On 3/17/10 2:37 PM, "Michael Gamel-McCormick" <mgm@udel.edu> wrote:

With this e-mail, I am communicating my support for the proposed M.A. in Historical Preservation to be housed in the
School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy.  The proposal has been vetted by the full faculty of the School and by the College Graduate Studies Committee.  From a curricular and a resource point of view the proposal is viable and will serve a need in the community, regionally as well as nationally and internationally.  I strongly support the proposal and look forward to its passage in the Faculty Senate.
Michael Gamel-McCormick
SAVE THE DATE: June 4-6, 2010
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Michael Gamel-McCormick, Ph.D.
Dean, College of Education and Public Policy
106 Alison Hall West
University of Delaware
Newark, DE  19716
(302) 831-2394 (voice)
(302) 831-4605 (FAX)
www.cepp.udel.edu (web site)