Whereas,            the Department of Chemical Engineering has grown significantly in the faculty, graduate students, sponsored research in biomolecular engineering in the past decade, and 

Whereas,            the  Department has established a biological sciences requirement for our undergraduate degree, and
Whereas,            the Department has a highly successful biochemical engineering minor, and
Whereas,            the Department has achieved international stature for its biomolecular engineering research, and


Whereas,            the faculty of the Department of Chemical Engineering has overwhelmingly voted to change our name to “Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering”, and


Whereas,            the College of Engineering has voted to support this name change, and


Whereas,            the choice of name reflects the research activities, teaching, and mission of our Department, and


Whereas,            the U.S. Dept. of Education defines CIP Code 14.0702: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering as an appropriate description of the Department’s mission,
Resolved,         that the Faculty Senate recommends that the name, Department of “Chemical Engineering,” be changed to Department of “Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.”