Revising Handbook Policy on Online Courses
Current Faculty Handbook Policy:
Use of Distance Learning Course Formats
The University of Delaware is committed to the use of distance learning to enhance and
extend undergraduate and graduate instruction. To insure that these formats, including
videotape, online, CD-ROM, and interactive video are used to support rather than replace live instruction in Newark, the following policies will direct their use. Live course instruction must remain the standard with distance learning formats intended as supplemental or optional delivery systems for instruction. The development of courses in distance learning course formats shall be based on sound pedagogical value, not solely on financial expediency. They may not be used to replace faculty, or to change faculty teaching loads, and faculty may not be required to participate in videotaped courses.
Potential areas that revised policy should address:
· Change title to be more comprehensive
· Revise statement that UD is committed to use of technology and the internet to enhance and extend instruction
· Reaffirm that the standard at Newark must be live or in-person courses, but that students also must be taught how to learn via distance formats
· Define what is meant by an “online” course and program
· Provisions for Senate review of online courses or sections (i.e. not done by UD Online staff)
· Stipulate conditions permitting online courses and programs
· Provisions for quality control
· Restrict student enrollment in online courses (e.g. allow only juniors and seniors)
· Reduce credit limits that students may take while on Newark campus
· Stipulate conditions of faculty participation (e.g. type of faculty who may offer online courses, # of online courses/semester/faculty, etc.)
· Address faculty and student engagement in online courses
· Set enrollment limit for online courses
· Set minimum standards of assessment for review of online courses
· Stipulate process for re-evaluation and re-certification of online courses
· Define parameters of third-party involvement in online courses and programs
Revised handbook
policy draft:
Use of Online Technology and Online Course Formats
The University of Delaware is committed to the use of online technology to enhance and extend learning in undergraduate and graduate programs both on and off campus. To ensure that online technology is used to support rather than replace face-to-face instruction, the following policies will direct its use. Face-to-face instruction shall remain the educational standard on the Newark campus, with online techniques and courses serving to enhance learning for students on campus and to extend learning to students at a distance. The development of online courses and programs must be based on sound educational principles and not on financial expediency. Because of potential added educational value brought by incorporating online technology, faculty are encouraged to enhance their courses with online techniques when appropriate.
The University defines ”online” course sections or programs as having 80% or more of their content delivered online, which follows the industry standard definition. “In-person” or “face-to-face” course sections or programs have less than 30% online, and “blended” or “hybrid” course sections or programs have between 30% and 80% online. Online and hybrid course sections and programs shall be reviewed and approved by the Faculty Senate if they have not been approved previously as in-person versions. Additionally, online and hybrid course sections and programs shall be subject to the same periodic review and assessment by academic units (e.g. departments) as are in-person versions.
Online course sections shall not be used to replace faculty or to change faculty teaching loads, and faculty shall not be required to teach online course sections. Online sections preferably will be taught by full-time University faculty to maintain educational quality. Online course sections that are not part of faculty workload shall be limited to one section per faculty member per regular semester.
Student enrollment in an online course section shall not exceed the maximum enrollment of the equivalent in-person section. For online sections that do not have an equivalent in-person section, enrollment shall be set automatically at a maximum of forty (40) students per section. Enrollment that exceeds 40 students will require the approval of the faculty member, the department chair and the dean of the college.
On occasion, it may be desirable to employ entities outside of the university (i.e. third parties) to assist in facilitation of online programs. So that the faculty may fulfill directly their responsibility for the quality and integrity of courses and curricula, the use of third parties shall be restricted to recruitment, retention, and similar activities. They shall not be used for obtaining curricula, teaching, grading, or other educational activities per se.
Revisions for
Enrollment in online course sections for full-time matriculated undergraduate students at the Newark campus shall be restricted to sophomores, juniors, and seniors whose grade point average (GPA) is 2.0 or above. Such students will be limited to enroll in one (1) online course section each fall and spring semester, and proctored exams, if required, must be taken at a UD testing site. There are no University-wide restrictions in summer and winter sessions. Exceptions to these restrictions may be made by the Dean’s office of the student’s “home” college for adequate cause.