Academic Program Approval
This form is a routing document for the approval of new
and revised academic programs.Proposing department should complete this
form. For more information, call the
Faculty Senate Office at 831-2921.
Submitted by: __Judith W. Herrman, PhD, RN,
ANEF__phone number__831-8380_______
Department: __School of Nursing_____________email address__jherrman@udel.edu__
Date: ___November 17, 2010_________________________________________
Action: Revision of Undergraduate Nursing Curriculum(Traditional)
to accommodate new/deleted nursing courses and to comply with University
Breadth requirements
(Example: add major/minor/concentration, delete
major/minor/concentration, revise
major/minor/concentration, academic unit
name change, request for permanent status, policy change, etc.)
Effective term_________________11F______________________________________________________________________
(use format
04F, 05W)
(Example: BA, BACH, BACJ, HBA, EDD, MA, MBA, etc.)
Proposed change leads to the
degree of: ________BSN______________________
(Example: BA, BACH, BACJ, HBA, EDD, MA, MBA, etc.)
Proposed name:______No change
in name of program________________________
Proposed new
name for revised or new major / minor / concentration / academic unit
Revising or Deleting:
Undergraduate major / Concentration:BSNin
Nursing – Traditional Program.
(Example: Applied Music – Instrumental degree BMAS)
Undergraduate minor:____________________________________________________
(Example: African Studies, Business Administration, English, Leadership, etc.)
Graduate Program Policy statement
attach your Graduate Program Policy
Graduate Program of Study:______________________________________________
(Example: Animal
Science: MS Animal Science: PHD
Economics: MA Economics: PHD)
Graduate minor /
Note: all graduate studies
proposals must include an electronic copy of the Graduate Program Policy
Document, highlighting the changes made to the original policy document.
List new courses required for
the new or revised curriculum. How do they support the overall program
objectives of the major/minor/concentrations)?
(Be aware that approval
of the curriculum is dependent upon these courses successfully passing through
the Course Challenge list. If there are no new courses enter “None”)
Two new courses will be included in the curriculum:
1. NURS 235 is a
three credit course that combines the important content from two 2-credit
courses (NURS 231 and NURS 232) which are proposed for deletion. This revised course prepares practitioners
with a more global perspective and embraces diversity and vulnerabilities
within the context of promoting health.
2. NURS 253 is a
3 credit health assessment course which replaces a 2 credit course (NURS 250) and
offers expanded coverage of health assessment across the lifespan and cultural
aspects of physical assessment.
Explain, when appropriate,
how this new/revised curriculum supports the 10 goals of undergraduate
The new courses and subsequent sophomore year revisions
support the GenEd goals of critical thinking/problem solving, working
independently and collaboratively, exploring diverse ways of thinking in the
sciences, arts, and humanities and developing
an international perspective in order to live and work effectively in an
increasingly global society.
Identify other units affected
by the proposed changes:
(Attach permission from the affected units. If no other unit is affected, enter “None”)
Describe the rationale for
the proposed program change(s):
(Explain your reasons for creating, revising, or deleting the
curriculum or program.)
Thenew/deleted courses and sophomore year revisions
allow for improvement in the current nursing curriculum and impact only the
sophomore year. Currently, the NURS 231
and NURS 232 courses have some duplication of material which is
unnecessary. The new 3 credit course
(NURS235) allows for a single course which will address objectives without
repetition. Replacing two 2-credit
courses with a single 3-credit course conveniently offsets the replacement of
NURS250 (2cr) with NURS 253 (3cr). This new
course on Health Assessment and Examination will allow for a more comprehensive
exploration of health assessment and includes discussion of developmental
concepts and cultural aspects of physical assessment. We have found that 2 credit courses are more
difficult to operationalize than 3 credit courses, offering another rationale
for these changes. Additionally, many
graduate (MSN) nursing programs require 3 credits of health assessment.
The proposed modification of breadth requirements allows the Traditional Nursing (BSN) major to comply with the new University of Delaware breadth requirements approved by the Faculty Senate in Spring 2010.
Program Requirements:
(Show the new or revised curriculum as it should appear in the
Course Catalog. If this is a revision,
be sure to indicate the changes being made to the current curriculum and include a side-by-side comparison of
the credit distribution before and after the proposed change.)
Current |
Proposed |
This course also can be
used in the breadth requirements.
(Foreign language course may be substituted for a Group
A requirement)
student is required to take a minimum of 6 credits and allowed a maximum of 9
credits of NURS 411/NURS 412/NURS 413/NURS414 ELECTIVES After
required courses are completed, sufficient elective credits must be taken to
meet the minimum credits required for the degree. CREDITS
nursing courses are offered once each academic year. Students must complete
selected required lower division courses before enrolling in upper division
nursing courses. Nursing courses must be taken in sequence unless otherwise
course also can be used in the breadth requirements.
These requirements may be fulfilled
by courses required for the nursing major.
These four courses must be chosen from different departments. MAJOR requirements, Psychology PSYC100 (3
cr), and Lifespan Development HDFS201 (3 cr) cannot be used to fulfill
the University breadth Requirement in
the Social and Behavioral Sciences category. MAJOR
student is required to take a minimum of 6 credits and allowed a maximum of 9
credits of NURS 411/NURS 412/NURS 413/NURS414 ELECTIVES After
required courses are completed, sufficient elective credits must be taken to
meet the minimum credits required for the degree. CREDITS
nursing courses are offered once each academic year. Students must complete
selected required lower division courses before enrolling in upper division
nursing courses. Nursing courses must be taken in sequence unless otherwise
specified. |
ROUTING AND AUTHORIZATION: (Please do not remove supporting
Department Chairperson Date
Dean of College Date
Chairperson, College Curriculum
Chairperson, Senate Com. on UG or GR
Studies Date
Chairperson, Senate Coordinating
Com. Date
Secretary, Faculty Senate Date
Date of Senate Resolution Date
to be Effective
Registrar Program
Code Date
Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
& International Programs Date
Provost Date
Board of Trustee Notification Date
02/09/2009 /khs