Academic Program Approval


This form is a routing document for the approval of new and revised academic programs.  Proposing department should complete this form.  For more information, call the Faculty Senate Office at 831-2921.



Submitted by: ___Laura Eisenman________phone number____302-831-0532__________


Department:  _____Education____________email address___eisenman@udel.edu______


Date:   _____10/15/10_______________________________________


Action:  ___(1) revise graduate M.Ed. major to incorporate a 4+1 dual certification pathway for students completing a secondary education undergraduate program  and (2) redesignate existing specializations as concentrations__________

(Example:  add major/minor/concentration, delete major/minor/concentration,  revise major/minor/concentration,  academic unit name change, request for permanent status, policy change, etc.)


Effective term__________________11F_________________________________________________________

                                                (use format 04F, 05W)


Current degree_______M.Ed.____________________________________________________

                                    (Example:  BA, BACH, BACJ, HBA, EDD, MA, MBA, etc.)


Proposed change leads to the degree of: _______M.Ed._____________________________

                                                                                             (Example:  BA, BACH, BACJ, HBA, EDD, MA, MBA, etc.)



Proposed name:_________4+1 (dual certification) pathway within M.Ed.______

                                            Proposed new name for revised or new major / minor / concentration / academic unit

                                                                                (if applicable)


Revising or Deleting: 


Undergraduate major / Concentration:_____________N/A_________________

                                                                                    (Example:  Applied Music – Instrumental  degree BMAS)


Undergraduate minor:_________N/A_________________________________

                                   (Example:  African Studies,  Business Administration,  English, Leadership, etc.)            


Graduate Program Policy statement change:___see attached with tracked changes__

                                                                  (Must attach  your Graduate Program Policy Statement)


            Graduate Program of Study:____Exceptional Children & Youth (EEC)_________

                                 (Example:  Animal Science: MS  Animal Science:  PHD  Economics: MA Economics: PHD)



                Graduate minor / concentration:_designate existing specialty areas as concentrations



Note: all graduate studies proposals must include an electronic copy of the Graduate Program Policy Document, highlighting the changes made to the original policy document.




List new courses required for the new or revised curriculum. How do they support the overall program objectives of the major/minor/concentrations)?

 (Be aware that approval of the curriculum is dependent upon these courses successfully passing through the Course Challenge list. If there are no new courses enter “None”)


EDUC 757: Teaching Reading to Adolescents w/ Special Education Needs (3 credits)

(Graduate version of EDUC 417)

This new course is one of four graduate courses taken in the candidates’ senior year. (In the proposed program, students take 12 graduate credits as seniors, which would count toward both the undergraduate and graduate degrees.) This new course provides in-depth knowledge and skills related to reading instruction for adolescents with disabilities. The course expands upon the content that students receive in EDUC 420 Reading in the Content Areas, a 1 credit undergraduate course, currently required of all secondary education undergraduates. The new course addresses the specific knowledge and skills necessary for responding to the needs of high school students with reading disabilities in general education settings. Other EDUC graduate level reading courses do not focus on high school students with disabilities.



Explain, when appropriate, how this new/revised curriculum supports the 10 goals of undergraduate education:




Identify other units affected by the proposed changes:

(Attach permission from the affected units.  If no other unit is affected, enter “None”)


Secondary education programs

(See letter from Joe Pika, Director, Delaware Center for Secondary Teacher Education)



Describe the rationale for the proposed program change(s):

(Explain your reasons for creating, revising, or deleting the curriculum or program.)


New 4+1 Pathway: The purpose of this 4+1 Dual Certification Pathway is to prepare highly qualified, secondary special education teachers to meet the demand within school systems. Federal legislation encourages school systems to hire secondary special educators who are highly qualified in a content area. Currently, the university does not have a program to prepare undergraduate students interested in teaching students with disabilities at the secondary level. This program combines enhanced undergraduate preparation for secondary education teachers with an NCATE approved special education graduate program. An advantage of this program is that students can obtain a masters degree and a second teaching certification (in special education) within one year. Comparatively our M.Ed. programs for returning teachers require two additional years of study


Change designation from specializations to concentrations:  Making this change will permit better tracking of student academic subplans (by specialty and certification path) in UDSIS, which recognizes concentrations, but not specializations. Also, concentrations are noted on graduates’ transcripts, while specializations are not.




Program Requirements: 

(Show the new or revised curriculum as it should appear in the Course Catalog.  If this is a revision, be sure to indicate the changes being made to the current curriculum and include a side-by-side comparison of the credit distribution before and after the proposed change.)


CATALOG DESCRIPTION  with proposed changes tracked.


Major in Exceptional Children and Youth
This program is a unique noncategorical program that provides advanced training for teachers, education consultants, educational diagnosticians, and technology specialists. Eight concentrations, representing different focus areas and certification tracks, are offered in the program as indicated in the table below.  FocusA areas of includespecialization are: (1) Elementary Special Education, (2) Secondary Special Education, (3) Special Education Technology, and (4) Severe Disabilities. Certification tracks include:

The program is comprised of two tracks: (1) the Masters Program (EEC) advanced degree only track for teachers with an initial teaching certificate in special or general education or those not intending to pursue certification, and (2) the Masters Plus Certification Program (MPCP) track for those seeking an initial teaching certificate in addition to the degree, and (3) a dual certification (4+1) program track for secondary education undergraduates seeking an advanced degree and certification in special  education.

Certification Tracks





Focus Areas

Advanced degree only


Masters Plus Certification Program

(M.Ed. plus initial certification)

Dual Certification for Secondary Education Undergraduates

(Bachelor’s plus M.Ed. and second certification)










4+1 SEC

Severe Disabilities /Autism

EEC SD/Autism

MPCP SD/Autism


Special Education Technology




Due dates for receipt of completed applications for the Master’s three tracks Program track are:

·       M.Ed. advanced degree only:  April 1 for admission in the subsequent Fall semester, and November 1 for admission in the subsequent Spring semester.

·       MPCP: Completed applications for the MPCP are due by February 15 for admission the following summer.

·       4+1 dual certification: January 15 of junior year for admission in the subsequent Fall semester.

Requirements for Admission to the M.Ed. in Exceptional Children and Youth

1.                                                      A minimum undergraduate cumulative index of 3.0 from an accredited college or university. ‘4+1’ track applicants must successfully complete EDUC 415 (1 credit) Special Education Practicum prior to their senior year.

2.                                                      A minimum graduate cumulative index of 3.5 (if applicable) from an accredited college or university.

3.                                                      A minimum score of 600 on the TOEFL (paper-based test) or 250 (computer-based test) or 100 (iBT) from applicants whose first language is not English.

4.                                                      Uncertified applicants must submit passing scores on the Praxis I exam consistent with the Delaware Department oOf Education requirements.

5.                                                      Three letters of reference from professors or supervisors who can attest to the applicants academic ability and potential.

6.                                                      A completed program application including a statement of professional objectives that specifies intended focus area and certification track.

7.                                                      A 500 word essay on a special education topic. For more information on this admission requirement please see

Program Requirements for the M.Ed. in Exceptional Children and Youth
Program Requirements for persons who enter the M.Ed. degree only trackprogram with teaching certification in special education include:

1.                                                      Required Core Courses (18 credit hours): EDUC 623; EDUC 679 or 625 or 674; EDUC 680; EDUC 681; EDUC 682; and EDUC 745.

2.                                                      Specialization Focus Area Coursework (15 credit hours): Students will complete 15 credit hours of specialization focus area coursework in one of the following areas: Elementary, Secondary, Special Education Technology, or Severe Disabilities. Specialization Focus area courses are selected jointly by the student and her/his advisor.

3.                                                      Final Paper or Thesis: In addition to coursework, students will pursue either a Final Paper or a Master’s Thesis as a final demonstration of learning.

Persons who enter the program without teaching certification in special educationMPCP track (no prior certification) must meet four additional program requirements in order to be eligible for certification:

1.                                                      Complete background courses in addition to the 33 graduate credits. Depending upon the student’s prior academic program, these courses generally include courses in literacy/reading, mathematics, and education of the exceptional child;

2.                                                      Choose to specialize a focus area ofin either Elementary Special Education, or Secondary Special Education, or Severe Disabilities/Autism [l1] and complete their 15 credits of specialization focus area courses in one of these two three areas;

3.                              Students seeking initial certification must show evidence of having taken a state-designated content area knowledge test (e.g., Praxis II) no later than when they have completed 27 credit hours in the program; and

4.                              Complete the Graduate Teaching Internship (EDUC 750), including related Final Papers[l2] .


Program requirements for the ‘4+1’ track include:

1.      During the Senior year complete 12 graduate credits (EDUC 680, 673, 658, 757) in lieu of 12 undergraduate credits, and complete all remaining undergraduate requirements, including secondary education student teaching in a content area.

2.      During the +1 year complete 15 graduate credits (EDUC 674, EDUC 745, EDUC 682, EDUC 600-level assistive technology, one additional approved 3 credit graduate course)

3.       6 credits of graduate teaching internship (EDUC750)

4.      Complete a non-course Final Paper requirement.


For more information about specific course requirements as well as information about the Final Paper and Masters Thesis, please consult the Program Guidelines on the web at or by calling (302) 831-1165.



CREDIT DISTRIBUTION for new 4+1 (dual certification) track within the M.Ed.






Soph/ Jr

Undergraduate secondary education major requirements


EDUC 415: Practicum in secondary special education (1)



Undergraduate methods course in content area (3)

EDUC 680 Ed Diagnosis (3)

EDUC 673 Transition Issues (3)


*EDUC 658: Discipline & Classroom Mgmt (3)

*EDUC 757: Teach Reading for Adol. w/ SE Needs (3)


Undergraduate student Teaching & seminar in content area (12 cr)


Students graduate with B.A. or B.S. with institutional recommendation for a content-area secondary education teaching certification

Grad (+1)

EDUC 750: Graduate Teaching   Internship (3)              

EDUC 674: Methods in Sec Spec Ed (3)

EDUC 745: Collaboration (3)




One additional approved EDUC grad course taken during the +1 year  (e.g., 681, independent study related to content area)


EDUC 750 Graduate Teaching Internship (3)

EDUC 682 Issues Spec Ed (3)

EDUC 6xx Assistive Tech elective (3)


Non-course degree requirement: M.Ed. Final Paper



Students will graduate with M.Ed. and institutional recommendation for special education certification

*With approval of the program coordinator, these courses may be taken in other semesters as needed to accommodate the student’s undergraduate program requirements.


 ROUTING AND AUTHORIZATION:        (Please do not remove supporting documentation.)


Department Chairperson                                                                                                        Date                                       


Dean of College                                                                                                                       Date                                       


Chairperson, College Curriculum Committee___________________________________Date_____________________


Chairperson, Senate Com. on UG or GR Studies                                                                   Date                                       


Chairperson, Senate Coordinating Com.                                                                 Date                                       


Secretary, Faculty Senate                                                                                                       Date                                       


Date of Senate Resolution                                                                                                      Date to be Effective               


Registrar                                                                  Program Code                                         Date                                       


Vice Provost for Academic Affairs & International Programs                                               Date                                       


Provost                                                                                                                                   Date                                       


Board of Trustee Notification                                                                                                                Date                                       


Revised 02/09/2009   /khs

 [l1]This was inadvertently left out of the catalog, but is part of the previously approved program.

 [l2]This was inadvertently left out of the catalog, but is part of the previously approved program.