As the representative body charged to carry out the faculty’s
responsibility for maintaining the excellence of our academic programs, the
Faculty Senate is a vital organ of the University of Delaware. Being invited by
COCAN to run for President of the Faculty Senate is both an honor and a
challenge that I have decided to accept. Over the years I have served the
Faculty Senate in many roles, not only as a Senator, but also as chair of the
Instructional, Computing, and Research Support Services (ICRSS) committee and
Undergraduate Studies (UGS), which I have chaired for the past three years. In
those roles I sat ex officio on the Coordinating Committee, which
provided a broad perspective on the Senate’s activities. I have learned that
one of the most important responsibilities of the President is to be fair and
collaborative while providing all Senators with a level playing field. A
successful President also needs to foster an environment in which more faculty are willing to come forward and serve. By accepting
COCAN’s nomination to run for President, I hereby take a step in that