: Bruening, Benjamin T
Cc: Worden, Lynn J; Hallam, Rena A; Hall, Susan J.
Subject: Curriculum Proposal



 Dear Ben,


I’m writing to you in my role as interim chair of the Department of Human Development and Family Studies. The State of Delaware has mandated an expansion of time spent in student teaching, which necessitates a significant revision of the department’s requirements for the Early Childhood Education (ECE) major. To accommodate the increased number of course credits that now must be allocated to the student teaching experience, Linguistics 101 Introduction to Linguistics I, is among the currently required courses that will no longer be required. Instead, the course will be included among department-recommended options as a focused elective course. We anticipate that some, but not all ECE majors, will continue to take the course. I wanted to let you know this as a courtesy, as it may impact your planning for course scheduling. Please let me know if you have any questions.




Susan J. Hall, Ph.D., FACSM

Deputy Dean, College of Health Sciences

Interim Chair, Department of Human Development and Family Studies

University of Delaware

345 McDowell Hall

Newark, DE 19716

(302) 831-8372 (phone)

(302) 831-3490 (fax)

Emails in support of the change to the English requirement:


From: Miller, George Eric
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2013 12:40 PM
To: Hall, Susan J.
Subject: Change in English requirement


The English Department has no objection to the proposed change in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies’ requirements for the Early Childhood Education major. This substitution means that the current requirements for the major (one English literature course) will be changed to a more general requirement (one English course on the 200-level  or higher).                      


George Miller, Associate Chair



From: Ernest, John Richard
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2013 10:21 AM
To: Hall, Susan J.
Cc: Miller, George (
Subject: RE: Curriculum Change Request


Dear Susan,


I don’t see any problem here, though I’m copying Associate Chair George Miller, who oversees our undergraduate studies program, so that he can give final approval.





From: Hall, Susan J.
Sent: Friday, November 08, 2013 11:39 AM
To: Ernest, John Richard
Cc: Worden, Lynn J
Subject: Curriculum Change Request


Dear John,

I’m writing to you in my role as interim chair of the Department of Human Development and Family Studies. The State of Delaware has mandated an expansion of time spent in student teaching, which necessitates a significant revision of the department’s requirements for the Early Childhood Education major. As part of the program revision, the faculty are recommending the following substitution.


The current requirements for the major include:

English literature course               3


The proposed new requirements include:

English 200 or higher                       3


If you have no objection to this modification, I would appreciate a response indicating that. Thanks very much!


Susan Hall


Susan J. Hall, Ph.D., FACSM

Deputy Dean, College of Health Sciences

Interim Chair, Department of Human Development and Family Studies

University of Delaware

345 McDowell Hall

Newark, DE 19716

(302) 831-8372 (phone)

(302) 831-3490 (fax)