From: The Senate Committee on
Diversity and Affirmative Action
Prepared by: Shangyou Scott Zhang, Chairperson, April 12, 2012
To: Executive
Subject: Uniform questions in course evaluation
The UD Diversity and Equity Commission made a recommendation to the
President, in April 2011:
"We recommend adding a question to the faculty evaluation form
asking whether a student feels that their abilities were prejudged
based on their identity and/or background and, if so, how such
alleged prejudgement manifested."
The UD President accepted this recommendation in September, 2011, when meeting the Diversity and Equity Commission. The Diversity and Affirmative Action Committee drafted the following questions, as common questions for possibleUD course evaluation:
1. The instructor showed no prejudice against any student.
A=strongly agree B=agree C=Not applicable D=disagree E=strongly disagree
2. To what extent did the instructor address diversity, both in terms of
teaching content and teaching methods?
A=excellent B=good C=satisfactory D=poor E=very poor
The Committee would recommend
1. forward this proposal to Faculty Senate directly and seek its approval;
2. or forward this proposal to the General Education Committee, and
charge the Committee to form a set of 5 or so common questions for
UD course evaluation.