Resolution Defining
Eligibility for Faculty Senate Officers and Committee Chairs
Whereas, the Faculty Senate functions as the
standing executive committee of the Faculty of the University of Delaware and,
as such, exercises the powers vested in the Faculty by the Board of Trustees,
Whereas, Senate Officers (President, President
Elect, Past President, Vice President, Secretary, Parliamentarian, and Chair of
Committee on Committees and Nominations) comprise the Senate Executive
Committee, which is charged with many important Senate duties including
consideration of agenda items for Senate meetings, and
Whereas, Senate
committee Chairs also perform leadership roles in conducting Senate business,
Whereas, Senate
Officers and committee Chairs now can be elected or appointed from all
full-time voting Faculty of the University, and
Whereas, the
University exists, in part, to foster the free exchange of ideas and, thus,
this should be manifest in Senate discussions and committee meetings, and
Whereas, University
administrators are represented adequately in the Senate as non-elected Senators
and members of multiple Senate committees, and
Whereas, a Senate
Officer or committee Chair would have potential conflicts of interest if he or
she also held an administrative appointment at the University, be it therefore
Resolved, that eligibility for nomination, appointment, or service as Senate Officers or committee Chairs shall be restricted to full-time voting Faculty who are not appointed to serve in an official capacity for the Offices of the President, the Provost, any Vice President, or the Dean of any College, including but not limited to administrative officers of the University (including deputy, associate, assistant and vice provosts), academic deans (including deputy, associate and assistant deans), and department chairs or academic program directors (as defined in the Policy Guide for Department Chairs and Academic Program Directors). Faculty who serve in a temporary capacity for an administrative office as a member of a search committee, standing committee, or ad hoc committee shall not be deemed ineligible because of this service.
This resolution stipulates eligibility requirements and restrictions for Officers of the Faculty Senate and committee Chairs.
Necessary Changes
for Resolution Defining Eligibility for Senate Officers
Changes to Bylaws and Bylaws Section of the Faculty
Added text is underlined.
Section 1: Organization of the Faculty
XI. Eligibility and Election of Officers and Committee Chairs of the Senate
for nomination, appointment, or service as Senate Officers or committee Chairs
shall be restricted to full-time voting Faculty who are not appointed to serve
in an official capacity for the Offices of the President, the Provost, any Vice
President, or the Dean of any College, including but not limited to
administrative officers of the University (including deputy, associate,
assistant and vice provosts), academic deans (including deputy, associate and
assistant deans), and department chairs or academic program directors (as
defined in the Policy Guide for
Department Chairs and Academic Program Directors). Faculty who serve in a temporary capacity for
an administrative office as a member of a search committee, standing committee,
or ad hoc committee shall not be
deemed ineligible because of this service.
In accord with Section IV, Article
7, of the Constitution, the Committee on Committees and Nominations, whose
composition and charge are prescribed under the Standing Committee document,
shall provide for the Senate a slate of nominees at the May meeting. The slate
shall have at least two eligible candidates for each office or position.
Nominations to the slate from the floor are permitted. In the event that there
are three or more nominees to an office, and if in the balloting no individual
receives a majority, the subsequent ballot will be between the two nominees
receiving the highest plurality.
(Rev. Fall 1988)